Motor Trade Theory N3
This document includes important informa on about the revised curriculum for Motor Trade Theory N3, scheduled for implementa on in 2021. Contact jayshil.bhula@macmillaneduca to request a sample copy of the TVET First approved textbook or visit our website at www.macmillaneduca For best results, use TVET First Motor Trade Theory N3! Major changes to the 2021 curriculum: Much of the material has been updated to new automo ve technologies. Sec ons from the previous curriculum on workshop layout, recep on, contracts, owner risk and workplace safety are not covered at this level and have largely been moved to N1. New content includes: • New aspects of advanced engine measurements, including engine efficiency • Forced induc on system designs, including turbochargers and superchargers • Different valve ming op misa on systems in modern cylinder head designs • Modern electronic fuel injec on systems • Four types of electronic igni on systems, including distributor-less igni on systems • Final drives now covers all-wheel drive systems • Modern electrical-assisted power steering systems • Hybrid and fuel cells • On-board diagnos c computers Descrip on of curriculum changes per module
New content
Module 1: Advanced engine measurements
Engine Technology
• This is an update of the previous Module 1: Engines. Students will learn about engine displacement, compression ra o and firing sequences.
• List and explain engine firing sequences. • Define engine efficiency. • Explain how to improve engine efficiency.
• Weigh ng is 15% of the curriculum. Module 2: Forced induc on system designs
• This is a new sec on.
• Discuss the construc on of the modern turbocharger.
• The new curriculum deals with understanding the construc on and opera on of turbochargers and superchargers. • Weigh ng is 5% of the curriculum.
• Describe the func ons of turbocharger components. • Draw and label a turbocharger. • List checks to be carried out on turbochargers. • Iden fy faults on turbochargers. Superchargers • Discuss the construc on of the modern superchargers.
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