vanish without a trace. At 13th level and higher, once per day on command, you can use shadow walk as the spell. Caster level 11th. Shocking Shot (Su): Beginning at 14th level, as a standard action, you can imbue an arrow nocked on the Bow of the Black Archer with electricity. If your shot with this arrow hits, the arrow deals an extra 5d6 points of electricity damage. This ability can be used five times per day, and a use is wasted if the charged arrow misses. Deny the Demonweb Pits (Sp): Lolth’s servants have many powerful allies in the Abyss. At 16th level and higher, you gain a measure of defense against them. Two times per day on command, you can use protection from evil as the spell. Caster level 10th. Escape the Spider’s Bonds (Su): Webs and other entanglements hold no more fear for a wielder of the Bow of the Black Archer. Starting at 17th level, you constantly benefit from the effects of freedom of movement while you hold the bow in hand. Caster level 15th.
Mindarmor (Su): At 18th level, you gain a +3 insight bonus on Will saving throws to resist mindaffecting and compulsion effects. Fast Movement (Su): Once you attain 18th level, your base land speed increases by 10 feet. Pierce the Black Heart (Su): You and the Bow of the Black Archer become the ultimate expression of Shevarash’s fury. At 20th level and higher, once per day, you can fire an arrow from the Bow of the Black Archer that kills any drow struck by it, as if by a finger of death spell. You must declare that you are using this ability before making the attack. If the arrow misses, the effect is wasted for the day. The save DC is 20, or 17 + your Charisma modifier, whichever is higher. Caster level 15th.
While exploring underground, the party stumbles across an insane dwarf whose entire clan was wiped out by drow. The dwarf shaved his beard out of grief
Elven Demigod Symbol: Broken arrow above a teardrop Home Plane: Arvandor Alignment: Chaotic neutral Portfolio: Hatred of the drow, vengeance, crusades, loss Worshipers: Arcane archers, elves, fighters, hunters, rangers, soldiers, sorcerers Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, CE Domains: Chaos, Elf*, Retribution*, War Favored Weapon: “The Black Bow” (longbow) *New domain detailed in Chapter 3 of Player’s Guide to Faerûn. Shevarash is a member of the Seldarine, the Faerûnian pantheon of elven deities. He has no realm of his own but often lurks in the rough mountainous regions of Arvendor. Shevarash is taciturn, violent, and consumed by thoughts of bitterness and revenge. He never displays any emotion aside from anger and a brief exultation or triumph after each victory. The Black Archer has no patience for those who do not share his zeal for vengeance, and he has no interest in moderating his crusade in the interests of peace. After the slaughter of his family by drow, he swore an oath to Corellon Larethian that he would neither laugh nor smile until Lolth and all her followers were destroyed. The church of Shevarash is small but disciplined, for only through careful planning will the drow be destroyed. The followers of Shevarash are consumed with their quest to root out and destroy the drow and the sources of power
of their dark gods. Individual clerics spend their days drilling, designing tactics for warfare in the Underdark, guarding known entrances to the Underdark, and participating in hit-and-run raids and major assaults on drow-held territories in the Underdark. Clerics of Shevarash pray for their spells at dusk, just before the drow sneak back into the lands of light. Midwinter Night is observed by the cult of Shevarash in memory of the Dark Court Slaughter, a night of infamy during which drow armies boiled from the Underdark and killed almost everyone attending a meeting between elves and dwarves to renew their alliance. (Shevarash’s family was among the casualties of this raid.) On Midwinter Day, those who wish to join the ranks of the clergy are inducted into the faith and shout vows of unceasing vengeance into the night. In honor of Shevarash’s vow, they swear never to laugh nor smile until their deity’s sacred oath is fulfilled and the drow, along with their dark gods, are expunged from the world. Shevarash is most closely allied with Fenmarel Mestarine, the elven patron of outcasts and wild elves. Fenmarel petitioned Corellon for Shevarash’s apotheosis, and Shevarash spends much of his time in Fennimar, Fenmarel’s forest realm. Shevarash has also allied himself with other foes of Lolth as well as deities of revenge, including Callarduran Smoothhands, Hoar, Shar, and Shaundakul. He loathes the evil drow deities, Lolth and Vhaerun chief among them, but is less vindictive toward other evil deities of the Underdark. See page 130 of the Faiths and Pantheons supplement for more on Shevarash.