Neighborhood plans for the 15-MIN CITY
Strategic spaces for Vimodrone’s 15-min City Group 8
Celia Balos Valery Obando Anna Pasqualotto Wuen Qing Anlan Wang
Master Degree in Urban Planning and Policy Design
Urban Policies Design Studio 2020-2021 Prof. Antonella Bruzzese, Prof. Alessandro Coppola Tutors: Valentina Brambilla, Lorenzo De Vidovich, Antonio Jose Salvador 1
Table of contents Introduction.........................................................................................................................3 Introduction PART 1: General analysis General data analysis........................................................................................................5 Focus analysis...................................................................................................................10 Conclusion.........................................................................................................................14 PART 2: Study of Vimodrone Introduction......................................................................................................................17 Commuting phenomena................................................................................................19 Socio-demographic analysis.........................................................................................20 Environmental characteristics.....................................................................................24 Mobility and walkability...............................................................................................40 Social-political asset........................................................................................................42 SWOT Analysis.................................................................................................................50 PART 3: Proposal - Vimodrone Local Community...............................................55 Community......... Introduction......................................................................................................................56 Service and retail.............................................................................................................66 Mobility..............................................................................................................................72 Requalification.................................................................................................................78 The four strategic spaces................................................................................................82 Commercial System........................................................................................................86 The Martesana................................................................................................................100 Intermodal Station........................................................................................................110 Social Housing West Area...........................................................................................120 Final Evaluation of the Project..................................................................................128
Conclusion......................................................................................................................130 Conclusion Bibliography....................................................................................................................131 Bibliography
Introduction When studying the different urban areas, their characteristics, and specific contexts, we have been able to interpret at first through mapping and data analysis how the different commercial systems function in each of the municipalities analyzed in this studio (Sesto San Giovanni, Vimodrone, Cologno Monzese, Segrate, and Municipio II and III of the city Milan). What emerges from the interpretation of each area is that, along with the commercial life, we can observe the interdependence that has developed between certain areas or in certain cases the isolation of others that function from and for their own community, In the complex urban arena of the Città Metropolitana di Milano, these spaces often intertwine erasing boundaries in favor of commerciality for example in the case of big shopping malls strategically located at the exit of certain arterial roads. Indeed, transportation, both public and private, play a pivotal role in the rising of commercial streets and the decline of others. Today, we are witnessing the growing need for a 15 minutes city. The 15-min city means that the essential urban services people living in the city need (Work, shops, entertainment, education, and healthcare...) can be reached within a 15-minute walk or bike. With Paris leading the way, other cities around the world have been enticed by this model. From the meaning of 15-min city, we can easily understand the focus on walkability, accessibility, and public services that cater to people’s needs. Also, this topic seems to be more and more important since we face the complex situation of the Covid-19 pandemic. The lockdown has given local people a nuanced, enriching view of their neighborhood. Many people have never been to the shops near their homes before because they are very busy. They don’t know their neighbors or nearby parks. The pandemic made them rediscover and appreciate the neighborhood much more. That’s why it’s quite important to take cultural activities, local identity and social connections into consideration as well. After the first stage of the general analysis from these perspectives, we get to know that the 15-min city is almost there in Vimodrone. By further analysis and research, we come to conclude that In Vimodrone we have “everything” (services, retail, associations, good built and natural environment) but they do not work together. Under the circumstance, creating systems and synergies using pillars as retail/services, mobility, and requalification to become the key point of our strategy in order to lead Vimodrone towards the goal of a more walkable, liveable, and vibrant neighborhood.
Part 1: General analysis 1.1 Demographic and socio-economic analysis The study area has an overall population of 488252 inhabitants. The graphs show that there are inhabitants relevant differences in the number of inhabitants per zone: Milan’s Municipi have the highest number of inhabitants, followed by the other Municipalities, the smallest one is Vimodrone. However, all the zones have been facing a similar trend in the last decade, the population has been stable in all the period. In order to better understand the zones, we calculated the density of inhabitants per km2 in each census tract. The Population Density map (2011) shows quite clearly that the denser areas are the city centers of all the Municipalities: the area has the characteristics of a polycentric system, although Milan has a predominant role. Moreover, the Average Family Dimension map shows that the bigger families tend to live outside the Municipality of Milan or in its peripherical areas. This might be due to better living conditions and to lower housing prices. The two maps on the right help us having a general idea of the demographic trends that are going on in the area, particularly regarding the aging of population. The Old-Age Dependency Ratio shows that the working-age population in the area is still able to overcome the number of elderly people, however the Aging Index map shows a less comforting picture: the population in the area is aging quite rapidly, rapidly particularly in the denser areas of the city. The age of population is a very relevant aspect to take into account when dealing with a 15-minutes city, in fact old people have different needs in terms of services, commerce and a more accessible city in general. Another very important aspect when dealing both with the 15-minutes city and with our focus topic (Commerce, Culture and Nightlife) is wealth wealth. Wealth is generally defined as “the abundance of valuable financial assets or physical possessions which can be converted into a form that can be used for transaction”. According to this definition, it is a hard task to directly measure wealth, moreover many useful
data – as the income levels at the census tract scale –are not easily available. In order to overcome these limitations, we tried to address the issue of wealth using some proxy analysis that do not describe themselves the topic, but help picturing a general framework. The proxy analysis we considered are: education, employment, incomes and real estate market. The Percentage of Graduates map shows that the higher percentages of graduates are in the inner parts of Municipi 2 & 3, that benefit from the proximity to the city center and to the Politecnico and Statale University. Other areas that shows positive values are Segrate and Cologno Monzese city center. For what concerns Unemployment Rate, we cannot read any specific pattern on the concentration of unemployment. The absence of areas characterized by a high presence of unemployed people is a good aspect for the area. Perhaps the most important information to understand the distribution of wealth are Income Levels. The data, only available at the municipal level, shows that the richest Municipality is Segrate, followed by Milano, Vimodrone, Cologno Monzese and Sesto San Giovanni. The differences between the first two and the last relevant the average income level three, are quite relevant: in Segrate is more than 150% the one of Sesto San Giovanni Last, the distribution of housing cost is very similar to the one of incomes. Vimodrone, Cologno Monzese and Sesto San Giovanni – which had the lower revenues – have the lower prices of houses, while for Municio 2 and 3 and Segrate the cost increases ncreases while moving closer to the city of Milan. In conclusion, we can say that the whole area has good levels of wealth. wealth In particular, Municipi 2 and 3 and the Municipality of Segrate shows the best levels of education, the highest incomes and the most valuable housing market. From the demographic and socio-economic point of view the area represent good requisites to become a 15-minutes city, although the potentialities and weaknesses of each specific zone must be addressed as well as the important issue of the population aging.
source: ISTAT, Census 2011
inhabitants per m2
source: ISTAT, Census 2011
average number of family members
no data
source: ISTAT, Census 2011
source: ISTAT, Census 2011
old people (>65) on working-age people (15-64)
old people (>65) on young people (<15)
no data
no data
% GRADUATES (2011)
source: ISTAT, Census 2011
source: ISTAT, Census 2011
graduates on population over 25
% of the labor force that is jobless
no data
source: Reveneu Agency, municipal fiscal data 2018
average taxable income 21.466,74€
no data
no data
HOUSE PRICING (2021) source:, february 2021
1981 €/m2 2590 €/m2 3350 €/m2 4390 €/m2 6555 €/m2
1.2 Services The general finding related to service is that the closer to the center of Milano, the more services there are. Cologno Monzese, Vimodrone and Segrate have the least amount of service facilities. The reason lies in the fact that the place with denser settlements or better transportation have more service generally.
