Preface Keynote Speech of Forum Festival 2021: “Twilight Zone”
Complete darkness is often inser ted as a transition bet ween scenes in both cinema and theatre. In both domains, whether it is a blackout in theater or a black screen in cinema, it is used purposefully to direct the emotions of the audience, or prepare the audience's mind for the next scene. The dark situation does not immediately ta ke the audience out of the narrative space of the cinema world on the screen, but instead brings the audience into a space where the contents are not visible. So, does invisibilit y mean something doesn't exist? In the theatre, darkness a llows a transfer of proper t y and change in costumes by actors. Invisibilit y does not mean that something is not present, but rather it is the presence of something that does not reach the retina of our eyes. However, this presence is only recognized in a cer tain premise: in the rea lit y on the stage, or in the rea lit y that "should" exist outside the stage. Thus, regardless of which premise acknowledges the presence of something, the question is now: What exists in it? What happens in the dark? The introduction to A R KIPEL 2020 "Twilight Zone" explained that the Twilight Zone, a transition zone of light and dark, is “...the enlargement zone, like the camera work, which a llows our senses to frame with sensitivit y.” This possibilit y results in the existence of images that are “...simultaneously blurring and clarifying the sight that has been determined previously. This introduction ma kes us need to dismantle again by using questions: which one is the rea l one; the one on the screen before the eyes or the one in front of the lens? So, in the t wilight zone, the relationship bet ween the eye, lens, and screen is a lways a deceptive relationship.” A fter a year of ta lking about the t wilight zone, it would be appropriate for the A R KIPEL Forum Festiva l 2021 to ta lk about what happens in the zone. Perhaps, there is an incubation period. “Incubation” is a word that is often heard during this pandemic, it refers to the time inter va l that determines whether something