UNTITLED Eleanor Coughlin 8th Grade • Disney II Magnet
For as long as Remea could remember, she had lived on her small ship, floating around in space, with nobody else except for the computer. She had no idea where she came from, or who her parents were. She did, however, know a few things. She knew what year it was — 3025. She knew that she was born about 15 years ago, although the exact date she wasn’t sure about, and if the computer knew, it wouldn’t tell her. And she knew what she was. Remea was a human, which was one of the many species out there in the galaxy. Human. Upon learning this, when she was eleven, Remea had started to do intensive research about humans. She loved learning about the many species that lived out in the big wide universe, although she had yet to meet anyone. Studying humans was strange. They were quite different from many of the other species she knew lived out there. For one — they were much less advanced than many others. They had big, roaring cities with flying things they used to transport themselves around, cars, Remea thought they were called. Their atmosphere was polluted, so polluted, in fact, that they were hoping to move to one of their neighboring planets, Mars, in the next hundred years or so.