LOS ALEBRIJES Customized luxury, unforgettable experiences
Seres mágicos, extraños y fascinantes surgidos de un sueño Magical, strange, and fascinating beings emerged out of a dream Jaguares con alas de dragón, gallos con cuernos de toro, conejos y camaleones con alas de mariposa, criaturas reales, fantásticas e imposibles. Fascinantes y aterradores, los alebrijes son una de las manifestaciones más representativas del arte popular mexicano en todo el esplendor de su creatividad y colorido.
Jaguars with dragon wings, rosters with bull horns, rabbits, and chameleons with butterfly wings. Real, fantastic, and impossible creatures. Fascinating and terrifying, the alebrijes are one of the most representative expressions of Mexican popular art in all the splendor of their color and creativity.