Newsletter September 2020 - Lutheran Church of the Redeemer Atlanta GA

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I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit. John 15:5 No one has written as eloquently about Christian Community than Lutheran theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer. In his Cost of Discipleship he wrote, "The incarnate Son of God needs not only ears or hearts, but living people who will follow him." Bonhoeffer was also very realistic about the challenges it takes to grow and care for such a Christian community. It takes intentionality, care, prayer, humility and above all love. In other words, like a healthy garden, a thriving Christian community needs cultivation. And so we have chosen as our Fall Worship and Teaching Theme: Cultivating Community. At the beginning of this year, no one could have predicted how challenging the work of cultivating our community would be. Yet despite all the forces that seem to be about the work of dividing us from one another, our garden is thriving. And as you look through this Fall Kickoff brochure, you'll agree that the harvest is looking good! Through the leadership of our church council, the dedication of our staff, and the creativity of our leaders, the opportunities for growth, service, and learning abound through the ministries of Lutheran Church of the Redeemer. But to keep our community healthy, we need everyone to do their part.

This fall, will you help out in the garden?  Join

one of our fall Small Group book discussions as we explore methods and practices to remain in faithful community with one another even during challenging times like these.

 Update

your membership information in our new REALM community database so we have your latest contact information and so others in our community can remain in contact with you.

 Introduce

yourself to your Vineyard leader if you have not already done so. Our Vineyard groups are an important way that we cultivate our community as we care for, communicate, and support each other. And don't miss the opportunity to meet Pastor Jenny in your next Vineyard gathering.

 Challenge

yourself to learn more about the history and systems of racism that continue to misshape our world by joining one of the online discussions or events we have planned this fall.

 Continue

growing in your own generosity by faithfully returning your offerings and tithes. If you have not done so already, visit our new website to find out about online and automatic giving. And remember, our Amazon Wishlist continues to be a powerful way to support our Lutheran Community Food Ministry.

 And of course continue to pray for our pastors, staff, leaders and volunteers.

Cultivating Community takes intentionality, care, prayer, humility and above all love. Thank you for your faithful generosity and support of our community. It is because of you that we are fulfilling our Strategic Planning goal that "Through Redeemer, the world will see Jesus." 731 Peachtree St NE | Atlanta, GA |

September 2020

Table Of Contents Worship and Music Children and Youth ................................ 22 Harvest Home ........................................ 23 Worship and Music Volunteer .............. 24

Sunday Worship ................................................... 3 Coffee Hour and Prayer Room

Returning to Worship ............................ 25 Congregational Care

Wednesdays with Redeemer ..................... 4

Neighborhood Vineyards .............. 26

Preschool..................................................... 5

Stephen Ministry ........................... 27

Children and Family

Kessler Conversations ................... 28

Sunday School ................................. 6

Community Engagement

Faith Stepping Stones ..................... 7

Food Ministry ................................ 29

Schedule .................................................. 8

Community Partners ..................... 31

Family Events ........................................... 9

Amazon Smiles .......................................... 33

Baptism .................................................. 10

Justice and Inclusion

Rejoicing Spirits ..................................... 11

Medical Disparities........................ 34

Youth......................................................... 13

ADLA Book Study........................... 35

Adult Faith Formation .............................. 14

Stewardship .............................................. 36

Fall Small Groups ................................... 17

Council ...................................................... 37

Women’s Retreat .................................. 18


Library .................................................... 19

Columbarium ................................ 39

Faith Formation for Laity ....................... 21

Property Team .............................. 40 Bloomers ....................................... 41 Getting to Know Zoom ............................. 42 Birthdays ................................................... 43

Please LiveStream with Us Sunday / 11 AM Sunday we worship at Redeemer, with only worship leaders present. Throughout worship, participants will be masked even as they speak and sing, and each will remain in an area designated for them alone. Similar protections will probably be required when we are able gradually to open worship further, but for now we are glad to return to the familiarity of Redeemer and the musical and technical options it provides us.

LiveStream Click here Submit Your Prayer Requests Click here

Prayer Room on Zoom 12:00 noon Click here Coffee Hour on Zoom 12:00 – 1:00 PM Click here

Wednesdays with Redeemer Wednesday Dinner On your own Suggestions: Taco Night Pasta Night Chicken Night Hot Dog Night with salad and bread Cake for desert


Early Bird Bible Study | Zoom| Leader: David Ott Join David Ott in a discussion /studying as they walk through the book of Acts


Pastor’s Class | Zoom | Leader Pastor Mark Join Pastor Mark as he leads a discussion on Christine D. Pohl’s book Living into Community Cultivating Practices that Sustain Us. In Living into Community, Pohl explores four specific Christian practices -- grati tude, promise-keeping, truth-telling, and hospitality -- that can counteract those destructive forces and help churches and individuals build and sustain vibrant communities. Drawing on a wealth of personal and profess sional experience and interacting with the biblical, historical, and moral traditions, Pohl thoughtfully discusses each practice, including its possible complications and deformations, and points to how these essential practice es can be better cultivated within communities and families. You can purchase the book and read along or just join in the discussion.

7:15 pm

Worship | Livestream|Leader Pastor Mark Evening Prayer with an opportunity to offer personal prayers.


Sunday School is a great way to fulfill the promises you made in baptism and one of the ways our congregation fulfills the baptismal promises we make as a community. We look forward to this journey of faith with your children, and hope it is a time of spiritual growth for your whole family. We will be making adjustments as the year goes on to ensure health and safety. Thank you for your flexibility, and we look forward to your presence in our community whether it is on a screen or face to face!!

First Day of Sunday School is September 13th! How to Participate in Sunday School at Redeemer: Because of the Pandemic, SS will start online. We will still do monthly Sing and Play days with music and fun as a large (virtual) group. Most weeks, however, we will divide into four 'classrooms' according to age group (which may be adjusted as the year goes on). Each semester is divided into two parts, and we will make decisions about each part according to the recommendations of the Redeemer Covid Task Force. This allows us to be fully prepared when the time comes when we can safely and joyfully resume classes in person. Please note that even when we do resume in person, we will also continue to offer a virtual option. Complete a new registration for the current year for each student. For the 20-21 school year, advance registration is required for all participants whether we are meeting digitally or in person. All registration will be online. You can find the form at this link. Virtual Sunday School is from 10:15-10:45 on Zoom. Please be present to provide your child the support needed for participation. Some kids will need a parent present the whole time, some can participate well on their own. You know your child's needs. Our Sunday School teachers and assistants are volunteers who give their time and energy because they love kids and are devoted to helping them grow in faith. While parents of participants are not required to help in our classrooms, you are most welcome to do so. New volunteers usually start as teacher assistants, meaning someone else plans and leads the class, and you get to just show up, help as needed, and have fun with the kids! As we begin the year virtually, additional adults in the 'classroom' would be helpful! Speak to Deacon Mary for more information. Children with Special Needs are warmly welcomed in our Sunday School classes. Please speak to Deacon Mary about how we can create the best possible experience for your child.

Please don't hesitate to bring questions and ideas regarding Sunday School to your child’s teachers, a member of the Faith Formation Team, or Deacon Mary. We are looking forward to a great year as we join the whole congregation in exploring our fall theme: Cultivating Community.

In Christ, Deacon Mary Houck Director of Children and Family Ministries 770-778-7085

Michelle Spady Volunteer Sunday School Coordinator

Rooted in God's Word Growing in Faith Together

FaithStepping Stones

living the promises of baptism

"to live with them among God's faithful people, bring them to the word of God and the holy supper, teach them the Lord's Prayer, the Creed, and the Ten Commandments, place in their hands the holy scriptures, and nurture them in faith and prayer, so that they may learn to trust God, proclaim Christ through word and deed, care for others and the world God made, and work for justice and peace."

