Sacred Heart of The Burren
On the Karst Alvar Rare Snails Graze the Lichen near Deep Fissures A species Chondrina Clienta Imagine snails graze the lichen growing on rocks Even turns it pale Grey after digestion & Deep fissures make great shelter houses for snails All along Öland & Gotland. The long-legged copper coloured chest brown & bar tailed Godwit Nests in the open moist grass of the Alvar With her long bill she forages for Bivalves & crustacean, Invertebrates & larvae & Calls with a marbled sound of song, rapid call & copulation calls Of ger-whit & rad-i-ca herrank or wicha. The Pink winged grasshopper Broyodema Tuberculata chirps & jumps & is an archaic chewing insect of 250 million years Loves the arid gravel soil With its shimmering wings & long legs is a spectacle on the Alvar Giving off loud humming & chirping evocative sounds in high Summer Rises using five to twelve different notes & chirps He chirps chirp chirps second by second in sonic. A species Chondrina Clienta Imagine snails graze the lichen growing on rocks Even turns it pale Grey after digestion & Deep fissures make great shelter houses for snails All along Öland & Gotland.