UNTITLED Francesca Marino 7th Grade • Immaculate Conception / St. Joseph School
Community, family, and God are imperative in any crisis. One crisis that the world is experiencing right now is the coronavirus outbreak. According to worldometers.info, there are 1,687,857 confirmed cases over the world. However, if we all work together, and keep our God in mind, we will survive this major crisis. For the community, this is a chance to come together and show our strength in numbers. In an effort to keep our friends, family, and neighbors safe, especially the elderly, people will follow the social distance guidelines. For example, as we walk along the street, we could be conscious of the other people and walk on the other side. Another way is by wearing a face mask when out in public. Ashwin Vasan says, “By distancing yourself, you're contributing to a societal act — a collective action — that is not only protecting yourself, but protecting others....” This shows that this global crisis brings us all together to work for the common good and to be considerate of what we are doing. A single person's actions can have a ripple effect on a town and even a city. Lastly, we can come together and discuss ways on how we can help slow down the virus, “flatten the curve”, and how a single person can help change the world. Although we have to stay away from each other physically, we can still connect in other ways. My family and I have made face masks for friends, reached out to people on FaceTime and Zoom, and stayed inside.These actions, as simple as they may sound, can