During the Service of Holy Baptism in Evangelical Lutheran Worship, parents make these promises. In Faith Stepping Stones, the Redeemer community works together with parents to fulfill them. Each year your family is invited to participate in the FSS for your child's age/grade offered at some point in the Sunday School year. Each class is designed to dive deeply into an aspect of faith (at your child's developmental level) and is accompanied by a blessing in one of our worship services when our whole congregation celebrates their growth. We can't wait to go on this journey of faith with your family! NOTE: In 2020 we are starting the year with virtual classes and events through at least October, including FSS. Please watch for announcements starting in October about future plans. FSS classes will occur at the same time as Zoom Sunday School (10:15- 10:45), but will all include some at-home components for families to do offline. If you prefer to stay entirely offline, please speak to Dn. Mary for options.

Sunday School

Two Year Olds

September 13: Parents and kids meet together. Note: SS ages are determined similar to school: children who have turned 2 by August 1 are welcome.

We celebrate the beginning of learning in Sunday School, an important part of their faith journey.

Three Year Olds Worship

October 18: Parents Only. October 25: Parents and kids meet together; Blessing

Worship is essential for children and children are essential to our worship! Parents will discuss strategies for worship with kids; kids will learn about and practice worship skills.

Lord's Supper

Not sure if this the right year for your child? Speak to Dn. Mary Saturday, March 13: Parents and kids together. March 14: Blessing in Worship (if possible!)

Kindergarten Baptized

March 21 and 28: Kids and parents meet separately March 28: Blessing We explore how God is active in our baptism, and how we live in response every day.

First Grade

Feb. 21, 28 March 7: Kids and parents meet separately March 7: Blessing Focusing on the Lord's prayer, we will explore when and how prayer connects us to God and each other. We will also practice ways to pray with our bodies, hearts, and minds.

November 1, 8, and 15: Kids and parents meet separately November 15: Blessing

We explore what it means to believe, how to handle doubts, and how creeds help us express our faith. We also work to respect and understand those with different beliefs.

Bible Adventure

Third Grade October 6, 20, 27: Kids and parents meet together 9:30- 10:45 October 27: Blessing in 11:00 service

The Bible is not only the word of God, but it shares stories of the people of God on their journey of faith.

PreKindergarten and Up

This hands-on 'retreat' takes families on a journey that explores the meaning of this ancient ritual and how it fits into our modern faith.

Lord's Prayer


Second Grade


Fourth Grade

January 10, 17, 24: Kids and parents meet separately January 24: Blessing Focusing on the Ten Commandments, we explore laws, rules, and authority as part of our faith. We discuss how grace frees us and also compels us to be our best selves.

Called and Sent

Fifth Grade

Fifth Graders will have events throughout the year including our annual lock in on Friday, January 22. See Dn Mary for more details

We explore service to our families, friends, faith community, and neighbors both local and global. We will identify the unique spiritual gifts we have been given as tools for service.

Questions? We love to hear from you! Info about Parent Classes: Deacon Mary Houck Director of Children and Karen Medford Family Ministries Parish Nurse; Adult Faith Formation Director 770-778-7085



Sunday School Events

September 13 September 20 September 27 October 4 October 11 October 18 October 25 November 1 November 8 November 15 November 22 November 29 December 6 December 13 December 20 December 27

First Day of Sunday School: Sing and Play!

Faith Stepping Stones FSS: Welcome to Sunday School (2-year-olds & parents) FSS: Bible Adventure (Third Graders with parents) FSS: Bible Adventure (Third Graders with parents) FSS: Bible Adventure (Third Graders with parents)

Sing and Play! FSS: Welcome to Worship (parents of 3-year-olds) FSS: Welcome to Worship (3-year-olds & parents) FSS: Creeds (Second Graders/Parent class) FSS: Creeds (Second Graders/Parent class) FSS: Creeds (Second Graders/Parent class) Family Worship Day (No SS) Sing and Play! Children's Christmas Program (no SS) Sing and Play! Family Worship Day (No SS) Family Worship Day (No SS)

Spring 2021: TENTATIVE* *Spring Schedule is subject to change depending on school calendars


Sunday School Events

January 3 January 10 January 17 Friday, Jan. 22 January 24 January 31 February 7 February 14 February 21 February 28 March 7 Sat., March 13 March 14 March 21 March 28 April 4 April 11 April 18 April 25 May 2

Sing and Play!

Faith Stepping Stones FSS: Commandments (Fourth Graders/Parent Class) FSS: Commandments (Fourth Graders/Parent Class) FSS: Called and Sent (Fifth Grade Lock In) FSS: Commandments (Fourth Graders/Parent Class)

Lutheran Camp Sunday (Sing and Play) Family Worship Day (No SS) FSS: Prayer (First Graders/Parent Class) FSS: Prayer (First Graders/Parent Class) FSS: Prayer (First Graders/Parent Class) FSS: Lord's Supper Retreat Sing and Play FSS: Baptized (Kindergarten/Parent Class) FSS: Baptized (Kindergarten/Parent Class) Easter: Family Worship Day (No SS) Family Worship Day (No SS) FSS Celebration: Fifth Grade Last Day of Sunday School/Class Parties/ Teacher Appreciation/Sing and Play

Lutheran Church of the Redeemer

Children and Family Ministry Family Events

Note: All events for this school year are tentative due to the pandemic. For events which cannot be held in person, we will offer a virtual alternative to the best of our ability. Please watch the CFM emails for up-to-date information.

Family Camping Trip

Family Retreat

September 19

February (TBD)

Faith, Fun, and Friendship around the campfire

Learning, playing, worshiping, and enjoying God's creation as family

Monster Mash

Family Easter Vigil

October 23

Halloween Party and 'Pipe Screams' Spooky Organ Concert

Advent Celebration

Saturday, April 3

Easter Party, Egg Hunt, and a special worship service that tells the story of God's love for us.

December 6

Parents' Night Out

Preparing our hearts for Emmanuel, God with Us. Crafts, games, service project and more.

Saturday, May 8

Have a date night while our Nursery staff watch kids at the church!




at Redeemer

Greetings! We are so glad you are interested in Baptism at Redeemer. Please read the following carefully, and don't hesitate to reach out with questions. I am happy to talk you through the options, get to know your family better, and provide you with the form when you are ready to schedule a baptism. With guidance from the Redeemer Covid Task Force, we can only offer 'private' baptisms for the time being. This means: One family at a time (which means one per week). the child getting baptized, siblings, the parents, the sponsors (godparents), and 2 representatives of the congregation would be the only ones physically present. The baptism service will start at 12:30 on a Sunday, and will include just the baptismal liturgy. Protocols will still be followed as much as possible (masks except for infants, 6 feet apart, etc.). One of the parents will hold the child the whole time, including the sprinkling (instead of handing him/her over to the pastor). The baptism service will be streamed live, and you will receive a copy of the recording afterward. There cannot be any fellowship/reception held at the church, and we strongly encourage that any personal gatherings follow CDC guidance. You will choose the date, and as long as it does not conflict with another baptism, any Sunday is available. This type of baptism can be scheduled now (while we are in Phase 1), and will continue through the beginning of Phase 2* (whenever we are able to start it). When we have done a few in-person services following the Phase 2* guidelines, we will discuss incorporating baptism and let you know the new options. Now, the important stuff: We want so badly to celebrate this special milestone with your family, and it's one of the many losses caused by this pandemic that we cannot offer the celebration we normally would. Our apologies. If you are feeling urgency to get this done, we are more than happy to schedule a baptism as described above. Even if you can't all be together, it may be very meaningful for your child's 'village' to celebrate her/him and just have a hopeful and joyful event to focus on. However, there is no deadline for getting your child baptized. Not set by Redeemer or by God. God knows and loves your child already, and offers daily grace. The Redeemer community is already walking alongside your child in a journey of faith. We look forward to the day when we can publicly acknowledge that and wrap them up in these beautiful traditions, but if you want to wait, that's fine too. God is patient. Whatever decision you make will be 100% the best one for your family; we do not expect everyone to make the same decision. In Christ, Deacon Mary Houck Director of Children and Family Ministries 770-778-7085 *Phase 2 will be services with about 10 worship leaders and 40 participants, for a total of no more than 50. Strict protocols will still be in effect and there will be no congregational singing. Any contact less than 6 feet apart will be as minimal as possible.


