ACI No.1 // Biobaza Sun
Fotografija / Photo: Magdis d.o.o.
Biobaza Sun je linija prirodnih proizvoda za pripremu kože za sunčanje, kao i za postizanje brončanog tena, koja se već godinama pozicionirala kao bestseller na hrvatskom tržištu. Biobaza Sun visokokvalitetni proizvodi posebni su po tome što su bogati prirodnim ekstraktima narančaste i ljubičaste mrkve, te maslacima i hranjivim uljima koji učinkovito potiču prirodnu preplanulost, a ujedno hrane, njeguju i štite kožu od isušivanja. Bogate, mirisne marmelade, kao i ulja učinit će vašu kožu lijepom i sjajnom, a preplanuli ten prirodnim i dugotrajnim. After-sun losioni dodatno će hidratizirati i njegovati kožu nakon izlaganja suncu te čuvati preplanulost i postojanost tena. Biobaza Sun proizvode potražite u svim drogerijama ili većim trgovinama duž jadranske obale. I uživajte u čaroliji prirodno brončanog tena.
Biobaza Sun is a line of natural products for preparing the skin for sunbathing, as well as for achieving a bronze complexion, which has been positioned – for years, as a bestseller on the Croatian market. Biobaza Sun high-quality products are special as they are rich in natural extracts of orange and purple carrots, as well as butter and nourishing oils that effectively stimulate natural tanning, and at the same time nourish, soothe and protect the skin from drying out. Rich, fragrant marmalades, as well as oils will make your skin beautiful and radiant, and give a tanned complexion natural and long-lasting effect. After-sun lotions additionally hydrate and nourish the skin after sun exposure, and boost the lifetime of tanned skin. Look for Biobaza Sun products in all drugstores or larger groceries along the Adriatic coast. And enjoy in the magic of naturally bronze tan.