Sacred Heart of The Burren
Honey & Homage (For S.J.K) Honey & Homage Global Healing Waters Wells & Sacred Labyrinths. Global healing waters wells & sacred labyrinths With their magical geometric forms that define our sacred spaces East west or west east 43 by 46 degrees diagonally Lye Öland & Burren or Burren & Öland Sending healings from our twin wells At Oughtmama above Turlough Hill Saint Colemans & Saint Caoimhín at Kilfenora One for eyes curing cataracts veiled with thick pearls that can now see The other hands clear of warts & ringworm With rectangular stoned walled enclosures and steps leading down To the holy water wells. & receiving from Trojeborg & its sacred labyrinth enlightenment Gifts & artworks to admire & ancient meditation & holistic health tools Both echoing that our life & our ancestors’ lives are a sacred journey of change Growth discovery movement transformation Healing expanding vision stretching possibilities A path towards wholeness in the seven chakras until we find our centre Like labyrinths containing nonverbal & implicating geometric & numerological. Prompts that creates a multi-dimensional holographic field Bearing honey & homage to unseen patterns of sacred geometry A complex spiral circle that leads one quietly & reflectively to one path leading to the centre & back out again Turning 180 degrees shifting your direction & awareness from right brain to left Like Chartres Cathedral with its 11-circuit design & its Rose window directly on top of the labyrinth Thus, the sparkling, the coloured light flashing shining illuminating Clarifying the sacred Labyrinths & a path towards wholeness In finding our centre & peace.
Or Grace Cathedral in San Francisco & Amien’s cathedral in France and il Duomo di Milano or Sagrada Família or Santiago de Compostela & Visby Trojeborg in Sweden made up of small stones in a winding pattern or