Make a joyful noise to the Lord all the earth! —Psalm 98:4


Join us for Worship!

Rejoicing Spirits celebrates and values every person’s talents and gifts, offering people of all abilities an opportunity to lead and serve their faith community.

Sunday at 3:30 pm on Zoom The service is followed by fellowship time, also on Zoom.

Once a Month February 9 March 8 April 19 May 17

June 14 July 12 August 9

September 13 October 18 November 15 December 13

731 Peachtree St. NE Atlanta, GA 30308

About Rejoicing Spirits Welcome! Rejoicing Spirits is a worship service for people of all ages and abilities. It is worship that encourages all to share their gifts in a comfortable, shush-free setting where difference is celebrated and ‘can’t’ is thrown out the window. We are all beloved children of God and everyone needs a place to worship joyfully and a community to worship with them. Caregivers are a valued part of our worshiping community as well. Or maybe you are just listening to God's call to help us surround our 'rejoicers' with a loving community. Everyone is welcome to worship with us! Currently, Rejoicing Spirits is meeting on Zoom, and we will continue to offer online access to our services. We understand that many individuals with special needs are at high risk from Covid-19, and are making plans to provide access even when our other services are meeting in person again. We typically worship on the second Sunday of the month at 3:30 pm. When there is a conflict (like a major holiday) we worship on the third Sunday of the month. See the 2020 schedule opposite. Click here to join our mailing list. Contact Deacon Mary Houck for more information at

We can't wait to worship with you! The Rejoicing Spirits Team at Redeemer

Youth Ministry @ Redeemer *ALL EVENTS VIRTUAL THROUGH OCTOBER 2020* Faith Formation • • •

Confirmation | 6-8 Grades | Sundays 9:30am-Begins 9/13 with Parent/Youth Information Meeting High School Sunday School | 9-12 Grades | Sundays 9:30am-Begins 9/13 Parent Classes | Middle School Parents/High School & College Parents

Fellowship •

Youth Group | Middle School/High School/Combined-Connect with peers through faith-filled activities, lock-ins, retreats and more. • 2020-2021 Youth Ministry Calendar • 2020-2021 Youth Form (*Please complete for each student for the new school year.) ELCA Events | Southeastern Synod Events-Connect with the larger community of Lutheran Youth through National and Synod Gatherings.

Service • •

Worship Assistant | Acolyte/Crucifer/Greeter-Serve our congregation by playing an integral part during worship. We utilize Signup Genius for scheduling purposes. Link available when in-person worship resumes. Mission Projects | Mission Trips-Serve our Core Spiritual Partners and others through our Fall, Winter and Spring Mission Projects as well as other opportunities to serve locally and farther reaching during our Mission Trips.

Join Us • • • •

Faith | Fun | Fellowship-Join us as we grow our faith together and serve others in Christ! Website | Facebook Group | Instagram |

Contact •

Hillary Nelson | Youth Director | |

REDEEMER ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL Lutheranism 101 September 13, 20, 27, 0ctober 4, 2020 Have you ever wondered what it means to be 'Lutheran'? Have you been a Lutheran your whole life and want know more about what we believe and why? Are you new and want to find out more? If so, Lutheranism 101 is the place for you! Join Pastor Jonathan and Alan Boda for a 4 week study and discussion about all things Lutheran. While not required, 'Together by Grace, edited by Kathryn A Kleinhas, and available through Augsburg Fortress, will be a helpful resource for people who want to dig even deeper.

Adult Faith Stepping Stones Even when you know where you are going it can be difficult to follow the path. The Adult Faith Stepping Stone are steps in the faith journey that help adults discover meaning in our faith practice. The classes are open to anyone, they correspond with classes offer in the children’s Faith Stepping Stone program but with an adult prospective. A great next step in your faith journey. These classes are taught by Michael Medford and Kristin Guthrie

The Apostles’ Creed What we believe. November 1, 8, and 15, 2020

The 10 Commandments What they are and why they matter today. January 10, 17, 24, 2021

Prayer A look at the Lord’s Prayer, when we pray and how we pray together. February 21, 28, and March 7, 2021

Living Out Our Baptism What baptism means to us now. March 21 , 28, 2021

All classes meet on Zoom at 9:00 am on Sunday mornings. Check the website often. We are always adding new classes and updating the ongoing classes. Zoom links can be found on the website calendar.

Be Still and Journey

Be Still And Journey

Facilitated by Pat Cornwell A class open to women of all ages. The intergenerational connections are so important and make for a richer experience. They discuss books, articles and do Bible studies. They will start off this fall with by discussion Be The Bridge, by Latasha Morrison. It will be a 5 week study beginning September 13, watch for update to see what is next.

Middle School Parents A class for parents to meet and discuss what their children are learning in Confirmation Class each week and the joys and challenges of being a parent of a middle schooler.

High School Parents

watch for information coming soon.

Mysteries of Faith: Applying Constructive Christian Theology To Modern Views of Classical Themes All Redeemer members and guests are warmly invited to explore the rich, kaleidoscopic variety of Christian theological structures, genres, arguments, and insights. We seek to restore the deep insights of the classical tradition by bringing contemporary Christian theologians, writers, problems and experiences to bear on building a living theology for our time. We will discuss the writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Jeffrey Pugh, Reggie Williams, Garry Wills, and others. This discussion class, led by Peter Quist and Paul Hermann, encourages Redeemer participants: (a) to experience the deeper point of theological questions; (b) to delve into the insights and conflicts that figured in the development of traditional Christian doctrines, and (c) to sample the diverse theological voices that compete for attention today. The enterprise of Christian theology today is both varied and exciting. In this class, Redeemer wants to invite you into this world and to participate in the activity of religious reflection along with a variety of theologians and religious scholars whose thought you will encounter. Our first class series commencing in September and going through October is “The Importance of Dietrich Bonhoeffer in Cultivating the Beloved Community.” Our distinguished guest lecturer, on Sept. 27 will be Dr. Reggie Williams, Associate Professor of Christian Ethics at McCormick Theological Seminary. Dr. Reggie Williams’s book Bonhoeffer’s Black Jesus: Harlem Renaissance Theology and an Ethic of Resistance (Baylor University Press, 2014) was selected as a Choice Outstanding Title in 2015, in the field of religion. Please join us!

Other opportunities for adults meet and learn throughout the week

Tuesday Morning Bible Study 7:30 am Year-round study of the books of the Old & New Testament are led by pastors and experienced lay teachers.

Early Bird Bible Study Wednesday 4:00 pm Join David Ott in a discussion /studying as they walk through the book of Acts. Starting back on September 9, 2020

Pastor’s Class Wednesdays at 6:00 pm Join Pastor Mark as he leads a discussion on Christine D. Pohl’s book Living into Community Cultivating Practices that Sustain Us. In Living into Community, Pohl explores four specific Christian practices -- gratitude, promise-keeping, truth-telling, and hospitality -- that can counteract those destructive forces and help churches and individuals build and sustain vibrant communities.

Beyond Words Thursday at 7:00 pm Watch for a new list of books, at this new time with Peter Quist as the new leader. Everyone is welcome to the book discussion group.

