Enchanted . . . by Kieara Ara Davis
It all started when I woke up and looked outside to see that the sky was such a lavender purple. The wind was flowing by with a scent of cherry blossom trees, and the sun was shining to its fullest. I decided to get ready for the big plans I had for today. I went outside for a short look around and saw a forest hidden in the back of my little cottage. I was very concerned about it, so I changed my plans and decided to explore the forest. As it got later, I finally decided to go explore the forest, but all of a sudden the sky turned into a very dark purple and the forest got all smokey, and I heard tree branches were breaking. I was very concerned about the noises, but I was still eager to continue on my journey. While walking through the smokey forest something brushed past me pretty fast, I looked back to see if I could find out what it was, but I had no clue. A few seconds later it flew by again and now I was really determined to find out what it was so I followed it. It took me pretty far into the forest and then it randomly disappeared in front of two different paths which I had to choose from, at this moment I was thinking of turning back around but I just couldn’t. I needed to find out where it went. There were two paths, left and right, they both looked pretty spooky so I couldn’t tell if one path was more safe than the other. It took me a while to choose but then I picked left just out of my heart, I believed that was the correct path. While walking down that path I started feeling a little nauseous and everything looked dizzy to me. Then I passed out. I woke up feeling very dizzy and confused, I took a look around and realized I was sitting on a tiny couch. I was greeted with some tea from a tiny fairy who looked at me like I was crazy. We both looked at each other in complete shock. She got a wet rag from her kitchen and wiped my face off and asked me if I was okay. “Yes,” I replied in a sick voice. “May I ask you something dear?” the fairy said. 171