FINANCE - PURCHASING DESCRIPTION The Division of Purchasing provides a centralized system for the management of public funds expended for the procurement of materials, supplies, equipment, professional consulting and other services, and construction. The Division also provides for the transfer or disposal of surplus property and administers the City’s purchasing card program. CITY COUNCIL TARGET AREA Financial Stability
FY 23 OBJECTIVES Leverage the City’s purchasing power by maximizing vendor participation in City solicitations. Provide training and education to City employees regarding purchasing policies, procedures, and statutes. Continue monitoring and enforcement of local, state, and federal procurement policies, procedures, and statutes. Monitor and enforce local, state, and federal procurement policies and procedures.
PERFORMANCE MEASURES Procurement Instruments Issued: RFP IFB RFQ Sole Source Procurements Purchasing Card Transactions Dollar Value of Purchasing Card Transactions Number of Purchase Orders Purchase Order Modifications Dollar Amount of Purchase Orders Surplus Property Revenue
FY 21 Actual 22 62 6 91 17,225 $5.4M 932 436 $135.3M $189,568
FY 22 Projected 25 65 7 93 18,000 $5.5M 950 440 $109M $200,000
FY 23 Estimated 27 70 8 95 18,500 $5.6M 965 450 $111M $210,000