As to bank service we can easily recognize a linear pattern alongside the metro line. The distribution of sports facilities (including pitch, playground, sports center, swimming pool, stadium) is relatively balanced. Apart from Milano city, Sesto San Giovanni enjoys more cultural heritage than the other area.
1.3 Mobility When analyzing mobility within the study area, it is important to recognize the different typology and hierarchy of the structural road system. In our study area we present the system of streets categorized into: Main roads, secondary roads; where the circulation of both public and private transport takes place. Likewise we find the highway that connects to the North and south with the rest of the Lombardy region as well as the different railway networks present in the area that are part of the fast mobility system of our study area. The different railway networks present in the area and are part of the rapid mobility system of our study area. All the municipalities are part of the different infrastructural systems of mobility that are observed as a basis for the analysis made. Fast Mobility: Concerning fast mobility within the study area, we can observe through the use of isochrones of up to 15 min of pedestrian circulation in train and metro stations that is mostly supplied in the south west area, connecting the municipalities Milano 2, 3, Sesto San Giovanni, Cologno Monzese, Vimodrone and southern part of Segrate. As far as the remaining area is involved, it should be noted that there are bus networks and bus stations operating within the municipalities. There is also the presence of the highway that crosses the study area connecting from north to south. Considering fast mobility, we can conclude that the study area is mostly served by public transportation services.
LEGEND Metro line Train line Metro station Isochrones 5 min 10 min 15 min
Train station Isochrones 5 min 10 min 15 min
Tramway line Tramway station Bus stops Highway Main roads Secondary roads Railway
Slow mobility: As part of the slow mobility analysis, we can first of all evidence the presence of the bicycle lane system along with their respective bike sharing stations and parking lots.This network is mostly concentrated within the municipalities of Milan 2 - 3 and we can observe it is more sporadically in the rest of the area. Within this analysis we have found out that it is relevant to emphasize the different sidewalks for pedestrian circulation that together with the presence of green areas make slow mobility pedestrian circulation more pleasant for the inhabitants.
LEGEND Bike line Bicycle network Bike sharing stations Bike parking Green area Crop area Isolated Trees Streets
Commuting Zones
Sesto San Giovanni
Cologno Monzese
Vimodrone Municipio 2
Segrate Municipio 3
Origins of the Commuting flows to the study area
Sesto San Giovanni
1 point = 1 person
Cologno Monzese
Vimodrone Municipio 2
Segrate Municipio 3
Destinations of the Commuting flows from the study area 8 elaboration of Census 2011 data at the census tracts level Source:
1 point = 1 person
1.4 Built environment The built environment of the Eastern part of Milan is characterized by a wide variety of typologies. The main and most recognizable types of urban blocks in the area are urban blocks and courtyards, rows and ribbons, sheds, solitaires and groups. We can observe a rather homogeneous distribution of the typologies towards the center of Milan and a diversification spreading towards the peripheries of the city. This homogeneity of the typologies represents evidence of the urbanization and re-urbanization process of the city core, the re-urbanization can be noticed through some independent groups or buildings. Furthermore, in what concerns the building density of the area, there is a higher concentration of dwellings at the proximity of the city center compared to the suburban areas.
whereas Municipio 2 (the Northern area) tries to maintain its concentration, until Sesto San Giovanni.
By taking a closer look at the different municipalities surrounding the area:
A similar case is Vimodrone, whose urban density is decreasing and the area presents more vacant spaces.
Municipi 2 and 3 are mostly occupied by urban blocks, generating very dense urban areas. In some rare cases we can observe ribbons and groups, mainly further away from the city core. On the other side of the railways, heading towards the outskirts of Milan, the urban density is rarefying and it abruptly appears a variation in typologies. Municipio 3 (the Southern area) loses its density
Sesto San Giovanni is characterized by several blocks, groups, ribbons and we can notice the appearance of solitaires and sheds. The solitaires are in this case a residential complex defying the typology of its surroundings, on Via Modena and an isolated commercial center Centro Commerciale Vulcano. The sheds are rather industrial areas like the Vetrobalsamo Spa Uffici. Cologno Monzese shows great urban density and it is characterized mostly by sheds, ribbons and groups, forming a heterogeneous area. Most of the dwellings implemented in the zone seem “parasite” as they do not follow a specific typology.
Lastly, Segrate is mostly characterized by groups and sheds, often combined. We can notice that the Northern side of Segrate is more concentrated than its Southern area, divided by the railways. In the Southern part of Segrate, the sheds and the groups are separated by the lake Idroscalo.
Focus Analysis The presence of commerces play a huge role in the 15 minutes city, as it provides citizens with goods (basic to rare), which is the core of the concept. In consideration of the importance of commerces in our study, we chosed to focus on this data, which comes with a broad range of type, it is thus necessary to sort the data gathered. To allow us to produce understandable maps and to show clear characteristics of the area, we worked on typologies, dimension and schedule (nightlife, 24h shop)
2.1 Commerce typologies Commerces:
concentration between groceries, pharmacies and between food services and clothing. When speaking of stores for other needs, the concentration remains similar to daily life needs, with the exception that the concentration of stores in the southwest zone of the study area (municipality Milan 2 -3 ) extends in a dispersed manner towards the rest of the municipalities. Here we can observe a pattern of concentration of cultural goods, historical shops, bars and hotels and in a dispersed manner and in smaller quantities towards the peripheries. In conclusion, we can state that the study area is supplied with daily life needs and other needs in a similar way. Maintaining a concentration that starts in the central areas and disperses towards the peripheries of the built-up area.
As we can observe we have made a categorization of the different types of commerces present in the study area, dividing them into Daily life needs, considering first need businesses such as: groceries, pharmacies, food services and clothing as well as entertainment, culture and identity and others. The map shows a high concentration of daily life needs businesses in the southwest area, in the Milano 2 -3 municipalities, continuing northwards towards Sesto San Giovanni. Regarding other typologies of stores of other needs we can observe a concentration in the same area south west towards the municipalities Milano 2 - 3 heading towards the center of the city. As far as we refer exclusively to Daily life needs commerces, we have categorized them as follows: Groceries: Open air markets, medium and large scale distribution, Grocery shops and shopping malls; Pharmacies and personal care shops. Food services such as cafes and restaurants. Clothing: the categorizations of each clothing store in the study area and its peripheries. From these analyses we can determine that there is a concentration of businesses in the central areas of each municipality, observing a similar
On the next page, Daily Life Needs commerces and Other Needs commerces, own production
2.2 Commerce by dimension The analysis of commerce by dimension is useful to keep track of the patterns that the localization of small (or local) and big (or malls) shops create in the area. The map shows the most relevant categories of local retail and shopping malls. This topic is particularly relevant for a 15-minutes city, according to Paris’ project for La Ville du quart d’heure “the 15-minutes city requires an adjustment of shops. This involves the strengthening of the network of local shops and local services”, in other words a successful 15-minutes city is characterized by the presence of many, small-scale retails. Looking at the map, a specific pattern can be observed: the density of local shops is higher in the centers of the Municipalities or, in the case of Milan, the closer we get to the city center (like in
Città Studi, Loreto and NOLO) and it decreases while we move to the peripheries. Moreover, the map shows that retails are not spread evenly in the peripheral areas, on the contrary they generally have a linear distribution organized aside the most important connectors like viale Monza, via Padova and via Milano (Cologno Monzese) and, on a smaller scale, via Roma (Segrate). On the other hand, most of the shopping malls located in the areas where of high accessibility and where there is lack of local shops: in peripheral areas and within industrial settlements, even though some exceptions – like the presence of three malls very close to viale Monza - can be found too.
