Panel 1 - “The Possible Languages of Cinema” Moderator Anggraeni Dwi Widhiasih Panelists Pujita Guha (India, curator and scholar) Afrian Purnama (Indonesia, writer and curator)
At least in a lmost the last decade, the development of technolog y to watch f ilms has led to a more individua lized cinema culture through video-on-demand platforms. This situation grew more intense when the COV ID -19 pandemic occurred and forced the emergence of distancing policies which caused the shutdown of conventiona l cinema spaces that genera lly required physica l presence in groups in the cinema room. On the other hand, socia l media platforms that provide various features for producing and watching videos have a lso encouraged the emergence of diverse locutions in the moving image discourse. If we look at the relationship bet ween crises and changes in human civilization, we can note how crises a lways have a signif icant role in triggering the emergence of new things. A long with the sense of urgency, there is a lso a space for emergence. Emergencies are no doubt often associated with emergence, as they are et ymologica lly connected. A crisis is thus closely related to the emergence of an aper ture for changes. In relation to cinema, crises and limitations have long been the levers capable of stimulating the emergence of inventions and novelties in motion picture production. As a technolog y, camera is the embodiment of the bir th of innovations that signif icantly change the way humans perceive the world. It a lso grows as an apparatus that continues to evolve and so the lang uages that emerge from and/or as a result of this technolog y a lso continue to evolve.