Sacred Heart of The Burren
Pretty as a Picture Burren Flowers by a Georgia O’Keeffe Hand Pretty as a Picture Burren Flowers by a Georgia O’Keeffe Hand Peering up through Clints and Grykes Even if you don’t give off a sweet-smelling aroma Like the famous perfume houses of Dolce & Gabbana, Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, Paris, Gautier, Chanel, Coco, No 5, Burberry, Cartier, Hermès or Shalimar. Gentian Mountain Avens Fragrant Orchid Fly Orchid Bee Orchid Lesser Butterfly Bloody Crane’s-Bill Birds Foot Trefoil. Burren Flowers Gentian, Mountain Avens, Rare Orchids. Burren meaning great rock in Irish Boireann. Dominated by glaciated Karst landscape Stretching from Lahinch to Corofin Kinvarra to Kilmacduagh. Imagine Burren Strata Your made up of Fossil, Coral, Crinoids, an array of Sea Urchins & Annmoni Packed tight to create bed of Limestone eight-hundred metres thick. Where Gentian Mountain Avens Fragrant Orchid Fly-Orchid Bee Orchid Lesser Butterfly