Pomezia Notizie 2022_4

Page 26


Aprile 2022

Pag. 26


Cultivated to Be a Water-drop Standing on Iceberg


Born as water, going through ages, then a pile Diversified appearances worn The present one is the final favorite choice With those sharing the same ideal It keeps calm and sober while standing Profession being perceived completely After the transfiguration Though still a water-drop Fortune is the outcome That high on the ideal realm it stands

ha Shanqing è un famoso poeta cinese contemporaneo, nato nella contea di Xiangyun, nella provincia dello Yunnan, nel 1955. Le sue opere si trovano su giornali e periodici come People's Literature, Poetry Journal, Chinese Poetry, Bianjiang Literature, Benliu Monthly, Young Litterateur, China Ethnic News, Yunnan Daily e co sì via. Ha vinto numerosi premi di poesia in patria e all'estero. Ha pubblicato raccolte di poesie come Looking Up at the People, Colorful Clouds e Love in the Cycles of Years (versione di confronto cinese e inglese). Nel 2019 è stato invitato a partecipare al Lermontov International Poetry Festival e al Russian-Chinese Poetry Summit Forum. È membro della Yunnan Writers Association. Di lui presentiamo tre poesie tradotte in inglese da Ma Tingting e nella libera versione in italiano da Domenico Defelice.

Despite of famine and disasters It survives, and having undergone burning Boiling, it calms down Having been tortured Wound out of countless valleys and bends Broken through the blocking of reefs and rocks Hurt with bruises all over Exasperated, and revived It still keeps calm and carries on Concerned nothing about one certain bump or jolt Caring nothing for ignoring, despising Severe cold, intense heat, mocking or ridiculing Having been tailed by fierce-fanged wolves Attended the mosquitoes’ hymning And endured the fatigue and physical pains It abandons them all far behind Without any fuss about bad luck Let alone anything about unrecognized talent or trouble-making This is not numbness but an awareness That I’m more blessed than the elder generation They resisted against invasion by shedding blood With nothing but the shared bitter hatred towards enemy How could there be any distracting thought in the ferocious fighting? My past gains and losses weigh nothing

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