SUFFOLK HEALTH DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Suffolk Health Department is part of the Western Tidewater Health District which includes Isle of Wight County, Southampton County, the City of Franklin, and the City of Suffolk. The Health Department aims to achieve and maintain personal and community health by emphasizing health promotion, disease prevention, and environmental protection.
CITY COUNCIL TARGET AREA Leisure, Health, and Wellness
FY 23 OBJECTIVES Increase the number of teens served in family planning clinics and in community education settings. Increase the enrollment and participation of WIC clients. Enter 100% of immunization records for children less than six years old into the state registry system Percent of food establishments inspected by due date.
PERFORMANCE MEASURES Number of teens served in family planning clinics Number of clients in WIC program Percent of immunization data entered into state registry Percent of food establishments inspected by due date Number of food establishment inspections
FY 21 Actual 7 1,393 100% N/A N/A
FY 22 Projected 20 1,400 100% 60% 600
FY 23 Estimated 30 1,400 100% 60% 600