UNTITLED Christopher Elvira 6th Grade • Sawyer Elementary
It’s a cloudy day in New York City. The atmosphere today feels like anything can happen, it doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad. It’s a bustling city full of office workers and skateboarders. The little details are what make this place unique. Like little actions make big differences and because of that, anyone or anything could get affected. Somehow everyone is connected in a town full of activity like this. This is Jacques. A simple but strange young man. He is sitting on the stairs outside his apartment in what looks like really deep thought. He has messy brown hair, wears a silver watch that doesn’t seem to tick and leather boots with way too many cracks. For work he’s a drum player at day, and a gambler at night. One day Jacques was walking out of the grocery store and he found an envelope of cash on the ground in front of him. He knows it’s wrong to grab the money but he thinks it’s a blessing sent by God. He drops his grocery bags, picks up the money and goes home with a smile on his face. Shortly after, his grocery bags were stolen. By a woman with long black hair and a long jacket. Jacques didn’t feel good about what he did, but didn’t feel bad either. To Jacques, fate had put the money there for Jacques only and it was better off his than anyone else's. He proceeded his normal day, though very paranoid of the people around him. Went to work, then he went out with his friends. Jacques was spending all his cash on expensive drinks and blowing his cash on gambling. He took a shot, then another, then another. He