Speed Enhancement +10 (Su): The item increases and give it the light fortification ability, or leave its enhancement bonus unchanged and give it a special the speed of one of your modes of movement by 10 feet. Choose the specific movement mode when ability whose market price is equivalent to a +2 bonus, such as spell resistance 13. assigning this ability to the item. You can’t add this bonus to a form of movement you don’t already have (for example, if you don’t have a fly speed, this abil- Effective Enhancement Bonus Current Increase ity can’t give you one). Treat this adjustment as an +2 or less 2 enhancement bonus. +3, +4, or +5 1 Summon Monster III (Sp): Once per day when you issue the command word and gesture with the Clairaudience/Clairvoyance (Su): Two times per item, you can use summon monster III as the spell. Weapon Enhancement (Su): The effective day, you can speak a command word and gaze into (or press your ear against) the item to see or hear at a enhancement bonus of a weapon increases by 1, to a maximum of +2. You can instead choose any distance, as the clairaudience/clairvoyance spell. Constant Companion, Least (Su): While you are special ability whose market price is equivalent to a +1 bonus, such as flaming. This ability can be placed holding, wearing, or wielding the item, you can use a swift action to summon an allied creature. When only on a weapon. Web (Sp): Three times per day on command, you assigning this ability to the item, choose one of the can use web as the spell. The save DC is 13, or 12 + creatures from the 1st-level list of the Summon Monster or Summon Nature’s Ally table on pages 287 and your Charisma modifier, whichever is higher. 288 of the Monster Manual. Only that creature can be Whispering Wind (Sp): Three times per day on summoned using this ability. command, you can use whispering wind as the spell. The allied creature attacks your foes and serves you ABILITY MENU C (LEAST) to the best of its ability. If you can communicate with When you found a legacy item and perform a least the creature, you can direct it not to attack, to attack legacy ritual, you can choose a Menu C ability at particular enemies, or to perform other actions. It remains with you unless dismissed (a standard action) the cost of three Menu A slots. You cannot “trade or killed. If the creature is slain, it can be summoned in” existing Menu A or B abilities for an ability from again after 24 hours, fully healed. You can never have this menu. A skipped slot means that no legacy ability is available at that character level. For example, if more than one least companion at any one time. Cure Serious Wounds, Self (Sp): Once per day as you assigned a Menu A ability at 5th level, you could a swift action, you can use cure serious wounds as the assign a Menu C ability at 8th level, gaining no new spell on yourself when holding, wearing, or wielding legacy abilities at 6th or 7th level. You still pay personal costs for a given level, even if you gain no new the item. Deep Slumber (Sp): Two times per day, when you legacy abilities. issue the command word and gesture with the item, You can choose one ability from any lower menu you can use deep slumber as the spell. The save DC in place of one from Menu C. is 14, or 13 + your Charisma modifier, whichever Menu C abilities have a caster level of 10th. Acid Arrow (Sp): At will, when you issue the comis higher. mand word and gesture with the item, you cause it to Deflection (Su): The deflection bonus to AC fire an acidic arrow, as the Melf’s acid arrow spell. granted by the item increases by 1, to a maximum of Armor or Shield Enhancement (Su): The effec+3. This ability can never be placed on a suit of armor tive enhancement bonus of a suit of armor or a shield or a shield. You can select this option multiple times. Its effects stack. increases, as shown in the table below. This ability can be placed only on a suit of armor or a shield. Dispel Magic (Sp): Once per day, when you issue Instead of increasing the enhancement bonus, you the command word and gesture with the item, you can choose any combination of enhancement bonuses can use dispel magic as the spell. and special abilities whose total market price is equivaEmpower Power, Lesser (Su): You can manifest up lent to the effective bonus increase. For example, if to three psionic powers per day of up to 3rd level that the effective enhancement bonus increases by 2, you are empowered as though using the Empower Power could increase the armor’s enhancement bonus by 1 metapsionic feat (see the Expanded Psionics Handbook