FOUNDING LEGACIES Illus. by S. Belledin
for details). Using this legacy ability does not change DC is 14, or 13 + your Charisma modifier, whichever is higher. the power point cost of the altered power. You cannot use this ability if you cannot already Water Breathing (Su): While holding, wearing, or wielding the item, you can breathe water freely, as manifest psionic powers. Empower Spell, Lesser if continually affected by the water breathing spell. (Su): You can cast up to three spells per day of up to ABILITY MENU D (LESSER) If you continue to enhance a legacy item by perform3rd level that are empowered ing a lesser legacy ritual, assign lesser abilities to the as though using the Empower Spell metamagic feat. Using this item from the following menu. You choose one abililegacy ability does not change the ty at 11th level, and one for each additional spell slot of the altered spell. A character level up to 16th level. spontaneous spellcaster (such Alternatively, you can “lose” as a sorcerer) must still take a Menu D choices to select abilities full-round action when using this from Menus E and F, as described ability, just as if using a metamagic under those menus. feat he possessed. You can choose one ability from You cannot use this ability any lower menu in if you cannot already cast place of one from spells. Menu D. Fly (Su): Once per day, Menu D abilities have when you issue the coma caster level of 10th. mand word and hold the item above your head, you Burning Hands (Sp): At can use fly (self only) as will, when you issue the comthe spell. mand word and gesture with the item, you cause it to spray Halt Undead (Sp): Two a fan of flame, as the burning times per day, when you hands spell. The save DC is 11, issue the command word or 11 + your Charisma modiand gesture with the item, fier, whichever is higher. you can use halt undead as the spell. The save DC is 14, Continual Wind or 13 + your Charisma mod(Su): While you are holding, The power of a legacy item lends its wielder wings ifier, whichever is higher. wearing, or wielding the item, Levitate (Su): At will on light gusts of wind constantly command, you can move stream from you, billowing your cloak or hair. At will on command, you can yourself up or down at your direction, as though affected by the levitate spell. focus the wind to blow away or knock down smaller creatures, as the gust of wind spell. The save DC is 13, or Resistance (Su): The resistance bonus on saves 12 + your Charisma modifier, whichever is higher. granted by the item increases by 1, to a maximum Cunning (Su): While you are holding, wearing, or of +5. You can select this option multiple times. Its wielding the item, you are never flat-footed. effects stack. Cure Serious Wounds (Sp): Three times per Scorching Ray (Sp): At will, when you issue the command word and gesture with the item, you cause day, you can use cure serious wounds as the spell by it to shoot two rays of fire, as the scorching ray spell. touching the item to the creature to be healed (includSpider Climb (Su): While holding, wearing, or ing yourself) and speaking a command word. This ability can instead deal damage to undead creatures. wielding the item, you can walk on walls and ceilings, as if affected by the spider climb spell. The save DC is 14, or 13 + your Charisma modifier, Suggestion (Sp): Two times per day, when you whichever is higher. issue the command word and follow it with a specific Darkness, Other (Sp): At will, when you issue suggestion, you can use suggestion as the spell. The save the command word and touch an object with the