P o s t- C o n s u m e r i s m
The restoration of the historic cinema hall created the stage for the “Today at Apple” project, where experts deliver lectures on various art, culture, and design topics.
Is the product still relevant? Does a business model based on unquenchable desire beyond price-performance and actual need still work? Post-consumerism manifestos act as catalysts for questions of this nature. They may be radical and overstep boundaries, but they always contain a grain of truth. We have compiled a list of the most ingenious examples: stores detached from space and time, where consumption is more a consequence of participation than its initial purpose. Retailment captures everything that the debate about supply and demand cannot resolve and provides a purpose for stores that embrace the experience factor in individual ways. The creative disruption in store design has flushed experience to the surface as the overriding premise. Text: Isabel Faiss
Post-Consumerism 216
style in progress