FIRE AND RESCUE – EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DESCRIPTION The Emergency Management Division of the Suffolk Department of Fire and Rescue is responsible for disaster preparedness and seeks to lessen the impact of natural and man-made disasters on the Suffolk community through effective mitigation, planning, emergency response, and recovery. This is accomplished through a comprehensive all-hazards emergency management program aimed at coordinating local, state, and federal resources during a disaster. CITY COUNCIL TARGET AREA Public Safety
FY 23 OBJECTIVES Administer a comprehensive all-hazards emergency management program aimed at coordinating local, state, federal, and private resources to address natural and man-made disasters through prevention, preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation. Prepare, prevent, respond, and recover from COVID-19 by working with federal, state, local, and community partners. Provide emergency management educational outreach to citizens and businesses. Establish and strengthen local and regional emergency management relationships through public/private partnerships. Complete all work elements required by the Local Emergency Management Performance Grant.
FY 21 Actual Number of training exercises held 3 Percent of City staff receiving emergency management class 100% Percent compliance with state/federal mandates 100%
FY 22 Projected 2 100% 100%
FY 23 Estimated 3 100% 100%