COLOUR Logo colour palette
BLUE Pantone 288
GOLD Pantone 110
Colour values for coated stocks
Colour values for uncoated stocks
Blue PMS 288 C C-100 M-87.9 Y-26.99 K-18.77 R-9 G-40 B-105
Blue PMS 288 U C-85.57 M-71.92 Y-21.86 K-5.52 R-0 G-82 B-149
Gold PMS 110 C C-15.67 M-31.33 Y-100 K-.31 R-220 G-171 B-39
Gold PMS 110 U C-19.89 M-36.37 Y-100 K-.85 R-229 G-191 B-24
BLUE Pantone 288 30% tint used in one-colour logo treatment
Two-colour logo
As above. Region name is 43% tint of Gold PMS 110
One-colour logo
Blue PMS 288 C / Blue PMS 288 U
GOLD Pantone 110 43% tint for secondary gold in two-colour logo
One-colour halftone logo
Blue PMS 288 C / Blue PMS 288 U Region name is knocked out in white
There are a number of colour treatments for the logo. Two-colour, black only (and halftone), PMS Blue only (and two tone), and white (knockout). It is preferred that the logo be used in its twocolour form, but there may be instances where it is more economical to use one-colour (ie internal memos and some collateral material involving silkscreening). All logos are provided in ai, eps and jpeg formats, and in CMYK and RGB modes to suit all media needs. Go to the Brand Assets site.