Shadowed Twilight Zone Afrian Purnama
Imagining the t wilight zone… A place where we stand on a threshold. A territor y where humans lose control of their consciousness towards what is rea l and what is mere image. The t wilight zone can be imagined as phases; thus, it is durationa l. A shadowed t wilight zone can be determined by the amount of light that enters the retina. When the rea lit y which appears in the light slowly drowns, replaced by another rea lit y revea led in the dark. The t wilight zone has layers of space and time which rotates according to the laws of nature. On the contrar y, the term ‘Twilight Zone’ is a lso used to def ine a specif ic condition of the environment, namely the layers of sea threshold, the last place where the sun can penetrate the depth of the sea. In those depths, the Twilight Zone is no longer durationa l or divided into phases. It is continuous, a permanent