ADLA Liberation Theology Book Club with Pastor Ron 10:00 am September 26, 2020:White Fragility by Robin Dangelo, October 24, 2020:The Cross and the Lynching Tree James Cone, November 28, 2020:No Name in the Street by James Baldwin, December 2020:There will not be a session, January 23, 2021:Barracoon by Zora Neale Hurston, February 27, 2021: I’m Still Here by Austin Channing Brown, March 27, 2021:The Search for Common

Ground by Howard Thurman

Tuesday Night Book Study with Pastor Jonathan at 5:00 pm Anti Racist by Ibram Kendi starting in Sept. 1

Small Groups this Fall Choose a book and choose a group In Living into Community explores four specific Christian practices -- gratitude, promisekeeping, truthtelling, and hospitality -- that can counteract those destructive forces and help churches and individuals build and sustain vibrant communities. Drawing on a wealth of personal and professional experience and interacting with the biblical, historical, and moral traditions, Pohl thoughtfully discusses each practice, including its possible complications and deformations, and points to how these essential practices can be better cultivated within communities and families. 6 week study

In an era where we seem to be increasingly divided along racial lines, many are hesitant to step into the gap, fearful of saying or doing the wrong thing. But change begins with an honest conversation among a group of Christians willing to give a voice to unspoken hurts, hidden fears, and mounting tensions. These ongoing dialogues have formed the foundation of a global movement called Be the BridgeLatasha Morrison shows how you can participate in this incredible work. With conviction and grace, she examines the historical complexities of racism. She expertly applies biblical principles, such as lamentation, confession, and forgiveness, to lay the framework for restoration. Along with prayers, discussion questions, and other resources to enhance group engagement, Be the Bridge presents a compelling vision of what it means for every follower of Jesus. 5 week study.

Here are the details: Zoom – All Small Group gatherings are on Zoom this Fall. Dates – Groups will start after Labor Day and be 5 or 6 weeks depending on the book you choose and when you would like to start. Sign-up - starts Aug. 16 with Fall Kick-Off and ends Sept 6. Sign up in Realm or email Karen Medford to sign up

Book – Each person purchases their own book. Small Groups—will be led by Redeemer members, and we can still add groups. The groups will be up to 12 people. Neighbors and friends are also welcome! Even people that live far away.

Redeemer Women’s Fall Retreat Virtual Retreat with Pastor Jenny

October 10, 2020 9:00 am —11:30 am You can join early if you like, come as early 8:00am with coffee for conversation, and stay late to catch up with friends. We have the "space" until 1:00pm. Please register by emailing Redeemer Women's Retreat on Zoom. It will not be the same get away that has been relaxing and refreshing in the past, but it will be a way to make new friends and reunite with others. Terri Gerhardt a Redeemer member and conference leader. She will have games and conversation questions to start us off and help us connect then Pastor Jenny will lead us in a time of Bible study and faith formation.

Redeemer Library presents books for those wanting to learn more about what it means to being Lutheran . Together by Grace: Introducing the Lutherans, edited by Kathryn a. Kleinhans If you were to recommend only one book for a person new to Lutheranism, this would be the one you would want to choose. Over two-dozen writers—pastors, leaders, activists (including Bishop Kevin Strickland) describe a broad landscape of core Lutheran themes, from grace-filled theology, Martin Luther and the Reformation, how we worship, the significance of baptism, Holy Communion, and what it means to be Lutheran in the wider world. Available from Augsburg Fortress. The Lutheran Handbook might also be called Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Being Lutheran. It contains both the serious (Seven Important Things Luther Said, How to Pray, How to Work for Peace and Justice) and the humorous (How to Survive One Hour in an Un-Air Conditioned Church, How to Avoid Getting Burned at the Stake, What to Bring to a Church Potluck), making it highly readable. Lutheran Questions, Lutheran Answers: Exploring Christian Faith, by Martin Marty. Featuring a unique question-and-answer format, that is an accessible and concise treatment that provides the most frequently asked questions on important topics and brief but complete answers from a distinguished Lutheran historian and theologian. Contents include questions and answers about: Lutheran History and Heritage Bible God Jesus Christ Humanity Holy Spirit Salvation Church Worship Sacraments Christian Life Reign of God Polity. Road Trip through the Bible: A Lutheran Confirmation Primer, by Tim Radkey We would never leave on a road trip unprepared, so why take a casual approach with our spiritual journey? By using a very straightforward and clear approach, Rev. Tim Radkey lays out the major tenants of the Lutheran faith in a way that will engage those hoping to understand their faith better. Taught as a series of 10 quick ‘stops’ along a road trip, this primer is ideal for new members, Bible study, or discussion groups. Martin Luther and the Called Life, by Mark W. Tranvik One of the hallmarks of Luther's theology was its concern for daily life. Tranvik provides a practical, relevant vision of the life lived by people who trust in Christ and project his love into their worlds, translating Luther's insights for our day and culture with perceptive insight and clarity. All Christians who want to live faithfully and gracefully, wherever they find themselves placed in the world, will enjoy reading Martin Luther and the Called Life for both guidance and inspiration. Note: These books are in Redeemer’s Library, but can also be obtained on line. See the Redeemer website for other resources and reading list.

Book Resources from Redeemer Library Ministry Team Because we are not yet able to access our physical library at Redeemer, the members of our Library Team are offering suggestions for you to access online, at, at (inexpensive used books), and/or at your local public library’s pickup service or its e-library. The following links also offer author talks and book lists by category and age group. Georgia Center for the Book Author discussions; List of books “All Georgians Should Read” and All Georgia Youth Should Read” Decatur Book Festival The largest independent book festival in the country has gone virtual this year. Many author talks are already online: Resources for Books for Children and Young Adults Book recommendations and reviews by category, including race, bias, social injustice, Black history, Disability and Autism:

Sunday’s in October 2020 October 4, 11, 21, 28 - 2020 3:00-4:30pm EDT / 2:00-3:30pm CDT via Zoom 

October 4 - Worship 101: Why We Do What We Do October 11 - Say Her Name: Naming the Witness of Nameless Women in the Bible October 18 - With Glad and Generous Hearts: a Look at Stewardship of Self, Congregation, and Church October 25 - Telling the Story of Jesus: Evangelism in the 21st Century

  

More information and registration h�ps://

October 4: “Worship 101: Why we do what we do!”

Led by: Deacon John Weit and Deacon Jennifer Baker-Trinity “Christian worship is the communal encounter with the grace of God incarnate in Jesus Christ, and it involves the encounter with those concrete, flesh-and-blood things that connect us to the flesh of Jesus and so engage us in that grace. Welcoming others must involve welcoming them into this real community.” (Gordon Lathrop) Have you ever wondered why we do what we do in worship and why it matters? How is your community “welcoming others into this real community”? Join this conversation and find out and ways you can engage your congregation. A helpful resource you may want to purchase is: “Worship Matters: An Introduction to Worship Participant Book” ($6.99/ea) from Augsburg Fortress.

October 11: "Say Her Name: Naming the Witness of Nameless Women in the Bible" Led by: Pastor Mary W. Anderson

In this study, we will examine the witness of several women in the Bible whose names were never spoken, but whose faith continues to inspire our own. We will consider together the stories of a few women who are well-known in the Christian community and some whose stories are nearly forgotten.

October 18: “With glad and generous hearts: a look at stewardship of self, congregation and church.” Led by: Pastor Mike Ward

Where the disciples saw scarcity and thought people should depart before mealtime, Jesus recognized abundance and fed more than 5,000 people. Living life and leading congregations from an abundance perspective takes thoughtfulness and intentionality, especially during a pandemic. Join us for discussion to see how it is that generosity leads to our hearts being more connected with God and how generosity is all around us even in this pandemic. Ideas for your stewardship drive will be included in this discussion.


Music Connections: Growing Together In this time when we can only be together online, choir is redefined, but music is more important than ever. We are committed to providing loving small groups dedicated to musical training and spiritual formation.

CHILDREN Cherubim age 4 through 1st grade, Wednesdays 6:00-6:30 Seraphim 2nd-6th grade, Wednesdays 6:30-7:00 Zoom rehearsals will include movement, songs, rhythm and music skills games, group building, and a devotional. Additional home resources will be emailed or mailed. Sign up for one or both units. Unit One - “We Are the Church” Through Bible stories and songs, we learn how we are connected to God and each other. September 9, 16, 23, 30 and October 7, 14, 21, 28

Unit Two – “Goin’ to see the King” We prepare for the seasons of Advent and Christmas . November 4, 11, 18 and December 2, 9, 16


J.O.Y. (Just Our Youth) 7th-12th grade Wednesdays 7:00-7:30, beginning September 9 Each Zoom rehearsal will include music training, group building, and a devotional. Additional private Zoom coachings are encouraged. Students could be scheduled as worship cantors and/or participate in a “virtual choir.”