2.3 Nightlife and 24-hour services This shows all the shops open at night categorized by type. According to the nature of different services, they are mainly classified into food, pharmacies, and nightlife shops. In the food category, we put fast food restaurants in this section. This kind of store belongs to the kind of food store that opens at night since you can drive in. It can be observed from the drawings that the restaurants are mainly concentrated in Sesto san Giovanni, Municipio 2, and Municipio 3 areas, and the number of distribution in other areas is relatively small. In the pharmacy section, you can see that the main concentrated areas are still in Sesto san Giovanni, Municipio 2, and Municipio 3 areas, and the pharmacies in these areas have a relatively reasonable service radius. Interesting things are re-centralized. In the region, the main
pharmacy roads show a linear distribution. Considering nightlife, we have included bars. On the map, we observe that the number of bars is not as large as fast food restaurants and pharmacies, but they also have the same concentration area as fast food restaurants and pharmacies. The distribution status is irregular, generally showing a point-like distribution In summary, the distribution of these three settings in the three areas of Sesto San Giovanni, Municipio 2, and Municipio 3 areas is relatively complete, and there are cases of lack of numbers or unreasonable service radius in other areas. The overall linkage of these facilities in this research area should be considered, and the needs of different groups of people should be combined to make them evenly distributed.
Main features
Different cities
Housing Housing diversity
The analysis of the whole area was useful to understand the general trends on a wider in Ability to age in place order to contextualize the specific study area. Traffic In fact, although we are working with the topic Walkability of proximity, it is necessary to understand the Safe cycling networks surrounding and its dynamics. Affordable housing options
is almost there, or could be there. It can be seen that all the areas are peripheric to the center of Milan, and most of them are outside the Municipality borders, this means that the periurban area of Milan is a good place for the implementation of 15MC policies.
Easy access to local public transportation system
The general areas has been analyzed according to 6 topics: mobility and walkability, local identities, Commercial and cultural services socio-demographic profiles, commerce, urban Diversity welfare and production and work. According to Proximity these criteria, there have been defines 12 areas Active ground floors which do not present already the characteristics a 15-minute city, but their physical, social or Theof night-time economy economic features are a good starting point for the Public space implementation of strategies, policies and actions High-quality open space going in that direction. Transit-oriented development
In order to define some strategies for the implementation of a 15-minute city, we decided to focus our attention of Vimodrone, in particular on its center-south area. Vimodrone is characterized by the presence of the Martesana river and two metro lines that connect it with Milan. It presents low-medium evaluations for all the criteria, with the exception of production and work.
In order to understand better the context, the second part of the booklet will present some more Theuse12 areas, that are defined with very general specific analysis of the physical, as well as political Flexible boundaries that should be defined more precisely and socio-cultural characteristics of the area. case by case, are areas in which the 15-minutes city
Green streets
On the next page, Zoom in Municipalities, own production
PART 2: Study of Vimodrone
Introduction As said before, the second part of the work will be focused on the in-depth analysis of the area of Vimodrone, particularly the center-south part. Before getting to the heart of the topic, we would like to spend few words on why did we choose it as study area. According to the general area analysis, there have been defined some criteria to determine whether or not an area was, or was suitable to become, a 15-minute city. The criteria set for each topic are the following ones: • for mobility and walkability: soft mobility, accessibility and perception.
because of the presence of cars. According to the set criteria, the area presents medium-strength local community that can rely on various public spaces and associations. The situation, according to socio-demographic profiles, is less positive: the age composition points out a general aging of the residents, the mixite is very limited and the streets lack of vitality because of the limited space dedicated to pedestrians. For what concerns commerce, the diversity of commerce and the proximity to residential areas are quite good, however the accessibility is very uneven and the street quality is not very good, even in the areas where the density of commerce is higher. The urban welfare seems quite good in Vimodrone, thanks to a good level of schools and health services provision, and the presence of many sport facilities and green area, however the cultural facilities and social spaces seem to be lacking. Lastly, the production and work topic seems to be the most critical: the area lacks of self-containment, economic activities mix and also of many every-day life services.
for local identity: presence of public space, presence of sport and cultural associations, density of the built-up system.
for socio-demographic profiles: the density of people and services, social mixite, age composition and street vitality.
for commerce: diversity of commerce, mixed-use, accessibility, street quality In order to better understand the context and and proximity to residential areas. how to intervene, we analyzed the environmental, socio-demographic, mobility and socio-political for urban welfare: school provision, health characteristics of the area. service provision, sport facilities and green and cultural facilities and social spaces.
for production and work: self-containment, every-day life services, economic activities mix and work places accessibility.
According to these criteria, the area of Vimodrone can be considered as a could be there place. Whit this expression we mean that, although this area is not at the moment a 15-minute city, it presents physical, social or economic features that are a good starting point for the implementation of strategies, policies and actions going in that direction. For what concerns mobility and walkability, although the area has an overall good supralocal accessibility, the area is not very suitable for slow mobility and the general perception is not so good
Environmental point of view In the blue network we can identify several relevant elements such as the Lambro river, Idroscalo lake, Cava Gaggiolo lake, Cava Trombeta lake and the Naviglio Martesana that crosses Vimodrone from East to West. Specifically in the area of Vimodrone we have: The Naviglio della Martesana , which is one of the Milanese canals that connects Milan with the Adda river. It was named Martesana , due to the countryside it would cross, from Francesco Sforza in 1457 , even before the works to build it began in 1460 . For most of its route, the Naviglio della Martesana runs perpendicularly to the watershed line , unlike the other canals, thus crossing the waters descending from the Brianza hills and in particular the Trobbia and Molgora streams and the Lambro river. We also have the presence of Cava Gaggiolo lake, which is part of the hydrography of Vimodrone, being a place historically used for the development of sport fishing in the area. network we can identify that On the green network, Vimodrone is located within a network of agricultural spaces near the Parco Sud Milano and public green areas of local scale within the municipality. We can observe the presence of the system of parks in the area, within Vimodrone we have the Parco delle Cave, to the east in Sesto San Giovanni is the Parco della Media Valle del Lambro and to the south west bordering Segrate the Parco delle Cascine di Pioltello. At the same time the presence of agricultural areas is very present in the whole area since it is a main economic activity in the whole region. Next we are analysing the mobility network. network We distinguish three types of mobility in Milan and Vimodrone: private mobility mobility, which involves all the vehicular roads reserved for cars and also the highway A51 Tangenziale; public mobility which involves all means of public transport: bus lines, tramway lines, railway lines and all the metro lines, the only metro line crossing Vimodrone is the Green Line or M2 Underground. Then we network representing all the have the cycling network, cycling lanes in Milan and crossing Vimodrone.
