Nighttime Hysteria by Nicholas Barnwell
Strange noises are no rare occurrence, especially in a house. But in mine at night, they aren’t rare. In fact, they’re guaranteed. When the clock strikes 8, the noises don’t hesitate to show me they were just hiding, waiting for the moment I feel alone the most. From things falling over to floor boards creaking at random times throughout the night. Last week, on April 2, the thing that happened almost seems impossible or, “too much of a coincidence.” A can of beans fell off the counter like someone pushed it, like it got mad at us for not eating it on time. When I ran to pick up the can I noticed it landed showing the side of the expiration date: 4/2/21. Today’s date! If that wasn’t a sign, a sign that my little apartment in Crown Heights was haunted, I don’t know what is. My name is Nick and my nighttime hysteria isn’t hysterical, so don’t laugh. But if you insist on judging me, come live it for yourself. Come and see that at the same time everyday, my house will speak and it won’t take no for an answer. See, I’m not mad because this is my hysteria not yours and those who fail to believe will soon fail to breathe because who’s to say your house won’t give you an eviction notice and who knows how they’ll do it? This isn’t about you; it’s about the recurring pattern of sounds that make my skin chill and my heart beat out of my chest. “You’re hearing things,” my parents said, like I’d make this stuff up as if they were completely oblivious of what’s going on in their own home. Is this all in my head? I asked time and time again even though I knew the answer but because everyone around me couldn’t hear it I felt as though it was all in my head. Was the house after me? Was it something I did, or said? Was it strange that these noises only started to appear once our family decided it was time for a remodeling? That’s it! The poor house just wants to be left alone. 306