Participants of all ages will grow musically and spiritually, develop their talents, and make lasting friendships.

To register, contact Sarah Hawbecker at shawbecker@redeemer org or 404-874-8664

• • •

Worship & Music Volunteer Opportunities The Worship Ministry Team leads this community of people who worship our Lord by providing quality, reverence, creativity, and beauty in our liturgy and music.

Opportunities for service include: Altar Guild, Acoclytes, Canticum Novum, Handbell ringers, Children’s music, Communion servers, Crucifers, Heritage Guild, King’s Men, Lectors, Redeemer Brass, Redeemer Choir, Torch bearers, Ushers, Wedding Guild Worship & Music Contact Names Carol Bell - Worship Team Chairperson David Hansen - Adult Choral Director Sarah Hawbecker - Organist & Children's Music Director Tawanda Searcy - Wedding Director Karen Medford - Communion Servers John Martin - Ushers, Acolytes & Crucifers Carol Maxwell - Altar Guild Chairperson

GUIDELINES FOR REDEEMER RETURN TO IN-PERSON WORSHIP (As of June 2020) 1) We will return to worship with ONE service at 11:00 a.m. We will be able to accommodate 50 people under Phase II conditions, increasing to 100 people when conditions have improved enough to move to Phase III; both numbers must also include the worship leaders. 2) You will be sent a separate link to make a reservation and fill out a health questionnaire and agree to these conditions for attending live, which will allow us to accommodate social distance and worship safely. 3) The nursery will NOT be open at this point. 4) Before leaving home the morning of your confirmed worship reservation, please take the temperatures of all family members attending worship. If you have a fever, are ill, have been exposed to COVID 19, or are at risk, we ask you to stay home and continue to worship with us via livestream. For the safety of Redeemer staff and congregants, we will NOT be taking temperatures at the door. 5) Worshipers will be required to wear masks/face coverings and maintain six feet social distance in the parking lot, atrium, narthex, and sanctuary. Please bring your face coverings from home, but we will provide masks to those who forget. No one will be able to enter Redeemer without a mask or other face covering. 6) You will be guided as to where to park when you arrive. Only those needing assistance may be dropped off at the library entrance and will be guided to a waiting point until all family members arrive from parking. In the event of rain, any attendee may be dropped off by the library. 7) Entry to Redeemer will be through the doors by the library ONLY. Entry doors will be propped open to avoid use of door handles. Exit will be through the parlor (red awning) door ONLY. 8) While onsite, avoid touching all surfaces whenever possible. Drinking fountains will be closed, and bathrooms will be limited to one person at a time and will be cleaned between users. 9) Areas of the church other than the route to the sanctuary and designated restrooms and entrance/exit doors will not be available. In addition, no food or beverage services will be available. 10) Stations with offering plates and hand sanitizer will be located as you enter and leave the sanctuary. If you bring a paper or monetary offering, please place it in the plate and use hand sanitizer before being seated or as you leave. Online giving options will continue to be available. 11) Seats will be assigned based on reservations and physical distancing of household groupings, and you will be guided to your appropriate seat. 12) Pews will not have hymnals, Bibles, or red sign-in pads. All information needed will be printed in the bulletin, which you must take with you when you leave. You may bring your personal hymnal or Bible. 13) We will have a children’s sermon, but children will not come forward. 14) We will not yet have communion, but we will continue sharing the peace without physical contact. 15) While we will have music, it will NOT include congregational singing. The congregation may pray or read the words of our hymns, but please do not sing or hum. According to the CDC, singing has a greater risk of dispersing droplets and will not be allowed at the current time. 16) To reduce risk, please avoid congregating or socializing in the atrium. 17) For those who are ill, at risk, or uncomfortable with/unable to follow these guidelines for inperson worship, we will continue to offer services via the livestream online.

Welcome to your Neighborhood Vineyard one of the ways we are

The people of Redeemer are the branches extending from the trunk and the vine, reaching out into our neighborhoods where we live, creating different vineyards. Within our vineyards, we bear fruit through loving actions, supporting one another, and caring for our neighbors. The neighborhood vineyards goals: Initial short term goals were to ensure members are contacted through phone calls, email, cards, etc., confirm needs are being met and begin to get to know other Redeemer members who live in close proximity Current short term goal have each vineyard meet via Zoom with Pastor Jenny in August or September, and with stewardship in October. Ongoing goals are to deepen relationships among Redeemer members increase communication between Redeemer and members, equip and deploy faith in our daily lives, expand vineyards to welcome non-Redeemer neighbors into fellowship Everyone at Redeemer is part of a vineyard and everyone has a role to play in sharing Christ love and caring for others. Each vineyard has a leader that will help to coordinate the efforts of the group and communicate with and among the group. Your role may vary depending on your vineyard but being engaged and willing to communicate with your leader about your needs and ways you many be able to help others is one way to get started.

5 Reasons to become a Stephen Minister Share the Compassion of Christ As Jesus was present and walked alongside suffering people, Stephen Ministers are lay congregation members trained to provide one-to-one Christ-centered care.

Support People Who Are Hurting A Stephen Minister meets with someone on a weekly basis who is going through a difficult time in their life. They listen, care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support.

Grow in Your Faith Learn to recognize God in difficult moments, trust God, and be the presence of Christ to another.

Serve in a Meaningful Ministry God could use someone like you. Stephen Ministry will help strengthen the gifts God has given you through comprehensive training and ongoing support.

Be a Part of a Supportive Team Develop a deep bond with other compassionate Stephen Ministers as we meet monthly for supervisory meetings, mutual support, and prayer. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: ED KUEHN: EDKUEHN@BELLSOUTH.NET OR SHARON JEFFRIES: SAJQUILT@GMAIL.COM

DISEASE, HEALING AND PASTORAL CARE Challenges and Opportunities in the 16th and 21st centuries

Kessler Conversations fall 2020

Christian Ethics in Times of Plague

Anna M. Johnson | Wednesday, September 2 | Noon EST Professor Anna M. Johnson is Associate Professor of Reformation Church History at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. Her research explores religious practice in the German Reformation. She is the author of Beyond Indulgences: Luther’s Reform of Late Medieval Piety, 1518-1520 (Truman State University Press, 2017), and she recently wrote the introduction and annotations to Luther’s “Whether One Should Flee the Deadly Plague” for The Annotated Luther (Fortress Press, 2016).

Plague in the Reformation Era

Erik Heinrichs | Wednesday, October 7 | Noon EST Professor Erik Heinrichs is Associate Professor of History at Winona State University. Professor Heinrichs is a historian of medieval and early modern Europe, with research interest on medical and cultural responses to plagues, particularly in German-speaking lands. He is the author of Plague, Print, and the Reformation: The German Reform of Healing, 1473-1573 (Routledge, 2018).

The Reformation of Suffering

Ronald Rittgers | Wednesday, November 4 | Noon EST Professor Ronald Rittgers is the Erich Markel Chair in German Reformation Studies and Professor of History and Theology at Valparaiso University. Professor Rittgers’ research interests are in religious, intellectual, and social history of medieval and Early Modern/Reformation Europe, focusing especially on theology and devotion. He is the author of The Reformation of Suffering: Pastoral Theology and Lay Piety in Late Medieval and Early Modern Germany (Oxford University Press, 2012).

Pitts Theology Library is excited to launch the first biannual Kessler Conversations. This series of online interviews with leading church historians and theologians, asks this question, “What relevance do the events, personalities, and texts of the Protestant Reformation hold for contemporary communities?” The 30-45 minute online conversations will offer opportunities for the general public to learn about the events in Europe the 16th century and to consider what they tell us about the issues facing our communities. Conversations each semester will focus on a single contemporary theme and trace it back to the Reformers. This Fall, the Kessler Conversations focus on disease, healing, and pastoral care in the 16th century. Register for free at We hope to see you there!

