UNTITLED Avery Ducar 8th Grade • Monroe Middle School
April 14, 2020 Dear Diary, Today I am writing about my most life-altering moment. It happened three years ago, the day Chase came back. Chase is my older brother who left at seventeen. A little background knowledge, when I was younger my best friends were my cousin Daisy Collins and my brother Chase. We were all close because my brother and I lived with my aunt in Ohio. When I was 14, my older brother got his driver's license. Daisy and Chase ended up sneaking out the night he got it. He barely passed, my aunt said he wasn't allowed to drive alone yet because she was still worried about his driving skills. Unfortunately, my brother decided not to listen and he got into a car accident. We were told Chase was swerving on the road probably joking around, but a driver was speeding next to him and ended up hitting the car, instantly killing Daisy. The next few days were a blur for me. My best friend had just died, and my brother left. He couldn't handle the immense guilt he felt. I was alone. Walking up to the casket as a 14 year old girl was horrifying. Every single movement I made was watched by everyone. It felt like I was walking miles to get to my death bed. When I looked in there, I fell apart. It didn't look like her at all. Who was I