Commuting phenomena Commuting phenomena is a relevant aspect to take into consideration to understand the habits and lifestyles of citizens. Citizens that commute will spend many time outside the Municipality during the day and they probably also carry out various activities near their work-place. However, the pandemic situation – and the related evolutions of the working modalities thanks to the increase of smart working – opens a window of opportunity to address people that work from home in Vimodrone instead of reaching their work-places elsewhere and their needs. Commuting zone inside and outside of Vimodrone is determined by the analysis of work or study trips. In general terms, it can be observed that the number of people traveling out of Vimodrone to neighboring cities is greater than the number of people traveling into Vimodrone from the same neighboring areas. Similarly, travel for work purposes is greater than travel for study purposes. Thus, work is the main cause of commuting. About 73% of total “vimodronese” workers, operate outside the Municipality borders. Furthermore, 18% of the trips are for study reason. In fact, the equipment of educational services in Vimodrone goes from nurseries to only middle school, high schoolers and university students must, thus, commute to other Municipalities in order to reach the needed educational facilities. In conclusion, Vimodrone is very affected by the commuting phenomenon, probably because of its high accessibility and closeness to Milan and because of a general lack of buildings and services dedicated to tertiary sector. However, this phenomenon might be changed and almost reverted by the current remote-working and remote-learning situation. In fact, many people are probably working from their home in Vimodrone, this makes even more important to work on a 15-minutes city plan, providing all city users services, commerce, leisure time possibilities next to their homes.
Socio-Demographic Analysis Vimodrone has an overall population of 18856 inhabitants (DemoIstat, 2020) almost 10% of the residents are foreigners. To have a general idea of the population trends taking place into the study area, we analyzed the population trends in the last two decades. It can be observed a very relevant growth from 2005 to 2010 circa, followed by slighter increase from 2012 to 2014. However, since the population reached its peak (71.126 inhabitants) in 2014 2014, the 201 it is showing a trend stabilized and from 2018 small decrease. Today, most of the population is concentrated in the age classes comprised between 35 and 64 years old, the number of young people (19 to 34) is very little and so the one of people over 90 years old. This graph, together with the one about the average family dimension, tells that Vimodrone is probably home to many families with children and to old people people, younger people probably move outside Vimodrone to live in bigger cities characterized by more educational, recreation, social and economic opportunities. Vimodrone has, in fact, lower costs of housing compared to its sorroundings: this element together with its closeness to Milan and its good level of accessibility – makes it the perfect place to live for people working in the metropolitan area of Milan and commuting to work.
This information are very relevant to understand the main users of the city and, most importantly, their needs needs. In the case of Vimodrone, we will have to focus on the needs of families and children (schools, playgrounds, easy access to financial support, educational programs, sport and leisure time activities, working time flexibility, events and so on), and on the ones of elderly people (safety and security of public space, easy access to services, technological support, activities and promotion of healthy life styles, health services etc.).
18.856 INHABITANTS (DemoIstat, 2020)
9,93% FOREIGNERS (DemoIstat, 2020)
In order to have a better understanding of the phenomena happening inside the city, the further analysis will be focused on the census tract level. It is necessary to underline that the data might be outdated since it is a decade old, however, the trends taken into consideration are very durable and they rarely change without external impulses like policies or other type of actions, so we believe that the information might be still reliable. The first two maps, show the percentage of young people (under 19 years old) and the percentage of old people (over 64 years old) on the overall population. To make it easier to compare the two maps, there have been selected equal classes. Firs of all, it can be observed a higher general concentration of old people in all the area. Secondly, the maps show a different localization of these two group classes: while under-19-yearsold resident are mainly localized in the outer parts of Vimodrone (particularly on the Southern and Eastern area), old people tend to concentrate on the inner parts of the city. Moreover, it can be observed an area with the overall maximum concentration of old people: this is where the nursing home “Piero Radaelli” is located. The two following maps try to link together the previous information, thanks to the Old-age Dependency Ratio (the ratio between old people and working-age people) and the Aging Index (the ration between old and young people). While the first map shows a general positive situation (with the only exception of the area where the nursing home is located), the second one highlights a general aging of the citizens of Vimodrone, particularly on the historic center. This issue is particularly relevant since it tells that, in the future (and since the map refers to 2011, it is possible that the phenomenon is already present) old people will be more than people in the age for work, this means that the city will have to provide many services to residents with very few tax incomes. incomes However, this map also show a positive aspect: the distribution of old people and of services is similar: this means that it is easy for users to reach the services they need. In order to get some information about the wealth of the areas, it has been calculated
the Unemployment rate and the Percentage of Graduates Graduates. In all the area, we can observe general quite low levels of unemployment unemployment, with the exception of the Southern area (which is not relevant, since it corresponds to an industrial settlement), the North-Eastern zone and the areas where there are located the main social housing buildings on via Fiume and via XV Martiri. The graduates, on the contrary, shows distribution of graduate that the lowest owest percentages are localized in the historic center center. This information, together with the data about the distribution of old people, make us believe that those areas are mainly home to old people that do not have a graduation title since, in the past, it was not common as today is. Moreover it can be observed a very high concentration on the Northern area area, where it is located a new-development residential area. Lastly, there have been analyzed the Average Family Dimension and the Number of Empty Dwellings. The average dimension of family is Dwellings quite even in all the Municipality and it is around 2-2,5 components per family, with the exception of some census tract such as the one comprising the public housing buildings of via Fiume and the area comprised between via Sant’Ambrogio and via Padana Superiore. In addition, all the other exceptional areas are believed to be affected by area dependency. For what concerns the number of empty mpty dwellings, we can observe the higher presence dwellings in the historic center that fades away moving to the outskirts. This information highlights a phenomenon of abandonment of the inner part of the city city, but also a densification opportunity for this zone.
On next pages % Residents under 19yo % Residents under 19yo Old-age Dependency ratio Aging Index Unemployment Rate % Graduates on over 25yo Average Family Dimension Number of Empty Dwellings own elaboration
Environmental characteristics The Martesana We are starting the study of the environmental characteristics with an analysis of the Martesana river, focusing more on the Vimodrone area. The map on the top right represents the path of the Martesana canal and the surrounding waters, which are some lakes in and around Vimodrone. First we can notice that the Martesana canal is crossing Vimodrone on the axis West-East, thus dividing Vimodrone into its Northern and Southern area. The canal is non-interrupted in any area, it is crossable through bridges in different zones in the municipality of Vimodrone, in order to connect the Northern and Southern parts. From the Martesana flow a certain number of affluents that surround the different neighbourhoods in Vimodrone. In what concerns the presence of the lakes in the area, they are not numerous or particularly large. However, the most known lake is Cava Gaggiolo, also known as one of the elements composing Milan’s “Green Lung”. The map below represents a personal interpretation of the presence of the Martesana and its affluents. The affluents flowing from the Martesana are surrounding the diverse neighborhoods and creating a natural organization and structure of Vimodrone. This interpretative map is showing the variety in the organization of Vimodrone structured by the Martesana and its affluents. As we can notice, the affluents of the Martesana in the Southern part flow along the neighborhoods as if they were creating fortresses and thus naturally separating the neighborhoods one from the other. The neighborhoods in the Southern part of Vimodrone are very heterogeneous and present a multitude of typlogies. On the contrary, the Northern area is more homogeneous in what concerns the organization of the buildings and neighborhoods.
Green areas According to the main parks, squares and some green spaces, we divided this into nine parts. And the nature of each part is defined, and according to the range of the radiation radius of each land, the accessibility and development potential of each plot can be clearly understood. It can be seen from the observation that the development potential of plots 2, 4, 5, and 6 is greater, and the accessibility of plots 4, 6, and 7 is better. The location at the southeast corner of the base lacks relevant green space service facilities, and the residents of this area have a certain distance from the park green space. Concerning the green space axis analysis, from the relationship between the green space system in the previous picture, we can clearly see the
relationship between the green space environment and the built environment. On the whole, there is still a good relationship between penetration and development, meeting the requirements of 15-minute urban development. But you can observe that in the southeast of the base, because of the lack of green space radiation, there is a lack of relevant penetration . In conclusion, consideration should be given to appropriately adding some green space facilities in the southeast corner, so that each area is within a reasonable green space radiation radius.And increase the accessibility of some green areas, and realize the development mode of linkage in the overall strategy.
