MECHANICAL ENGINEERING & MATERIALS SCIENCE 606 Benedum Hall | 3700 O’Hara Street | Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Assistant Professor Director, Physical Metallurgy and Materials Design (PMMD) Laboratory
P: 412-383-8092 F: 412-624-4846
Biography Wei Xiong is the director of the Physical Metallurgy and Materials Design Laboratory at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Xiong got his PhD degree (Alloy Thermodynamics and Physical Metallurgy) from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. After his PhD research program, he stayed one year at the University of Wisconsin – Madison (2012-2013) before joining Northwestern University as a research associate for alloy design research (2013-2016). Using the CALPHAD-based ICME methods, Dr. Xiong works in materials design and process optimization, which covers a wide range of inorganic materials, and focuses on new materials/processing design and phase transformations. Xiong serves as an associate editor of journal: Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (impact factor: 4.787, Year 2018). Since joined Pitt in Sept 2016, Dr. Xiong has been funded by NASA, ONR, DOE-NEUP, DOE-NETL, STTR and NSF performing research on additive manufacturing and new materials development with his expertise on materials design and processing optimization.
Wei Xiong, PhD, D.Eng.
Areas of Research Researchers at the PMMD (Physical Metallurgy and Materials Design) Lab are working on alloy development and processing design based on fundamentals of materials thermodynamics and physical metallurgy. PMMD lab research covers a variety of inorganic materials including but not limited to steels, high entropy alloys, Nickel and Cobalt superalloys, light-weight alloys. One of the core-efforts at PMMD is to perform alloy design and processing optimization for advanced manufacturing. Both experiments and simulation are combined for developing new alloys and optimizing manufacturing processes at the PMMD lab. Regarding simulation, the so-called CALPHAD-based ICME methods (CALPHAD: Calculation of Phase Diagrams, ICME: Integrated Computational Materials Engineering) are applied to understand the mechanism of process-structureproperty relation in different alloy systems and their processing. The experimental techniques cover thermal analysis, microstructure characterization, mechanical property measurements, thermal analysis, and alloy manufacturing such as casting and additive manufacturing. The PMMD lab performs materials manufacturing using a systems design approach to develop new materials to further increase the efficiency of advanced manufacturing of high-performance materials.
Media links on Dr. Wei Xiong’s research: