feelings of audaciousness using natural imagery and poetic language to engage the reader.
The Genius of Audacity translated by Suzanne Flynn
There was like me, a silent spark Awakened to a free and bright flame You were breezing like that, drunk with youthful joy, Full of mischief through your woods at night As led by the female master, the necessity, Your arm, not used to swinging the club, And threatening, captured by the first enemy, The lion’s skin wrapped around your shoulder. As now in youthful warfare, Heroic strength measured by nature itself! Ah! Like the spirit, from wonderful victory Intoxicated, who has forgotten poor mortality! The proud youths! The bold! They gladly put the tiger in chains, They are tamed, by marvelling dolphins Dancing around the royal ocean. I often hear your weirs swishing, You genius of boldness! And of lust, To listen to the wonders of your heroic people, It often strengthens my breast, weary of life; but thou art kinder to quiet lares, Where a world of artists boldly revives, Where the majesty of the invisible A noble spirit of poetry weaves veils. 39