UNTITLED Mica Zandstra 7th Grade • Daystar Academy
I hugged my mom and dad goodbye, I had just been admitted into Lionheart School two months earlier, where we would learn how to control and train our special abilities. Of course, there were other subjects, history, language acquisition and the study of creatures (the one I was most excited for along with unifly lessons where I heard you would get to have your very own unifly or pegasi). I triggered Lorion while I was in Frogcroak, the ability to lift and control objects. Frogcroak is a school for humans on earth and from the Land Above the Clouds that haven’t triggered their power. The Land Above the Clouds is literally above the clouds, this special home is for humans who have triggered an ability and live, it is beautiful, but probably not how you are picturing it, your picturing fluffy cloud streets and houses made of white puff. Nope. What you should be picturing are huge houses, not made out of clouds, usually stone or wood, and stone streets. Scouts are sent to earth to find children that are suitable and look like they may trigger an ability. They will be flown to the Above every year for five years until they trigger, if they happen to not trigger an ability they and their family will be brainwashed. If they do trigger they get to live in the Above along with their family. My mom had been admitted into Horsesong, and triggered animaly, the ability to talk and control animals. My dad triggered the same as me, Lorion and went to Lionheart.