POLICE DEPARTMENT - ANIMAL SHELTER MANAGEMENT DESCRIPTION The Animal Shelter Management Division of the Suffolk Police Department investigates all reports concerning domestic animals within the City, provides 24 hour services for emergency situations involving animals, houses and cares for all animals coming into the facility in accordance with the Code of Virginia, implements an adoptive and redemptive services program, and educates citizens regarding domestic animal laws and regulations.
CITY COUNCIL TARGET AREA Civic Engagement & Responsive City Services
FY 23 OBJECTIVES Increase the number of adoptions and redemptions. Increase animal transfers through coordination with other rescue organizations. Use social media to provide public information on prevailing animal control issues.
PERFORMANCE MEASURES Number of adoptions Number of redemptions Number of transfers Number of animal foster homes Self-Initiated calls for service by animal control staff Citizen calls for service
FY 21 Actual 188 235 791 26 2,195 2,728
FY 22 Projected 193 238 795 27 1,234 1,880
FY 23 Estimated 198 241 799 28 1,300 1,950