ITEMS OF LEGACY Illus. by D. Martin
Faedrion’s tribe was running low on food, and their hunts were lean. When the thriving wild elven city was disFrostburn’s Wrath is a quarterstaff made from petrified darkwood. It is topped covered, above a valley filled with harts by a gnarled head, inside of which a and hinds, the humans immediately blue sapphire has been fastened. assumed their game had been hoardNonlegacy Game Statistics: ed by the elves. A berserker force was Master work/+1 quarterstaff; Cost sent to attack and plunder the elven 2,640 gp. city in retaliation. Faedrion tried to Omen: The staff is cold to the warn Sorelius, but others in his tribe touch, and when squeezed, vapor prevented him from doing so, traprises from its entire length as if it ping and binding him. The berserkers were dry ice. successfully infiltrated the valley and climbed up the steps leading to the HISTORY mountain city, and many elves were lost. Sorelius loved to stray from home and Sorelius, with her staff, joined a group roam across the snow-covered, alpine of archers who flanked the barbarians and ambushed them, exterminating them. meadows for days. She carried with Nobody blamed Sorelius for leading the her the staff that came to be known as humans to the city. No proof existed to alFrostburn’s Wrath. The wild elf maiden low such a claim. She felt responsible for the lived in an ancient city carved out of a mountain peak. Her ancestors created the damage done and every life lost nevertheless, beautiful aerie so Sorelius and her fellow and she silently blamed Faedrion for it all. (DC wild elves could live in self-sustaining isola25; Envy Most Foul) tion. But seclusion was something Sorelius The loss of so many innocent lives was the no longer craved. She always described her worst tragedy to befall the wild elf community explorations as uneventful to any who asked, in centuries. Sorelius could tell the berserkers but on one such venture, she discovered a came from Faedrion’s clan by examining their handsome human man lost in the trackgarb. Fury and the sting of treachery washed over the wild elf sorceress as she flew down from the less mountains, freezing in the bitter cold. mountain like a scorned force of nature. Sorelius Sorelius saved him from certain death. Her could guess where Faedrion lived, but the exact people forbade interaction with humans for location didn’t matter. She razed every human any reason, but Sorelius and the human, who was called Faedrion, continued meeting each encampment in her path with the cold embrace other in secret. (DC 15) of Frostburn’s Wrath, raging on until she came Sorelius and Faedrion sustained their love to the most prominent village in the human lands. There, Sorelius unleashed a blizzard unaffair for years. She shared stories of her home, like any seen in the harshest winters, freezing but she refused to show him where to find the mountain city, since he would be killed on sight flesh on bone until it crystallized and flaked if he were to go there. During this time Sorelius away in the wind. Finally satisfied with the grew increasingly clever at avoiding suspicion blood price she had exacted, Sorelius landed about her frequent outings and even managed to on the ground to survey firsthand the damage she had wrought. It was then she saw her evade the trackers her parents sometimes hired. lover’s corpse, still tied to a post, seemingly Faedrion, however, was not so subtle. Although by his own people. Innocent of duplicity and he never spoke of Sorelius to anybody, members betrayed himself, Faedrion had been slain of his clan followed him to one of his arctic renby Sorelius’s own hand. The elf dropped dezvous. When Sorelius returned home after the meeting, a human ranger shadowed her through Frostburn’s Wrath where she stood, and she the secret paths and caverns that led was never heard from again. (DC 30; to the valley and city of the wild elves. Fury at betrayal powers the icy Blind Justice) death of Frostburn’s Wrath (DC 20; Coveted Secrets)