Building characteristics: Relation with public space
Within the study area we can mostly identify the presence of residential fabric, since it is an area with construction density, in addition we can find the presence of several public and private services as well as recreational areas such as parks, gardens and sport facilities and agricultural areas that frame the presence of the urban residential fabric. The different characteristics of the buildings and their first floor relationship with respect to the public space can be determined as follows: Barriers - fences and blind walls in some buildings, we can find this typology in most of the study area, because we have a large presence of residential buildings that are totally fenced to the outside. Another of the typologies present in the area are the different commercial premises and services that are open to the public space and offer a greater relationship with the street. As for the areas totally open to the public space, we find some of them, mainly in squares and public parks that present a totally open area and in some cases equipped with vegetation and urban furniture. In overall, we can determine that the relationship of the first floor of the buildings to the public space is low in terms of the presence of fences or walls without direct connection to the street, limiting the interaction of pedestrians. In the second map, at the bottom of the next page, we have studied the typologies of the buildings present in the study area in Vimodrone. We can notice a heterogeneity and a multitude of building typologies in Vimodrone. We can distinguish between four kinds of typologies present in the area, precisely: urban blocks, groups of housings, rows and ribbons and solitaires. According to the map, we can observe that the urban blocks are present mostly in the central
area of Vimodrone, we can recognize them in particular on the Eastern side of the center of the Municipality. The urban blocks are mainly hosting residential buildings with some commerces on the groundfloor. An example of street with urban blocks is Via Cesare Battisti. In what concerns the groups, we can notice them more often on the outskirts of Vimodrone, outside the central area, respectively in the Northern side and the Southern side, isolated from the central composition of the Municipality, as we can see on Via Leonardo da Vinci. Furthermore, we can observe rows and ribbons like on Via Foscolo. They are present in the central area of Vimodrone among the urban blocks, along the secondary streets. In a last instance, there are a certain number of solitaires, mainly with commercial vocation, as we can see on Via Trieste for example. We can notice several other solitaire buildings also in the center of Vimodrone. To conclude, we can say that in what concerns the typology of the buildings in Vimodrone, the Municipality is very heterogeneous and diverse, without preserving a particular organization or one single type. This variety of buildings is also a proof of constructions with different vocations (residential, commercial and others), which states that Vimodrone is equipped on many levels.
Building typologies
On this page, top Building characteristics On this page, bottom Typologies, own elaborations Google Street View
Building characteristics: Conditions and environment
According to the relationship between the internal space of different buildings and the external environment, we divide this part of the situation into four forms for further analysis.
The last type is a complete block, this architectural space has its own complete internal space.
Some roof greening facilities and maintaining the relationship with the overall green space can The first is that the building space and the external be considered, and some open greening facilities environment are relatively complete, and the layout and supporting facilities can be considered of the green space has a good spatial penetration appropriately relationship with the interior. When arranging other facilities, they can be arranged in accordance The main building height is between 0-12m and with the existing spatial sequence. 12m-18m. There is this high-rise building in the The second and third types are semi-enclosed southern part of the area. Around the main road, architectural spaces. It can be observed that the building height by the river is relatively low, only a small amount of penetration axis forms which has a good visual access effect. a connection with the architectural space, and there is a small amount of green infiltration in the interior of the architectural environment. In the The quality of the finishing buildings in the area is design, consideration should be given to adding relatively good, but there are two buildings in the some open spaces inside the building to realize the southern and western part of the area that can be overall connection between the interior and the of lower quality. It is recommended to consider the exterior of the space. use of building functions. Building heights
Heights of the buildings
Analysis of buildings condition
Building characteristics own elaborations
Parking space analysis: Study and sections We can directly see from this map that there are lots of parking space in Vimodrone. Besides centralized parking lots, many streets are occpuied by parking space alongside the street, which means less space for walk and stay. It can also be recognized that there are no separate bike lane in this area. When having a look at the street view of Vimodrone, we define four kinds of typical sections.
a very popular variation on the perimeter block typology in affordable housing projects in Milan. Most secondary streets in Vimodrone have the form of typical section 2, both for car and for walk. The best situation of this type is to have sidewalk just outside commercial shops on the first floor. Unfortunately, we see many streets lack of friendly environment for pedestrians.
Some wider streets have the space for parking along Typical section 1 shows the existence of main the street. Typical section 3 shows one good example road(greenbelt in the center make a good of this kind of street for it has safe pedestrain area functional division) as well as the balcony, which and green park on the other side of the street. is important especially when most people’s relationship with the cities, neighborhoods and The last kind of typical section tells us something streets in which they live has been changed by about the environment alongside the Martesana. the COVID-19 pandemic.You may have seen the There is safe pedestrian area and cycling videos of residents singing on their balconies in environment but there is few place for people Italy and the ‘Case a Ballatoio’ (Balcony Houses) to stay. Physical barriers make the place lack of or ‘Case a Ringhiera’ (Railing Houses) has been interaction and vitality.
On this page Sections parking space analysis, own elaborations
Services As for the services found in the study area, we can identify that most of them are concentrated in the centre of the area, with social facilities such as the elderly rest residence and several churches, as well as social services, we can find two police stations, one to the north and one to the south of the area.
We also have the presence of the community hall within this area. In terms of health facilities we can identify 2 public clinics and a few private clinics, as well as pharmacies that serve during the work week.
The different education facilities present are classified as kindergarten and elementary schools, but there is a lack of secondary schools or study spaces, or workshops for young people, who currently only have a municipal library that does not open on weekends. Finally we have the presence of several sport public facilities that have limited opening hours in the mornings and afternoons and public squares and gardens that are mostly accessible all day.
In conclusion, we can determine that in spite of having the area supplied with different services, it is necessary to review the variety of these services and the different opening hours, which are open in the mornings and afternoons and in many cases closed on weekends.
Services urban welfare, Portale Open Data_Comune di Milano
Public facilities and space composition
The figure introduces the distribution of public infrastructure in certain areas and summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of some public facilities. Bright yellow means there are some public facilities, and dark yellow means some are inadequate. According to different attributes, the space facilities are divided into squares, sidewalks, parks, green spaces, bicycle lanes, etc., and these facilities are analyzed in detail below.
Playground There are two or three playground spaces, but the nature of the activity is relatively single. The opening hours of sports venues are restricted, and residents and tourists have a small choice of space. Lack of linkage with the surrounding environment, the layout of the venue cannot attract a certain number of people.
Bikeway Merchants have set up some rest chairs and tables beside the bicycle lanes, and provided shared bicycles, which is very convenient for commuters, but the utilization rate of some bicycle lanes is very low, and the bicycle system lacks overall continuity. There is a lack of bicycle roads within the area, and some related bicycle road supporting facilities are lacking. On some roads, there is the problem of motor vehicles occupying bicycle lanes, which has a serious impact on bicycle roads.
Sidewalks Sidewalks are usually used for walking, but sometimes people will chat, wait for traffic lights and rest. Some rest facilities are particularly suitable for use in busy areas. However, the crosswalk space on some roads is often occupied by motor vehicles parked on the side of the road,
which reduces the space on the sidewalk. And the pedestrian streets in some major areas lack related infrastructure
Park There are a certain number of parks, but some parks have fewer activities and facilities and are not very accessible. The opening hours of some parks are also restricted and cannot provide convenient service hours for surrounding residents. There are a certain number of parks that are not very linked to the surrounding area.
