Tangled Silver Magazine - Journey 2023

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Tangled Silver Magazine believes t hat age and experience are beaut iful t hings. We believe women embracing t heir nat ural selves should be celebrat ed. We believe our daught ers and granddaught ers should be t aught early on t o t ap int o t heir creat ivit y wit h wild passion. We believe t hat silver doesn?t make you look old or mean you?re let t ing yourself go. We believe friendships are import ant . We believe sist ers connect ing t oget her over shared passions is joyful. We believe aging gracefully looks different for every woman and t here is no right or wrong way along t he journey. We believe in encouragement . We believe t hat embracing your silvers goes far beyond just a color choice. We believe every woman has a st ory t o share. We believe t hat everyday is a gift . We believe in laughing loudly and living boldly. We believe t hat posit ive self-t alk is not only essent ial for our happiness, but for t he girls and young women around us who are developing t heir underst anding of beaut y and self-confidence. We believe gray hair does not equat e old age. We believe you are never t oo young or t oo old t o st art embracing your nat ural hair. We believe it is t ime t o end t he st igma surrounding gray hair and t o celebrat e who we are inst ead. We believe t hat support ing ot her women in t heir journey t o accept ance and aut hent icit y is of t he ut most import ance. We believe our encouragement and love for one anot her online is leading t o more posit ive and product ive social media experiences for women. We believe in loving who we are, laughing at ourselves, and inspiring t hose around us t o do t he same.


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