FLEET MANAGEMENT FUND DESCRIPTION The Division of Fleet Management is operated as an internal service fund for the purpose of providing equipment and vehicles to City departments. The Division also houses a portion of the school transportation personnel and supplies them with controlled inventory and computerized maintenance records.
CITY COUNCIL TARGET AREA Civic Engagement & Responsive City Services
FY 23 OBJECTIVES Maintain a strong replacement program to ensure fleet customers have safe and proper equipment and lower the expense of repairing an aging fleet. Utilize municipal and state contracts available to purchase City assets at the best possible price. Provide accurate billing to all departments supported.
PERFORMANCE MEASURES Number of work orders received Average work order completion time Percent of time fleet is available for users Parts Inventory Turn Rate Immediate Parts Fill Rate
FY 21 Actual 4,676 8.8 days 89% 3.55 87%
FY 22 Projected 7,000 7.0 days 90% 4.70 85%
FY 23 Estimated 7,000 7.0 days 90% 4.70 85%