UNTITLED Alex Shelton 10th Grade • Chicago Academy High School
Community is essentially a complex system of people, businesses and services that are located in the same area. And of course, as you would think, in such a complex system problems would sometimes arise. It is important to learn how to tackle them to live in prosperity. Being happy is a choice, and it requires hard work. Working with your community, helping your neighbors, addressing and solving problems your community faces head-on, will ultimately make you, and the community that surrounds you, happier. To put it bluntly, your happiness depends on your community, whether you realize it or not, in direct or indirect ways. The good news is that you have the power to change it. So you better roll up those sleeves of yours and get to work. Like all problems in a democracy, the solution has to come from the people themselves. People have to awaken to the realization that the community’s problems are their own personal problems. You have to think of your community as your family: It surrounds and affects you all the time. It is especially important if you live in a small community, a village, or a small town (although anywhere you live, the community is important). Those smaller communities are most vulnerable to difficulties and setbacks, both small and big ones. Say you live in a small town with one doctor and that doctor dies, what are the people in that community going to do? Most people will