If you continue to enhance a legacy item by performing a lesser legacy ritual, you can choose a Menu E ability at the cost of two Menu D slots. You cannot “trade in” existing Menu D abilities for an ability from this menu. A skipped slot means that no legacy ability is available at that character level. For example, if you assigned a Menu D ability at 11th level, you could assign a Menu E ability at 13th level, gaining no new legacy ability at 12th level. You still pay personal costs for a given level, even if you gain no new legacy abilities. You can choose one ability from any lower menu in place of one from Menu E. Menu E abilities have a caster level of 11th. Ability Enhancement +4: The item grants a +4 enhancement bonus to one ability score. Choose the specific ability score when assigning this ability to the item—Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. You can select this option multiple times. Each time you do so, it applies to a different ability score. Animate Dead (Su): Once per day, when you issue the command word and touch the item to a corpse, you can transform that corpse into a skeleton or zombie of up to 10 Hit Dice, as with the animate dead spell. Armor or Shield Enhancement (Su): The effective enhancement bonus of a suit of armor or a shield increases, as shown in the table below. This ability can be placed only on a suit of armor or a shield, and can be selected multiple times. You cannot increase the armor or shield’s actual enhancement bonus beyond +5. Instead of increasing the enhancement bonus, you can choose any combination of enhancement bonuses and special abilities whose total market price is equivalent to the effective bonus increase.
special ability whose market price is equivalent to a +1 bonus, such as flaming. This ability can be placed only on a weapon. You can select this option multiple times. Its effects stack. Web (Sp): Five times per day on command, you can fill an area with sticky strands, as the web spell. The save DC is 13, or 12 + your Charisma modifier, whichever is higher.
You cannot use this ability if you cannot already manifest psionic powers. Mirror Image (Sp): Three times per day on command, you can use mirror image as the spell. Obscurity (Su): The item cannot be detected remotely through scrying, remote viewing, or other means of divination, as if continually affected by the obscure object spell. Protection from Arrows (Su): While you are holding, wearing, or wielding the item, you gain damage reduction 10/magic against ranged weapons, as if affected by the protection from arrows spell. There is no limit to the amount of damage prevented. Shocking Legacy (Su): Five times per day as a standard action, you can imbue the item with electrical energy. (This does not harm you.) The item deals an extra 5d6 points of electricity damage on a successful hit. If the item is a projectile weapon, it bestows this effect on its ammunition. Alternatively, you can deal 5d6 points of electricity damage with a successful melee touch attack; if the item is a melee weapon, use it to make this attack. In either case, the energy is expended until you recharge the item (using another standard action). Slippery Barrier (Su): While you are holding, wearing, or wielding the item and are standing on solid, open ground, you can use a swift action to cover the open ground with a layer of slippery grease. This effect resembles the grease spell but covers each eligible 5-foot square adjacent to your own (your space is free of the grease effect). Another swift action dismisses the effect; otherwise the grease dissipates in 1 minute. If there is no open ground in one or more adjacent squares, or if you leave the ground, the effect immediately ends. The save DC is 11, or 11 + your Charisma modifier, whichever is higher. Speak with Dead (Su): Once per day, when you issue the command word and lay the item on the breast of a corpse, the corpse must answer five questions, as if affected by the speak with dead spell. The save DC is 14, or 13 + your Charisma modifier, whichever is higher. Summon Monster IV (Sp): Once per day when you issue the command word and gesture with the item, you can use summon monster IV as the spell. Summon Swarm (Sp): Five times per day on command, you can use summon swarm as the spell. Weapon Enhancement (Su): The effective enhancement bonus of a weapon increases by 1, to a maximum of +3. You can instead choose any