Lutheran Community Food Ministry August 2020 Update The LCFM has left the building. On March 13, 2020, the LCFM began serving meals outside in response to the COVID-19 outbreak in Atlanta.

The LCFM has distributed The LCFM has left the building in more significant ways too. For example, the just over 26,000 to go meals. LCFM has expanded its services beyond its initial mission of offering a weekday meal to include: • • • • •

“Market Day” to provide groceries to our senior neighbors at Lutheran Towers Providing 25 daily meals to Lutheran Towers Providing 25 daily meals to Wellspring Living Groceries and prepared food items to GA Tech STAR program Developing new partnerships in Fulton County through grant funding

Ministry of Transformation As the LCFM endeavors to be a transformative influence in the lives of its neighbors and volunteers, it has painstakingly overhauled our policies and procedures from within. Under the leadership of Steven Miles, Redeemer member & LCFM volunteer, the LCFM has made tremendous gains. Steve graciously shared his expertise as a professional caterer to: • • •

increase the nutritional value and variety of the soup served through his creative use of donated items; reorganize and clean the kitchen, walk-in fridge, and food storage areas; and bring the kitchen in Zittrouer Hall into compliance with safe food handling and sanitation standards and train staff and volunteers in these practices.

Our dedicated volunteers, security and janitorial staff have worked diligently to maintain a safe environment to allow our neighbors to continue to receive a hot meal each weekday.

By the Grace of God and with your Support We are grateful to our partner churches and individual donors who generously donated in-kind gifts via the Amazon Wish List as well as offered monetary support. We need both! We appreciate the prayers offered on behalf of our neighbors, staff, and volunteers. We thank God that we have been able to continue our service to the Midtown community.

LCFM - August 2020 Update – page 2 How to Get Involved


Food Donation Pick-Up The LCFM relies primarily upon donated food that must be picked up on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday mornings and we are putting together a team of dedicated volunteers to make these pick-ups and deliver the groceries to Redeemer. Serving Team Volunteer The pandemic forced the LCFM to pivot from our monthly team structure to a simpler set of five teams. If you can make a weekly commitment to volunteer, we need your help. Or, if you have the flexibility to be a substitute from time to time, we’d love to have you. We plan to reintegrate our faithful partner churches as soon as we can. We miss you!

In-Kind Donations Important! Because our church building is closed and due to concerns over inadvertently spreading the virus, the LCFM cannot accept any donations beyond those that are mailed to the church. We have suspended the collection of grocery store plastic bags, assorted food items, and used clothing items until further notice. In-Kind Donations are limited to the following: • Items ordered from the Amazon Wish List (or similar items mailed to Redeemer) • NEW (in original packaging) Men’s Socks, T-Shirts & underwear that are mailed to Redeemer.

Monetary Donations Monetary donations, made payable to Redeemer, are always welcome! LCFM Staff Kitchen Steven Miles Virgil Lacy Bill Pegram Frank Hood (currently on leave) Security Stacey Williams, Head of Security Naim Sabree Shawn Droughn Kevin Walker Phil Turks

Thanks for the 1,000 Pairs of Socks! LCFM Team Paul Freudenstein,Chair Marie Cole Lauren Gaia Stephanie Hart, Volunteer Coordinator Mary Howle Janis LeMieux Lisa Wayco Heidi Franetovich, Council Liaison

Community Partners

To promote services that enhance the stability, health, wellness and safety of individuals and families in need in Georgia. * Eli Flournoy

Habitat partners with working families, sponsors and community to build affordable, green, quality homes and provide support services that promotes

successful home purchase and ownership. * Carol Maxwell | 678-393-1367 An interfaith ministry supported by Midtown congregations and businesses that provides emergency assistance to the working poor to prevent homelessness and hunger during periods of crisis.

Our mission is to eradicate homelessness

* Richard Mauney 404-775-3359

by empowering women and their

children to overcome life?s challenges, realizing their potential, define their own destiny, and become vital factors in the revitalization and sustainability of their community. We provide supportive housing services for approximately 350

To break the chains of homelessness by

women and children annually.

providing quality early childhood education and comprehensive support

Solomon Smallwood 404-559-3276

services to families experiencing homelessness.

* Carol Swisher * Carol Maxwell

* Jeanne Merritt | 404-314-6408

* Redeemer Member

To bring an awareness to the congregation of the crimes of sex trafficking of children in metro Atlanta and the state of GA; to work as legislative advocates; to recruit volunteers to assist in a variety of ways in service to the victims, ages 12-17, at Wellspring living * Sharon Jeffries | 770-314-6820


To help domestic sex trafficking victims and the vulnerable develop the courage to move forward and the confidence to succeed. * Amy Carpenter | 404-550-3314

Provides support for the Health, Education, and Welfare of children and families in profoundly needy areas of Nicaragua * Leith Fitch | 404-281-0995 * Carol Swisher | 404-578-8884

GJP represents and supports individuals in the criminal justice system, reducing barriers to their re-entry into society and reducing recidivism. GJP provides direct legal representation, education, policy advocacy and coalition building, while caring for and encouraging family wholeness. Douglas Ammar | 404-827-0027 x. 228

We exist to Marshall human, financial, and other resources to assist Veterans in their plight to lead a productive life. Contact: Rev. Eldson McGhee 770-985-3260., *

Amazon Smile and Redeemer It seems like today is March 183rd or maybe we are living in Groundhog Day (Bill Murray’s movie of 1993). During this pandemic, as we protect our loved ones and ourselves, online shopping is a big part of our new reality. Did you know you can shop online and support Redeemer? Because of COVID-19, Amazon is probably bookmarked in your favorites. Remember, you can shop online and support Lutheran Church of the Redeemer. It is super easy! Lutheran Church of the Redeemer has an Amazon Smile account! When you shop online at, AmazonSmile donates to Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Redeemer? This is a simple, easy, automatic way to continue supporting Redeemer. You start your Amazon shopping at and select Lutheran Church of the Redeemer as your beneficiary or click on You shop as you normally would on the site, at no extra cost to you, and you don't need to make a separate account. You'll be able to tell you're shopping from the correct page if you see the AmazonSmile logo in the corner of the page and "Supporting Evangelical Church of the Redeemer" below the search bar. When you hover over the name of the charity, you can see additional information about it and track the donation amount you've generated through your purchases. Select Lutheran Church of the Redeemer at Stay Safe and Happy Shopping!

Poverty & Social Justice Series

Death by Disparities: How Medical Bias Kills September 13th, 1-3 pm

Registration for this online forum begins August 24th

A distinguished panel will give brief presentations, engage in open discussion, and offer concrete ways that you can advocate for change. Chris A. Parker, MBBS, MPH Camara Phyllis Jones, MD, MPH, PhD Jada Bussey-Jones, MD Tracey L. Henry, MD Barbara Baylor, MPH The Rev. Kevin Strickland Bishop Southeastern Synod-ELCA

The Rev. Mark Larson Senior Pastor Lutheran Church of the Redeemer

The Rev. Ronald Bonner, Sr. Assoc. Pastor for Community Engagement & Diversity and Justice Lutheran Church of the Redeemer

Lutheran Church of the Redeemer

Atlanta, Georgia

ADLA Liberation Theology Book Club with Pastor Ron Sponsored by the African Descent Lutheran Association – Southeastern Chapter,

Pastor Ron Bonner will lead a monthly book club on the 4th Saturday of the month at 10 am, beginning in July 2020. The Zoom link with be provided soon.

