Super Seed Me (a.k.a. Seed Milk) When you make seed/nut milk you will be left with a bit of fiber after blending and straining it. You can use the fiber in bread or muffin recipes, add it to smoothies, sprinkle over breakfast or salads, or mix it with honey and yogurt for a wonderful homemade face and body scrub.
Makes 3 cups ⅓ cup sesame seeds ⅓ cup pumpkin seeds ⅓ cup sunflower seeds 2 cups water Soak the seeds overnight in a bowl of water. In the morning, drain the water, and then process the seeds in a blender with 2 c. water, until you have a smooth liquid. Pass through a strainer, and press the remaining solids with a spoon to get all the water out of them. Store this milk in an airtight container in the fridge, for up to 3 days.