Bizzare Journey to The West of The West Otty Widasari
Th at sa id, intellectua ls from the East ca r r ied out a nineteen-yea r pilgrimage to the West. They looked for a place where the sun was set, motivated by a deep desire for knowledge (about Buddhism). A long narrative on The Journey to The West was archived. It contains extraordinar y knowledge. It includes more than 12 editions explaining the geographica l-geologica l situation of a ll traversed regions to the culture, histor y, and religions that exist and narratives about the products, lang uages, and people in that whole region. Even these travel notes become references for historians and modern archaeologists in the future because they describe the measure of distances and locations of various places precisely. These notes are a lso a va luable g uidebook for various excavations of historica l sites. This legendar y narrative is not only limited to the notes on impor tant places that become cross-cultura l studies bet ween China and India, but a lso as a broader cross-cultura l study in the world. A signif icant step of civilization has been ta ken and become knowledge used continuously heretofore.