August 22, 2020: Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman

September 26, 2020: White Fragility by Robin Diangelo October 24, 2020: The Cross and the Lynching Tree James Cone November 28, 2020: No Name in the Street by James Baldwin December 2020: There will not be a session. January 23, 2021: Barracoon by Zora Neale Hurston February 27, 2021: I’m Still Here by Austin Channing Brown

March 27, 2021: The Search for Common Ground by Howard Thurman


Stewardship Cultivating Community through Time Talent Treasure

The Stewardship Ministry encourages members to give their time, talent, and treasure to do the work of Jesus Christ in the world today. Most folks know us through our annual pledge campaign, but we are so much more. This year with are working with the Neighborhood Vineyards to help Cultivate Community. We are always looking for new members and fresh ideas! If you would like more information, contact Alisa Norvelle at

2020 Election of Council Members Schedule – 07-26-2020

Tuesday, July 14 Executive Committee Meeting

Review and discuss recommendation for Council Election Committee members and schedule

July – beginning of August

Council Election Committee meets. Council Election Committee will work with Staff to confirm the electronic voting service is set up for Council Election

Wednesday, August 26

Email* nomination forms along with explanatory cover letter, which also includes names of ineligible candidates

Monday, September 14

Nomination forms are due back to church

Wednesday, September 16

Council Election Committee meets to finalize nominations

Thursday, September 17

Nominee names are sent to Jennifer Isaacson for verification of eligibility

Friday – Tuesday, September 18 - 22

Committee meets to determine ballot and verify with nominees their willingness to serve

Wednesday, September 23

Committee sends nominees to Pr. Mark, Bob Boyd, and Robin

Sunday, September 27

Names of nominees are printed in Sunday bulletin and emailed to congregation in Council President’s letter.

Monday, September 28

Send email to nominees notifying them headshot and bio will be needed no later than Sunday, October 4th. Provide nominees with upcoming dates for election process, installation, training at church, December Council meeting & training and Council retreat

Sunday, October 4

Deadline for bios and headshot. Candidates to provide current phone number, alternative phone number and email

Sunday, October 18

Email* letter with voting link (electronic ballot), electronic voting instructions, bios and headshots. Ballots must be received no later than 30 minutes following 11:00 a.m. service November 8th. Mailed ballots must be received no later than Friday, November 6th (No Saturday or Sunday mail delivery)

Friday, November 6

Mail ballots due to church by 5:00p.m. (No Saturday or Sunday mail delivery) Ballots need to be picked up by an Election Committee member. Committee counts votes no sooner than 30 minutes following 11:00 a.m. service. Council nominees/new members are notified of election results. Reminder email is sent to new Council Members of upcoming dates

Sunday, November 8

Tuesday, November 10

Once all new Council nominees/new members have been notified of election results, Constant Contact message email announcing election results is sent to the congregation

Wednesday, November 11

Order nametags for new council members

Sunday, November 22

New Council Members installation during church service

Saturday, December 5

New Council Members Training 9a.m. – 3p.m. (current Council members participate in training)

Tuesday, December 15

December Council Meeting: ● New Council Members – training 1 hour prior to Council meeting and then participate in Council meeting as guests ● All – reception (appetizers, desserts & refreshments) (Maybe) ● Council Meeting – normal business of meeting and celebration of soon to be retired Council Members in sanctuary

TBD Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Council Retreat Council Meeting – Election of Council Officers (need 3 retired Council members to run election of council officers)

*For those designated as not able to receive electronic communications the information will be sent via USPS.

The Columbarium at Redeemer Are you familiar with the term, “Columbarium?� By definition, a Columbarium is a room or building with niches for funeral urns to be stored. Our Columbarium is located in the peaceful Garden between the Atrium and the Sanctuary. Did you know we have had a Columbarium for almost a quarter of a century? On October 15, 1996 the Congregation Council approved a plan to establish a Columbarium Ministry at Lutheran Church of the Redeemer (LCR). All members in good standing of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Redeemer and their immediate families are eligible. The Columbarium is open anytime the Church is open.

By nature, many of us are planners‌but sadly we often fail to make our final arrangements. Do you a have an updated Will? Have you made your final arrangements? If you would like more information and click the Resources Tab and then click on Columbarium and Funerals. There is also a worksheet to assist you with planning.

If you have an interest in purchasing a niche or niches, please contact Bob Boyd at The cost for each niche is $1,100 and this includes a $250 tax deductible contribution.

When is one allowed to visit the Columbarium/Memorial Garden? The area will be open at all times when the church is open to the public and on special occasions. No flowers, real or artificial, shall be allowed in the area except at the time of interment. How does the cost compare to funeral and burial expenses? Expenses for funerals with viewings and burial average about $4,000-$6,000. Upright stone monuments and outer burial containers can escalate the cost by several thousands more. The cost of cremation is about $600 - $1,000. A Columbarium niche or garden spot at Redeemer is $750. $250 of this amount is considered to be a tax deductible contribution to the church. Can urns be used in the Columbarium niches? No. The niches are designed to hold containers which are furnished with your purchase of a niche. How is the Columbarium/Memorial Garden administered? The six member Board of Trustees will be comprised of five members appointed by the Congregation Council plus the Congregation's Treasurer. Each Trustee will be appointed for a three year term. How can a niche or plot be purchased? Purchase of a Columbarium niche or Memorial Garden plot may be made by submitting a signed application and full payment to the Columbarium/Memorial Garden Fund. The right to select a particular niche will be given to purchasers in the order in which applications are received. Garden plot locations are assigned according to a specific plan.

Redeemer Property Ministry Team Your Property Ministry Team has been extremely busy during the hiatus from onsite activities. Just to mention a few completed projects: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Repaired exterior walls to eliminate rain water leaks that have been a problem for the last 60 years. Conversion of facility lighting to LED reducing our energy costs attributed to lighting by two thirds. Installed a hand washing station in Zittrouer Kitchen to meet city code. Replaced water heater servicing the Zittrouer Kitchen. Replaced all the name plates in the Columbarium. Many of the older ones had become illegible.

The following projects are in the works: 1. 2. 3.

Complete modernization of both elevators. Reset patio stones at ground level entrances along 4th Street. Repair the portico of the Schroeder Building.

If you have experience in engineering, construction, facility maintenance, or grounds keeping and would like to be a part of the team that keeps the Redeemer facility functioning and looking it’s best, please consider being a part of the Property Ministry Team. Drop me an email if you have any questions, interest, or to jump in and volunteer.

Mark Helsel, Property Ministry Team, Chair

Redeeming Bloomers 1st Thursday 10:00am We will work 1-2 hours planting, trimming, weeding and watering. If you have questions or want to join contact Bev Alden 770-925-3003 or Heidi Franetovich 770-843-1070

**The Bloomers and Gardeners are looking forward to keeping Redeemer beautiful once the church is open for groups again. Let us know if you want to join us or if you have any questions. Redeeming Gardeners 3rd Saturday 9:30am We will work 1-2 hours planting, trimming, weeding and watering. If you have questions or want to join contact Bev Alden 770-925-3003 or Elise Thomas 770-310-5676

How to find the Zoom link for an event. 1. Go to 2. Under Latest, click on, This week at Redeemer. 3. Scroll down and click on the event you are looking for. 4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on

Join The Event Now at the appropriate time.


Need Quick Info on How to Zoom? Check Out These New Videos

1 Mark Andersen 1 Charles Carson 1 Lynne Morelock-Roy 1 Joyce Rawls

7 Ted Volan 8 Jacob Couch 8 Barbara Hoerner 8 Sheri Lignos

17 Kaye McKneely 17 Loie O'Brien 17 David Owings 18 Barbara Kimmich

24 Jacob Bohannon 24 Linda Koenitzer 25 Linda Floyd 25 Gretchen Kent

1 Isabella Taylor 2 Clarissa Cortopassi 2 Sydney Heisler 2 Allen Johnson 2 Eli May

8 Julia Moss 8 John Oetgen 8 Susan Story 8 Linda Trickey 9 Jannean Bello

18 Ava Magley 18 David Meszaros 18 Emerson Vargo 18 Bennett Wells 19 Michael Adamson

25 Melody Mann-Simpson 25 Eli Mendez 25 Grant Merkel 25 Charissa Schultz 25 Steve Zoellick

2 Amy Sibley 2 Tsehay Telila 2 Tricia Wiley 3 Margaret Hetrick 3 Carol Martin 3 Andy McDowell 3 Cherie Rice 3 Mark Vassar

