Ad Alta The Ad Alta boys started the year quietly and were apprehensive as to what the year would hold for them. We quickly settled in with some of the students very keen to pursue a career in the conservation/ horticulture industry. We were very lucky again with three boys completing a School Based Apprenticeship in Horticulture with Greening Australia. The boys all completed 3 work experience and several other boys were offered jobs or apprenticeships due to their commitment and work ethic on the job. Well done gentlemen. The boys embarked on a new subject, Careers which was both exciting and helpful under the guidance of Mr Peter O’Connor. They developed great skills and knowledge in this area and have complied a very impressive resume for themselves. Included in the resume are certificates in safe@work modules, Hospitality certificates in Safe Food Handling and a Level 1 Barista certificate. The boys have developed their skills on the coffee machine and the “VcafA” coffee shop is booming with the help from the VCAL boys. They have worked on some very interesting stools, seats, tables etc for the coffee shop. The LED lamps the boys made in semester one were equally fantastic and original. The boys could hardly wait to take them home to use. The students also participated in a course with Food Technology. They discovered how to cook a wide variety of meals with great flair. More importantly perhaps they also learnt safe food handling and how to cook nutritious budget meals instead of buying fast food. I would like to thank Leanne Rivett for her endless patience and help she has given to the boys. Another highlight I think has probably been the Community Based Religious Education program. Mr John Monagle has had the boys out helping the less fortunate in many locations in Geelong. They were able to lend a hand at the Food
AD ALTA Back Row: Matthew Lyons, Lachlan Ryan, , Fletcher Ivermee n ma rss Fo y ar ch Za Front Row: zo, Joseph Giacomaz , gs nin Jen Luke Jason Ciuffetelli, Jake Peachey, Patrick Hanlon Absent: Leyton Thulborn Staff: Simon Cahir
Bank, some Primary schools and also boneseeding locally. The boys have displayed over the year a real growth in maturity and shown themselves to be capable more than ever to enter the workforce or to continue their studies here at St Joseph’s. There were many activities and excursions organised by the students for the students which is a real credit to them. We also got behind Ms Pretty and raised much needed funds for the Rory Wilson appeal. The excursion to the Port of Geelong Authority was highlight for many of the boys. The year has been challenging to us all, teachers and students alike but I genuinely feel that we have all learnt a lot from each other and the experience of being part of Ad Alta 2014. Lastly I would like to thank Trish our wonderful teacher aid who made my work so much easier. Simon Cahir - Coordinator In Ad Alta we have been set multiple task and projects to work on. In Term 1 and 2 we worked on Herb Boxes and LED lighting which were both successful, both in building and designing by everyone. - Luke Jennings Coming into Ad Alta I didn’t know what to expect I knew it would be great fun learn thing I wouldn’t in other class it has been a great experience - Jake Peachey Throughout the semester we have volunteered our time at the Geelong Food Relief centre where we have helped a charity and see the valuable work they do for the greater Geelong Community. I have enjoyed Ad Alta very much this semester and I have learned a lot about working hard and keeping on task. In the future the Ad Alta course I have done will help me work to the best of my ability and to try my hardest. - Joseph Giacomazzo