Electrical Trade Theory N1
This document includes important informa on about the revised curriculum for Electrical Trade Theory N1, scheduled for implementa on in 2021. For best results, use TVET First Electrical Trade Theory N1. Changes to the curriculum for 2021: • The curriculum has been revised and changed. • Many sec ons have been removed. • All Learning Outcomes have been renumbered and rewri en. Modules and weigh ngs: The new curriculum has been broken down into Modules with weigh ngs as follows: New curriculum (2021): Module 1
Safety precau ons
Module 2
Fire and fire figh ng
Module 3
Hand and power tools
Module 4
Direct current theory
Module 5
Conductors and insula ng materials
Module 6
Wiring of premises
Module 7
Tes ng of a single phase installa on
Module 8
Magne sm and electromagne sm
Module 9
Renewable energies
Overview of changes • Old Module 1 – Safety and basic hand tools - has now been broken up into 3 modules: – M1 Safety precau ons, M2 Fire and firefigh ng and M3: Hand and power tools – Safety precau ons now include new Learning Outcomes on the Occupa onal Health and Safety Act and accident and incidents and more detailed Learning Outcomes on housekeeping, safety signage and fire. – Grinding wheels and environmental prac ce are no longer specifically men oned in the curriculum. – ‘Hickey’ has been added to the list of basic hand tools that students need to know how to use and care for. – Learning Outcomes have been added on the care, maintenance and safe use of power tools.
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