Uurimistööde kogumik XV

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KÄTEPESU SOODUSTAVAD JA TAKISTAVAD TEGURID TARTU PÕHIKOOLIDE 2. KLASSI ÕPILASTE SEAS Contributing Factors and Barriers to Hand Washing among 2nd Grade Pupils of Tartu Basic Schools Siret Läänelaid, Piret Simm-Pärle Abstract Hand washing (HW) is one of the primary methods of preventing the spread of viruses in a population. The aim of the study was to investigate contributing factors and barriers to HW and the influencing factors of correct HW in 2nd-graders of 6 schools in Tartu, Estonia. Mixed methods were used – a semi-structured interview and observation. 12 randomly selected class teachers were interviewed. Data was analysed using the inductive content analysis method. Observations were carried out at HW facilities: canteens, toilets, classrooms. Results show that hand washing is affected by several factors: 1) Opportunities - pupils wash their hands better and more thoroughly with warm tap water, with no urgency. Loud and high-installed electric air dryers are avoided; 2) Support, habits and training - if the HW is guided or controlled, it will be done more properly; 3) Personal and developmental factors - HW can also be affected by a child’s gender, children’s developmental and personal characteristics. In conclusion, improved HW at primary schools could help develop healthier behaviour and reduce illness. Pupils spend a lot of time at school and it is necessary to create good child-friendly HW facilities, plan enough time for HW, consider gender aspects, individual development and nature, set examples and support younger pupils, add HW training to curricula. Keywords: hand washing; contributing factors; barriers; 2nd-grade pupils; basic school


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