Untitled by Md Abrar Chowdhury
There was once a peaceful society separated only by the treaty made between the Minatoma and Mori clans. As these were the only existing clans on Earth, they always had a rivalry because of limited resources and sheltering from the demons that existed on the planet. They were called the Oni Kitsune and they are wretched creatures that often tried to trick the humans into taking the burden of purgatory. In this world, it is run by a mysterious god called “Yomi” and she exists in the 8-Jigen. We are in the 3-Jigen so we can only comprehend things that are in this 3-Jigen and cannot process anything that is after the 5-Jigen. These barriers allow this god to create and destroy the Human-Jigen without getting affected by all the chaos that she causes. She is seen as a heartless god that eats and obsesses over the pain and suffering of humans. She created this Jigen in order to create the forbidden fruit that gives her the power that she desires. You see, the Oni Kisunes were once immortal humans that cheerfully roamed the earth, as one of god Yomi’s projects. As time went on, Yomi realized that immortality didn’t generate enough energy to fuel her Forbidden Tree. The moments of happiness were decreasing because all of the humans achieved all their goals and they had nothing left to do. They were the first Sedai of failures. They were doomed to purgatory and many other attempts of creating worlds only led to disaster until she created someone that piqued her interest. By pure luck, she created an individual who had powers that allowed him to gain immeasurable amounts of strength and he dominated the 3rd Sedai. He created fear and tragedy in human’s lives and he finally gave her the secret. She finally found what fueled the Forbidden Tree. only emotional pain and tragedy fueled the Tree fast enough for her. So what she did was create a 4th Sedai, one designed to only cause sadness, and the cycle of hatred began. She used this idea in the last and final Jigen that she can create. Reasons were unknown for why but this final world is her last chance to gain what she so desperately needs.