ENGLISH been ousted. The poet celebrates and commemorates warriors and fallen heroes through inviting the cupbearer to pour drinking horns of mead to the health/memory of those who put their lives on the line.
The Drinking Horn of Owain translated by Orlando Devoy
A drinking horn, a libation, pour, To honour comrades fallen, Kindred to Owain, Finding silent shelter, Beneath both familiar And hostile ground. Wind rushing behind bowshot, And flashes of steel, The faithful Bard records. Madoe here, mighty Meilir there, Sent Saxon hordes to their end. Their drink was mead, Their hearts were faithful, Blades ground sharp. But the indomitable defenders Of Owain do make the world give way. Then pour sweet mead until the strain, No strife in time of rest, While brave spear is red in hour of need, And provide for each departed spirit, For the honour and renown He does truly deserve.