Uurimistööde kogumik XV

Page 163


SPORTLASTE REIE TAGAOSA LIHASTE VIGASTUSTE ENNETAMINE Preventation of Hamstring Injuries in Athletes Andreas Sinijärv, Ivi Vaher Abstract Hamstring muscle strain injuries are the most common injuries in sports. These happen frequently in soccer, track and field, rugby, baseball, and in other sports, where sprinting or leg kicks are involved. Hamstring injury occurs mostly during the late swing phase of sprinting or during kicking the ball with the leg, when hamstrings contract eccentrically and the force is greater than the mechanical tolerance of the muscles. The purpose of the thesis was to find suitable strength training exercises and training strategies to prevent hamstring injuries in athletes. This study was a theoretical literature review. Sports medicine, orthopaedics, strength- and conditioning, and physical therapy related articles published between 2004 -2021 were used. Used databases were PubMed Central, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, ScienceDirect. Study results suggested hamstring, gluteal, core and the pelvic region muscle strength training and eccentric hamstring strength training. The most commonly mentioned beneficial exercise was the Nordic hamstring curl. In addition, sport specific sprint, agility, plyometric, aerobic, and anaerobic training were also suggested. Good recovery is also crucial. Hamstring strength testing with the NordBord equipment or isokinetic dynamometry can be used to test for muscle imbalances. Keywords: hamstring injury, hamstring injury prevention, Nordic exercise, hamstring strain. Sissejuhatus Reie tagaosa lihaste vigastused on spordis enim levinud vigastused nii individuaalsetel (Liu jt 2012, Heiderscheit jt 2010) kui ka võistkondlikel (Liu jt 2012, Heiderscheit jt 2010, Bisciotti jt 2020) aladel. Reie tagaosa 162

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