UNTITLED Maheen Qazi 9th Grade • Lane Tech College Prep
When you wake up everyday, you get a chance to think about what you want to do with your day, what you want to put into the world that day, and who you want to be. I ask you to please choose love every single day. Be a lover. Choose love. Give love. Love everyone, always. - Harry Styles At fourteen, I see the world differently than I did at seven. Then, I did not know what it meant to love, respect and accept people for who they are. During my seventh year on this planet, I went on a trip to the country I am from, Karachi, Pakistan. My family and I went over winter break and I was beyond excited to be back home. While there, my dad took me on a shopping trip. We were outside of a shop when my dad and I came across a disabled person who appeared to be blind in one eye. Sitting in a wheelchair at the end of the sidewalk, people passed by and gave him either disgusted looks or ignored his existence. Someone mocked the innocent stranger, resulting in the poor man reacting with a hurt expression. I asked my dad if we could help the stranger and he responded with a sweet smile. When my dad and I were close to the stranger, my dad took my hand and placed a thousand rupees in my palm. Then, he told me to walk over and hand him the money. At first, I was nervous because I did not know the person, but my dad assured me