OUR HEALING MEDICINE PART 1 Have you ever been sick and wondered where does sickness come from? If you look at the current state of the world, there are so many levels of sickness and disease. Emotional sicknesses are among many physical sicknesses, in fact you see it at a higher rate like never before! Hate, discord, rage, envy, jealously, fighting, and war to name a few. Our emotions and how we think can be the difference between life or death when sickness and disease hits our loves. Fear is a big factor that many suffer from. The bible says...”God does not give us the spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind”-2 Timothy 1:7
so much of what you eat, drink, work out, etc even though these things are great and we should do it by all means! Living healthy means nothing if your words are negative especially about your own life. Words are containers for power. If you don’t want to see something in your life... DO NOT SAY IT! The Word of God says that God has given man a full maximum age to 120. He knew it would be hard for many of us to even get that close but the end of that finish line is there for any of us to reach IF we really wanted to because He said it in His Word and His Word never returns to Him void.
The dark forces of this world hangs on the negative words we speak about our lives and ourselves so negative energy and bad things can come to us. We MUST watch what we say. God’s Word also tells us to...”Speak those things that be not, as though they were-Romans 4:17
If we speak it and believe it, when can receive it. He gave us a minimum age of 70 so if we reach this that’s great because we made that far. He also made a middle mark of the “Golden Age” of 80 years old. If you are blessed to reach this age it’s a major blessing and beyond. Trusting God, having love and compassion in your heart are important factors to the fountain of youth also along with caring for your body and the longevity of life.
The kingdom of hell hates us to be healthy cause when we are healthy, we’re happy. When we’re happy, we’re joyful and thankful to God for life! It is the enemy’s job to kill, steal and destroy our bodies through pain, suffering, sickness and disease so our spirits can be distraut and our faith will inevitably be demoralized and finished. God says the spirit of a man will sustain Him in his bodily affliction. If we don’t trust God and His Word we surely won’t trust it to heal us and our situations.
My affirmations daily are...”I declare I will reach the full age of man. With long life, strong life, will God satisfy me and show me His salvation,” or be alive until Jesus comes whichever comes first lol! I also declare...”By the Stripes of Jesus I am healed. The Word made flesh...’Jesus’...was and is the power given to man. He was made the manifested Word of God to walk among us so we know how to respond to the kingdom of darkness when it tries to steal what Jesus purchased on the cross for us and take over our lives!
I know people who eat whatever they want, do whatever they want, and live long, long lives. I’ve also seen people eat healthy, cut everything bad out of their daily lives, become fitness gurus and die early. It’s not
Whatever we deal with God says find His Word on it and SPEAK over yourself, speak His Words over our lives and our health and situations. The enemy will flee and his attacks will be minor when you remind Him
what God says in His Word. The devil will never leave us alone as children of God but with life in Christ and knowing where He stands in your life, makes the difference between life and death in many areas. What will the world be like if we all did this? The kingdom of hell would have nothing to do and we would have peace on earth the way God intended. Unfortunately, evil prevails because man’s plans to exit God from the world and ways of believing gives Satan legal ground to bring chaos and destruction. However, this convo isn’t popular to talk about which is why it’s shunned. Whose behind the shunning? Dark forces who want to kill Jesus in the minds of many because the devil knows the power of the name of Jesus and His Word. His plan is to stop it by any means necessary! No matter how I feel when sickness tries to steal my health, I declare I am healed in the name of Jesus because He purchased my healing on the cross so in His name I can have what I say and you can too! I suffered many things and my faith in Christ healed me from a brain tumor in the middle of my eyes when they said I had a 50/50 chance of being blind. The fear level was rising as I laid on the table ready for surgery! The doctors were in my brain for six hours but speaking the Word over myself before surgery was my comfort and protection. Thank God I had a successful surgery! Sickness and disease was invented by the devil to hurt the heart of God as humanity suffers. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil on the cross. His life wasn’t taken because He laid it down and allowed His crucifixion to happen for humanity that through Him we can be saved. Some say why would God allow the devil to do so much evil in the world and not stop him if he died for us