Green space Some functions of the green space are relatively simple. They can only place green plants, sculptures, etc., and cannot provide a good living space for people. The distribution of green space is uneven, and there is a lack of green space in the southeast of the base. The utilization rate of the green space in the south is relatively low compared to other green spaces, so we should consider strengthening the connection between the green space and the park square
Square Except for a few tourists who take pictures in the square, most residents will rest in the square, but there are fewer types of internal activities, and some infrastructure is not perfect, lack of drinking water point charging services, etc.
Commercial offer “Commercial development, made up of retail and service uses, serves numerous purposes. It provides local and regional goods and services, provides employment for many citizens and contributes to the health, diversity and vitality of the local economy. It also plays a key role in both shaping the form of the city and defining public spaces.” (City of Winnipeg, 2011, p.100).
jewelries, florists etc.). Even though most of the shops in the area are comprised in the second category, it can be observed a good level of diversity in all the area. Moreover, it is important to highlight that none of the mapped stores (with the exception of the supermarket on the South) are part of a national or global commercial chains.
Thus, commerce is a relevant aspects when dealing with the creation of a 15-minutes city, the strengthening of the local communities and the promotion of local economy. The analysis of commerce in Vimodrone’s 15 MC to be, took into consideration various aspects: distribution, typology, opening hours.
These two elements make the commerce in Vimodrone very lively and suitable for a 15-minutes city program. program In fact, nowadays the citizens can already find most of the necessary shops into the study-area. However, it must be observed that few of these shops are present on social network, this is an aspect that, if improved, could enlarge much the number of possible costumers.
The distribution of commerce shows some relevant patterns within the study area. First of all, we can observe two main axis: the NorthSouth historical axis (1) (constituted by via San Remigio, piazza Vittorio Veneto, via IV Novembre) that, thanks to its pedestrian-friendly environment and central position, represent the main shopping street of Vimodrone; and the East-West axis (2) (strada Padana Superiore) that, accessibility, attracts not only thanks to its high accessibility local but also metropolitan costumers. Secondly, there can be seen other areas with a high level of commercial concentration: via dei Mille (3), via XI Febbraio (4), via Sant’Anna (5) (particularly the area comprised between via Piave and via Poverello d’Assisi), via Antonio Gramsci (6) and via Piave (7) (the area comprised between via Turati and via San Grato). The analysis highlights that, even though the historic center of Vimodrone presents a good commerce distribution, there are still some areas which do not have access to any type or to very few shops shops. This is the case of the Northern (over the railroad) and the Southern (below via Padana Superiore) part of the study area. typology. The analysis The second aspect is typology considers three main typologies: food-related activities (food groceries and food catering), services (banks, laundry services, real estate agencies, insurance companies, travel agencies, newsstands, tobacco shops, typographies etc.) and shopping (clothes shops, furniture shops, 36
The third aspect that has been taken into hours this is a very a consideration is opening hours: useful information to understand the chronogegraphy of commerce in the study area. The first ow number thing that must be observed, is the low of shops that are open on Sunday Sunday. The majority of the retailers in Vimodrone decide to close on Sunday, this has a general negative impact on the livelihood of the commercial areas and impacts also those shops which, instead, remain open. Moreover, the analysis about the opening hours of shops, shows three similar but still different patterns: ood-related shops 1. although the graph of food-related shows two peak hours, the distribution is much more even than the one of the other two categories. Moreover, this is the typology of commerce that shows the longest opening time, going from early morning to late night . However, the activities open at night are still very few. 2. the opening hour of services is generally slots morning and divided into two slots: afternoon. However, there are many shops open all day. 3. shopping shows very well defined morning and afternoon time slots slots. On the next page: Commerce distribution,
Mobility and walkability Pedestrian area Undoubtedly, mobility and walkability are some of the main indicators when studying the typology of 15M neighborhoods. In the Vimodrone area, we have identified a low level of walkability despite having a small scale and all services relatively close to the built-up area. This is due to the low quality of the pedestrian areas present, these areas do not generate safety to pedestrians, directly influencing the vitality and appropriation of space by pedestrians - inhabitants. Regarding the pedestrian area, we have several typologies such as narrow and wide spaces or
sidewalks, and in other cases we do not even have sidewalks but painted lines on the ground. Most of the pedestrian areas are narrow, followed by larger areas and spaces without sidewalks, mostly in the north and south zones, in the central zone we find mainly areas without sidewalks, only with painted lines that indicate the spaces dedicated to pedestrians, here is where we can appreciate more preference to the automobile. In conclusion, the walkability of the area is compromised by the lack of quality and safety with respect to the roadway of the cars in the pedestrian areas and the lack of sidewalks.
Sidewalk width
To know more about the effective level of walkability within the study area, it has been conducted an analysis about the presence and the dimension of the sidewalks. sidewalks The sidewalks, were present, have been categorized according to 5 ranges of width that take into consideration both the limited defined by the Italian law and the dimension needed to allow social distancing during the covid period: 1. the sidewalks which width is less than 0,9 meters – the standard minimum dimension to allow a wheelchair or a stroller to pass – have been considered as very unsafe, unsafe 2. the sidewalks which width ranges from 0,9 to 1,5 meters – the minimum dimension defined by the Italian law – have been considered as unsafe unsafe, 3. the sidewalks which width ranges from 1,5 to 2,4 meters – the minimum dimension to allow two people to walk on the same pavement respecting the social distancing (1m) – have been considered acceptable, acceptable 4. the sidewalks which width ranges from 2,4 to 3,3 meters – the minimum dimension to allow three people to walk on the same pavement respecting the social distancing (1m) – have been considered safe safe, 5. the sidewalks which width is more than 3,3 meters are considered very safe safe. o In the study area most of the sidewalk (56,7%) do not respect the standard defined by law law, hence, they do not provide an adequate level of safety for pedestrians and, in many cases, they limit the accessibility to some parts of the cities to large sections of population (people on wheelchair, parents with strollers, people with walking difficulties). Moreover, it must be said that some streets (as via Sant’Anna-via Fiume) do not have a sidewalk at all all. It is thus necessary to work on the issue of sidewalks to implement a 15-minutes city project, to promote pedestrian mobility and guarantee safety for all the street users.
