Per ragioni di spazio, la Bibliografia si limita ai principali testi consultati e non include i saggi apparsi in volumi collettanei e su riviste, così come non sono riportati paper inediti o articoli pubblicati in periodici e quitidiani. AA.VV.,
Albania, Consociazione nazionale turistica, Milano 1940. La repressione staliniana in Cecoslovacchia, CESES, Milano 1969. AA.VV., Progress on Literacy in Various Countries. A Preliminary Statistical Study on Available Census Data since 1900, UNESCO, Paris 1953. AA.VV., The Human Rights of Muslims in Bulgaria in Law and Politics since 1878, Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, Sofia 2003. ABLONCZY B., Pál Teleki (1874-1941). The Life of a Controversial Hungarian Politician, Columbia University Press, New York 2007. ID., Trianon-legendák, Jaffa, Budapest 2010. ADAMS B., The Struggle for the Soul of the Nation. Czech Culture and the Rise of Communism, Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham (MD) 2004. ALBRECHT U., The Soviet Armaments Industry, Harwood Academic Press, Philadelphia-Reading 1993. AMBRI M. (pseud. di A. INDELICATO), I falsi fascismi. Ungheria, Jugoslavia, Romania, 1919-1945, Jouvence, Roma 1980. ANDREW C., MITROKHIN V., The Mitrokhin Archive. The KGB in Europe and the West, Penguin, London 1999. APOR B., APOR P., REES A. E. (eds.), The Sovietization of Eastern Europe. New Perspectives on the Postwar Period, New Academia, Washington DC 2008. APOR B. et al. (eds.), The Leader Cult in Communist Dictatorships. Stalin and the Eastern Bloc, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke 2004. ARGENTIERI F. (a cura di), Il ritorno degli ex. Rapporto CeSPI sull’Europa centrale e orientale, Editori Riuniti, Roma 1996. ASH T. G., The Uses of Adversity. Essays on the Fate of Central Europe, Random House, London 1989. ÅSLUND A., How Capitalism Was Built. The Transformation of Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2007. AA.VV.,