Sacred Heart of The Burren
Old Roads, Lakes & Turloughs Appearing & Disappearing in Stora Alvaret & The Burren Imagine when water collects in Stora Alvaret old roads reappear fairylike Just like magic as waymarks on route between Resmo & Gösslunda in the Alvar Much the same as Turloughs or Old Lakes appearing & disappearing dream like On road between Corofin & Kinvara in the Burren. Making Öland & Burren a sister act of magic Commonly mysterious supernatural & full of witchery With swiftly changing light & scudding clouds With old roads & lakes appearing & disappearing In their unique captivating enchanting spellbinding landscapes. Conjuring up eerie extraordinary fascinating miraculous marvellous Like wizard magician spell Circean with swiftly changing light & scudding clouds In formula of abracadabra hocus-pocus chant Incantation charm mumbo jumbo alchemy. Imagine when water collects in Stora Alvaret old roads reappear fairylike Just like magic as waymarks on route between Resmo & Gösslunda in the Alvar Much the same as Turloughs or Old Lakes appearing & disappearing dream like On road between Corofin & Kinvara in the Burren.