POWER FROM EUROPE Renewable energy and energy security are in the pipeline, reports Robert Williams.
hat is the most effective way of increasing the UK’s energy security and use of renewable power? Building new capacity, and new nuclear power stations or wind farms is a slow process. The answer may be to import it, by using interconnectors. And the role of interconnectors in improving security of electricity supply is also becoming increasingly important across Europe. Interconnectors have been a long-established and successful technology in continental Europe. In the UK, by contrast, there is a relatively low level of interconnection. Building more interconnectors could bring real benefits to British electricity consumers. Analysis undertaken by National Grid suggests that each one GW of new intercon6 Industry Europe
nector capacity could help to reduce the UK’s wholesale power prices by up to 1-2 per cent. Constructing 4-5 GW of new interconnector links with mainland Europe could unlock up to £1 billion of benefits to energy consumers. As well as providing access to cheaper power, interconnection will also help us secure our energy supply. Consumers throughout Europe use electricity in various ways at different times of the day, and interconnection allows electricity to be moved to where it is needed. This is particularly important at times of ‘system stress’, such as a when there is cold weather and power stations are closed for maintenance or even shut down unexpectedly. There are further benefits from interconnection that can reduce our impact on the
environment. Renewable energy sources such as wind and wave are an increasingly important part of the energy mix. Increasing interconnection allows us to import energy from renewable sources. Britain’s interconnector capacity is set to double in the next decade as a number of significant projects come on stream. Our links with Europe may be uncertain, but the European Commission is seeking a more ‘joined up’ approach that links transmission networks beyond borders from which the UK will benefit.
Enhancing sustainability Interconnectors are connections between the electricity transmission systems of two different countries allowing electricity to flow in and out.