Social-political asset The principal actors When analyzing an urban context, getting to know its organizational structures, its actors and its social asset is as important as knowing the morphological characteristics of it. Vimodrone is a Municipality of Milan’s hinterland, hence it is subject to the authority of Città Metropolitana di Milano and Regione Lombardia. Moreover, it has signed three important intermunicipal agreements that, in different ways, influence the political structure of the Municipality: 1. Centrale Unica di Committenza (Unified Central Purchasing Body). In 2020, the Municipalities of Vimodrone, Cassina de’ Pecchi and Rodano signed an agreement about the unified management of acquisition of works, goods and services. Vimodrone is the leader institution. 2. PLIS east delle Cave: an agreement for the coordinate management of the supramunicipal park “Le Cave” that is shared between Brugherio (MB), Carugate (MI), Cernusco sul Naviglio - lead institution (MI), Cologno Monzese (MI) and Vimodrone (MI). Vimodrone’s mayor is the new president of the Park institution (since November 2020). 3. Social District East Milan: an intermunicipal integrated system for social services intervention constituted by the Municiaplities of Pioltello, Rodano, Segrate and Vimodrone. Furthermore, Vimodrone has strong political and identity links with the Municipalities of “Martesana area” such as: Segrate, Cologno Monzese, Cernusco sul Naviglio, Carugate, Bussero, Cassina de’ Pecchi, Pessano Con Bornago, Cambiago and Gessate. Perhaps, the most relevant shared project is Spazio Giovani Martesana. Moreover, the city has a very active third sector constituted by many associations and organizations of different type, that work to improve the quality of life in Vimodrone or to provide services to the population. The most interesting projects promoted by these associations are: “coltivAZIONE”, “Orientamento al Futuro” – both directed towards young people – and “La Biblioteca a Casa Tua” that will be better analyzed in the next pages. 42
The actors of the economic sector, on the contrary, do not seem so many and so active. Two are the commercial associations that area present in the Official Vimodrone’s Association Register (As. Com.Art and Unione Commercianti), however they do not have any website or social media page, and they have not organized or promoted any relevant project in the last years. Nevertheless, two very interesting realities have been found in the Municipality: Azienda Agricola Terra Terra and GASP. The lack of cohesion and proactivity of the retailers of the city is a relevant issue to be tackled to promote a future project. Lastly, Vimodrone has a high number of associations dedicated to socio-cultural or sport activities and contribute to the promotion of the city, to its livability and to the quality of the life of its resident. The high number of associations (the ones showed in the next pages are only the most relevant ones in the area) shows the attention that Vimodrone’s citizens have towards their city, however the few number of initiatives make us believe that they still do not have the coordination and organizational capabilities to develop more ambitious projects. In conclusion, Vimdrone has an high human capital in term of associations and organizations, however the scares cooperation between actors reduced their ability to impact on their context. Promoting cooperation and building a shared future vision for the Municipality is a key aspect to enable those actors and promote their active participation in the life of the city.
SWOT Analysis nearby municipalities, the high level of vehicular connectivity. As well as the presence of agricultural areas, active citizenry, variety of retail and a low unemployment rate. Regarding opportunities in the area, we have the Martesana, which is now not enhanced, there is also the presence of public green In a first instance, we noticed that some of the areas that can offer a variety of activities for new strengths of Vimodrone are the compactness of the users and the proximity of stores to residential built-up systems, the presence of the Green Line areas, which have good accessibility and a low or M2 underground line connecting the area to housing cost. Based on the analyses carried out in the study area, we have been able to determine a SWOT, to understand Vimodrone’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, to know what the Municipality has to offer and what we, as planners, can work on to ameliorate and empower.
Among the weaknesses and threats, we can highlight the most important like the low walkability in the area and disconnected cycling routes in the center towards the rest of the neighborhoods. Other main weaknesses are the limited opening hours of services and retail and the large number of abandoned stores that are now vacant in the center as well as the threat of an aging population, commuting phenomenon, and high reliance on car mobility.
All these conclusions are spatialized on the map below, we can observe the different areas of public space that can be improved, as well as the parking lots that now occupy an important space that has potential to generate hybrid uses that benefit the inhabitants, in the central area we can observe the various vacant commercial spaces that are scattered in the residential area, where it is very necessary to meet the daily needs of the inhabitants of Vimodrone.
Swot Map
PART 3: Proposal
Introduction Why working for and with the local community? The vision of the project is to recover and strengthen the local community working on three vertical main topic (defined as pillars) which are Services & Commerce, Mobility and Requalification and two main horizontal dimensions of interventions: space and time. According to Wikipedia – that proposes a commonly shared as well as easily understandable definition of the concept – a local community is “a group of interacting people living in a common location. The word is often used to refer to a group that is organized around common values and is attributed with social cohesion within a shared geographical location, generally in social units larger than a household. The word “community” is derived from the Old French communauté which is derived from the Latin communitas (cum, “with/together” + munus, “gift”), a broad term for fellowship or organized society.” The concept of community and, in particular, the one of local community is complex, not easily definable and, at a later time, not simple to be addressed by a project. However, building a strong and dynamic local community is necessary to give life to a 15-minute city and, in general terms, to create the conditions for a liveable city. Thus, the effort of the project is, first of all, to understand what a community is and what the concept of local community means in the context of Vimodrone, and secondly to promote the enhancement of Vimodrone’s community through very different interventions working on the physical space of the City as well as on the times and schedules of its services and facilities.
But why would be significant to strengthen local communities in order to bring about a 15MC? According to Carlos Moreno (2021) a 15-minutes city can be sustainable only if it is just, viable and liveable at the same time. This means generating an urban model able to create value through the convergence of three components: the environmental, the social and the economic one. Moreover, the 15-minutes city is a model for reconnecting people to their locality, bringing activities into the neighbourhoods (not people to activities), restoring the concept of proximity. 15MC aims to engaging an inclusive approach to planning in order to achieve socially sustainable urban environments. Thus, a sustainable community is an important feature that should be built through equal access to facilities and opportunities, local social interaction, participation in local community activities, community stability, pride of place, sense of belonging and feeling safe and secure. ((Pozoukidou & Chatziyiannaki, 2021) In short, a 15-minutes city is a place which environment enhances opportunities for residents to interact and built connections and a sense of familiarity. Vimodrone’s local community Historically, Vimodrone has always been strictly linked with the agricultural production that took place in the territory and shaped it (particularly Naviglio Martesana is one of the main territorial assets of the area). Agriculture, that represented an important economic revenue, also helped shaping the identity of the city and the community: rural houses and courtyards represented, in fact, almost autonomous communities structuring the organization of the territory and society and defining its boundaries.
With the expansion of the historic centre, these buildings have been gradually integrated into a continuous built-up system. In particular, after the IIWW and during the so-called economic boom a very rapid and radical territorial evolution took place and heavily changed the structure of the territory. Vimodrone went from being an agricultural area – which assets were the main access road, the agricultural rural houses and the canals – to being theatre of periurban and industrial expansion that ultimately convinced many farmers to leave their terrains. In the 60s, the introduction of the metropolitan railways brought a new major change in the physical, but also social, structure of the area. Being so close and, most importantly, so connected with Milan – not only with public transport systems but also thanks to very relevant street connections – is a major feature that had a very relevant impact on the Vimodrone since these days. The high level of accessibility, together with the lower cost of life compared with Milan, made the city the perfect place for working families to live. Today, Vimodrone is characterized some key elements: its previously-mentioned accessibility that creates the conditions for a very relevant commuting phenomenon, the presence of medium-sized families, the very consistent aging of population (and the related risk of isolation), a good level of wealth and a generally positive environmental quality and services provision. However, the city seems not to present many spaces and occasions for people to meet and built a sense of community: public spaces and services are often fenced or poorly accessible by some categories because of their localization or time schedules, green areas are almost lacking activities, Martesana itself – one of the most important historic and identity elements of the city – is not as valorised as it could be. Moreover, associations and organization, even if present, do not seem to collaborate much as well.
pillars (strategic topics that influence the everyday life of Vimodrone’s residents and users) and with two dimensions to give life to an urban system able to offer more activities and facilities to inhabitants and to work on different times to meet the needs of different types of users. The Three Pillars The concept of local community is very difficult to be tackled directly, hence the project aims at reaching its goal of strengthening local community working on some key issues, the above-mentioned three pillars, that together define the organization of the work time and, most importantly, the free time of Vimodrone’s inhabitants. Those themes are: Services & Commerce. This pillar focuses on guaranteeing an equal access to commercial and public facilities to everyone working the way they are provided and the place those are located. Mobility. Mobility and accessibility are two key issues in the definition of a 15MC: the project aims at promoting more sustainable ways of mobility both promoting the existing services and creating support transport system that can promote intermodailty and can guarantee fair access to all daily-need activities in and outside Vimodrone. Requalification. This pillar will focus on the valorisation of the existing public spaces as a place for people to meet and built relations and a sense of community. The project will add new function to existing spaces to attract new users and promote a continuous use of the spaces by different populations.