9 Rafael Martinez 9 Matt Moore 9 Danny Palma 9 Amy Weaver 10 Jessie Bragg 10 Dan Marks 11 Owen Deuson 11 Patrick Neuman

19 Mark Bohntinsky 19 Nick Delbrook 19 Paul Feyereisen 19 Elenore Hundley 19 Derek Peterson 19 Garrett Safalow 19 Greg Weber 19 Christina Yarnold

26 Lindsey Iverson 26 Rob Neuman 26 Deirdre Ritger 26 Erica Rountree 26 Lars Sides 26 Gail Sutton 27 John Bartlett 27 Lesley Robertson

4 Jacqueline Bartlett 4 Wes Hetrick 4 Christi Morgan-Johnson 4 Michael O'Brien 4 John Pearson 4 Vicki Rafferty 4 Bryan Walker 5 Lorraine Dorough 5 Colin Goracke 5 Jacquelyn Martin 5 Livia Viberg 5 Christiane Walker 6 Tim Floyd 6 Jennifer Ide 6 Henry Marks 6 Steve Skiles 6 Kim Wozniak 7 Dakota Flournoy 7 Meredith Massar 7 Davis Petway

12 Andrew Christner 12 Brett Price 13 Kimberly Sanders 13 Ben Staton 13 Jean Thompson 13 Matthew Williams 13 Leo Zegarelli 14 Adam Boltz 14 Harper Gentry 14 Mike Stearsman 15 Addison Burnett 15 Kinley Smith 15 Kathryn Stempler 16 Ella Bohntinsky 16 Diego Garcia-Ide 16 Amy Lown 16 Sherri Rutledge 16 Viola Westbrook 16 Travis York 17 Lauren Alexander

20 Brenda Adams 20 Stina Anderson 20 Caroline Roberts 21 Heather Glantz 21 Julia Pakkala 21 Vivianne Staak 21 Alexander Stephens 21 Jason Worrell 21 Jane Zoellick 22 Frank Hull 22 Brenda Jarrard 22 Gabriele Koecher 22 Julie Price 22 Caroline Reed 22 Bill Voss 23 Christy Beimfohr 23 Tom Dorough 23 Tiffany Humphrey 23 Jennifer Padgett-Hemsley 24 John Blend

28 Timothy Buchanan 28 Paul Freudenstein 28 Bob Gibeling 28 Ansley Hales 28 Sharon Hermann 28 Barbara Hutsell Stutz 28 Hensley Lichtman 28 Peggy Schroer 29 Sandro Garcia-Ide 29 Grant Leeder 29 Catherine Liabastre 29 Darby Safalow 29 Harry Saunders 29 Jim Weiland 29 Erin Yelich 30 Chloe Carson 30 Joe Gleason 30 Jon Kejwan 30 Tammy Mosley 30 Kathy Wilkerson 30 Mary Wise

1 Douglas Dumont 1 Audrey Horne 1 John Schuerholz 1 Matthew Spady 1 Colin Van Hoosear 2 Rose Mary Kolpatzki 2 Susan Massar 2 Tim Millican 2 Stanley Smith 2 Michelle Williams 3 Elise Anderson 3 James Hodnett 3 Dan Munster 3 Jon Pinyon 3 Cole Simo 3 Grant Stearsman 3 Eric Thornton 4 William Dumont 4 Ed Klassen 4 Aija Konrad 4 Joe Lukas 4 Ben Ritger 4 Arthur Roche 5 Dorothy Beasley 5 Gretchen Belgum 5 Dot Brandes 5 Terry Longstreth 5 Denice Mandigo 5 John A. Martin 5 Cassie Smith 6 Harrison Heath 6 Ridley Palma 6 Jennifer Wieland 6 Cameron Worrell 6 Diane Yelich 7 Betty Carlson 7 Marihope Flatt 7 Leo Garcia-Ide 7 Becky Jones 7 Dottie Polak 8 Liz Bair 8 Mark H. Larson 8 Chris Ries

8 Paige Shee 8 Sarah Swafford 8 Colin Walker 9 Debbie Daniell 9 Beth Roke 9 Samuel Volan 10 Camryn Carter 10 Ryan Cramer 10 Bobby Gooch 10 Conrad Paetz 10 Thea Roy 10 Julian Sau 11 Tiffany Barnes 11 Lauryn Champion 11 Barbara Larsen 11 Victoria Story 11 Benjamin Williams 12 Tejan Borchers 12 Virginia Bradley 12 Owen Crawford 12 Jon Hans 12 Brenda Ingham 12 Finn Jackson 12 Parry Ruder 12 Rebecca Wright 13 Melanie Altman 13 Suzanne Bridgers 13 Joyce McSherry 13 Alex Rodriguez 14 Chris Boltz 14 Justin Isaacson 14 Mark Kuettner 14 Bob McCloskey 14 Alex Rawden 14 Shaylin Rawden 14 Christopher Wayco 14 Jodie Worrell 15 Matt Dawson 15 Andrew Johnson 15 Nancy Klotz 15 Mary LeMahieu 15 Jerry VanVickle 16 Mike Gaw 16 Jack Liptak

16 Gentry Stearsman 16 Evelyn Steele 17 Morgan Bitter 17 Emma Haase 17 Kathy Martin 17 Barbara Sween 18 Sarah Grace Barr 18 Frank Cranford 18 Claire Deuson 18 Jesse Jones 18 Millard Lowry 18 Mary Quinn 18 Susan Rasmussen 19 Barbara Brown 19 Jennifer Ehrich 19 Erin Hull 19 Pat Thomas 19 Adam Treibel 20 Lisa Bastin 20 Karen Boda 20 Emma Kate Hickey 20 Whitney Ludvigsen 20 Jordan Lukas 20 Karen Schuerholz 21 Nathan Adrian 21 Jane Barrow 21 Henrik Brightwell 21 Kaylee Burnett 21 Linda Dougherty 21 Hannah Farhadi 21 Max LaPlante 21 Susan Ott 21 Lisa Reagan 21 Michael Wilkerson 22 Josephine Anderson 22 Emmerson Crawford 22 Scott Donaldson 22 Scott McDonald 22 Jonne Walter 23 Arlene Herbert 23 Paul Hermann 23 Wendy Kraby 23 Jay Lutz

23 Jenna Nowatzki 23 Steve Vogel 23 Chris Weinstein 24 Betty Arbogast 24 Patty Bell 24 Brandon Brame 24 Karen Cramer 24 Fern Dahlke 24 Dee Neighbors 24 Hillary Nelson 25 Gary Bowman 25 Penny Charles 25 Ramon McCray 25 Katie Morris 25 Caroline Ulmer 26 William Hull 27 Harry Baxter 27 Jennifer Deuson 27 Daniel Isaacson 27 Barbara Richards 27 Richmond Stubbs 27 Lori Sundal 27 Henry VanVickle 28 Sama Doh 28 Maddie LeVorse 28 Betty Mori 29 Spencer Miller 29 Kayla Wilkerson 29 Ethan Wyse 30 Levi Arslanian 30 Laura Hansen 30 Laura McDonald 30 Alejandra Wernecke 31 Daryl Blue 31 Steve Coursey 31 Brigitte Fessele 31 Thomas Herold 31 Ivar Iverson 31 Laura Keel 31 Ivy Reynolds 31 Margaret Thomson 31 Henry Treibel 31 Jeff Worth

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Articles inside


pages 44-46

Getting to Know Zoom

page 43


page 37

Medical Disparities

page 35


page 40

ADLA Book Study

page 36

Amazon Smiles Justice and Inclusion

page 34

Kessler Conversations

page 29

Community Engagement Food Ministry

pages 30-31

Community Partners

pages 32-33

Returning to Worship Congregational Care

page 26

Children and Youth

page 23

Faith Formation for Laity

page 22

Neighborhood Vineyards

page 27


pages 20-21

Adult Faith Formation

pages 15-17

Faith Stepping Stones

page 8

Sunday School

page 7

Fall Small Groups

page 18

Rejoicing Spirits

pages 12-13


page 11

Women’s Retreat

page 19


page 14
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