Sacred Heart of The Burren
Leaba Leaba Creevagh Leaba Karum Leaba Parknabinnia Leaba Poulnabrone Leaba Carrowkeel Leaba Gleninsheen Leaba Kilshanny Leaba Turlough Hill. Where our precious Clare ancestors Lay their heads down on their stone beds In a rest in peace With inset Spring Gentian hue Purple Blue for cheer & Birds Foot Trefoil a Yellow reminding them of the sun & White Mountain Avens for a pure rest in peace & Where we now bow down our heads Come in throves to honour our dead We artists & archaeologists appreciating your different styles of Tombs Lower our heads in awe awe awe. Leaba Creevagh Leaba Karum Leaba Parknabinnia Leaba Poulnabrone Leaba Carrowkeel Leaba Gleninsheen Leaba Kilshanny Leaba Turlough Hill. With Burren offering Spring Gentian, Birds foot trefoil & Mountain AvensOur flowers Taking the bare look off the Karst Tombs. A piece of furniture for sleep or rest Typically, a framework With a mattress, couch berth billet The bottom of the sea lake or river