In order to reverse this process, our project proposes different interventions that works on 3
Services & Commerce “Commercial development, made up of retail and service uses, serves numerous purposes. It provides local and regional goods and services, provides employment for many Winnipeggers and contributes to the health, diversity and vitality of the local economy. It also plays a key role in both shaping the form of the city and defining public spaces. These combined factors suggest that commercial development is integral to the creation of complete communities.” (City of Winnipeg, 2011, p.100) According to this quote, commerce has not only an economic role, but it also helps creating vitality and diversity in the local community. Acknowledging this, means understanding the central role that retail has both for the definition and implementation of a 15MC, and for the strengthening of the local community. However, the recent trends of online shopping, accelerated by the covid pandemic and the consequent lockdown, put new threads to this sector. In order to overcome this challenge, shops and commercial activities in the future must broaden their scope, and opening up to new possibilities and approaches and being more flexible and attentive to the needs of costumers.
• attention to the new and constantly-changing needs of the community, adapting the commercial offer to the needs in terms of time and services (promoting online shopping, home delivery etc.) Similarly, services play a crucial role in achieving and maintaining a general good quality of life. In order to guarantee equal access to those services and reduce inequalities, it is necessary for the Municipality of Vimodrone to solve some issues. In fact, Vimodrone presents a good level and variety of services, however there are two main problems that worsen their accessibility: the first one is their localisation, it could be observed that almost all public services are located in the very central part of the city with the risk of marginalization of those who live away from them, and the second one is, as for commerce, their opening time, again here it can be observed a mismatch between the time schedules of public services and the time availability of inhabitants. These two issues combined, represent a very important challenge for both the creation of a 15-minute city and the strengthening of the local community of Vimodrone.
Because of the abovementioned trends and challenges, our project proposes and approach based on: • collaboration between retailers in order to be able, together, to address more efficiently the challenge, • promotion of local economic system through events and activities to inform citizens about the novelties introduced by the project, • diversification and hybridization of the commercial offer, helping citizens to carry out multiple activities in the same places,
Mobility “The 15-minute city is defined by its ability to provide access to all human needs by walking or bicycling for a quarter hour or less.” (Duany, 2021) This very concise definition of the general scope of a 15MC is very helpful to understand why mobility is a relevant issue to tackle. The 15-minute city is not only about the ability to walk of bike, but also about the quality of the pedestrian or cycling experience. Since Vimodrone’s city centre was built before the proliferation of car mobility, its overall urban structure was already meant to be a 15MC. Nevertheless, the shift from a local, agriculturalbased economy, towards a secondary and then tertiary economy, together with the intensification of the commuting phenomenon denatured this urban structure causing problems not only to the mobility system, but also to the local community of the city.
• work on the relationship between car and other forms of mobility, reducing the imbalance and providing more and better spaces for people to move and meet and promoting sustainable mobility in different, coordinated and integrated forms, • work on the services (lato sensu) provision and accessibility operating on their localization, time schedules and promoting new forms of usage (e.g. online). Moreover, the diffusion of remote working could mitigate the abovementioned issues. However, working on this dimension in the project might be difficult. In fact, the share of remote working, does not only depend on workers’ will and on the preparedness in terms of digital infrastructures of the territories, but also on the intentions and interests of the employers, which is an information that we were not able to collect. Requalification
In fact, the commuting phenomenon has affected the local community on two main ways: the strong car dependency has pushed up the share of space dedicated to cars, causing a reduction of the overall quality of life and the safety and attractiveness of slow mobility, the high mobility of resident has transformed Vimodrone into a contemporary “dormitory town” in which services are present, but the mismatch between their time schedules and the ones of commuters make them inaccessible by many people, causing a reduction of their possibilities to access to administrative, recreational and gathering opportunities.
Public space, in the form of streets and squares, where people meet and carry out their dailylife activities, green areas, that “contribute to the reduction of inequalities in health issues by providing access to infrastructure and benefits to all, regardless of social and age groups” (Pozoukidou & Chatziyiannaki, 2021, p.6) and promote “connectivity, recreation, community pride and urban beautification” (City of Winnipeg, 2011, p.104), or very important public social infrastructures like social housing; is fundamental for local communities and the concept of 15MC.
Since it is not possible for a local project to tackle the causes of the commuting phenomenon, since they are linked with supralocal employment trends, the project will work on this dimension indirectly. In particular, we propose to:
As said before, the streets and squares of Vimodrone are mostly dedicated to car parking and traffic, hence they are not walkable (more than 50% of the walkways are under the minimum width) and safe for pedestrian and cycling mobility. This has not only consequences on the attractivity of slow mobility, but also on the overall vitality of the city and its community. For what concerns green spaces, their main weaknesses are the poor accessibility (many of them are fenced and closed during a big part of the day) and their lack of activities. The project will thus work to unlock the unused potential of those spaces. Lastly, Vimodrone hosts a very big social housing that presents many problems from a spatial point of view. The buildings, almost 300-meters long, are
definitely out of scale, surrounded by poor-quality green public space and not permeable at all. This type of space perpetrates the notion of a not welcoming space and thus increases the marginalization and isolation of its inhabitants. This strategy will propose mostly physical actions for these spaces, like adding furniture, requalifying the green areas etc. However, the proposal will also take care of expanding the number of activities that can be done in public spaces, with a particular attention to recreational, sport and gathering opportunities for all social groups.
Two operational dimensions In order to tackle so different aspects, the project will develop actions and interventions based on two operational dimensions: time and space. According to Moreno (2021), the city is a system both polyrhythmic (in which individuals have different social and personal rhythms) and polychronic (in which the uses of space vary according to the hours). Acknowledging this means working that the system we are working on is characterized by time, space, quality of life and sociability being strictly related. Thus, a project of a 15MC must take into consideration not only the intervention on the physical space – which are however very relevant
– but also other intangible factors as times and human relations. Chrono-urbanism is a project approach based on the integration of the time dimension in the planning of the city to combine places, motion and time, in other world built-up system, flows and hours. To manage working on these different dimensions, the proposal will promote the concept of chronotope which establishes the possibility to use spaces in different ways according to the different times of the day and of the year. The uses diversification benefits people – which dispone of new places to gather and to do various activities – and owners – that are so able to optimize the use of existing spaces.
General Masterplan
Service and retail As said before, services and retail play a central role in the creation of a 15MC as well as in the strengthening of the local community, since they help creating vitality and diversity and achieving a general good quality of life. Consistently with the general approach, the project proposes actions working on both physical interventions and more soft interventions, related to governance, promoting cooperation and pointing towards a better overall time management in order to guarantee equal access to shops and public functions to all inhabitants. For what concerns commerce, the main aim of the overall strategy is to promote new shops in the areas lacking of retail, work towards an optimization of the opening times of existing shops both to boots the night life of the city and to allow the access (particularly to grocery shopping) during a wider range of hours, to develop and promote online-shopping modalities to enable more people to buy local even when physically unable to, to incentivize and support the recovery and reuse of vacant commercial spaces and finally to enhance the identity of the existing commercial street in the city center. For what concerns services, the way we propose to promote their accessibility is, again, working on their physical location as well as on their opening times. The main proposal is to “disseminate” some service points around the study area, each of them having different functions and activities according to the surrounding, the needs of the inhabitants of the area and the resources (material and most importantly, human resources) already present there. For example, the service points along the Martesana, that will be better shown later, are just a sort or resting point offering some services like wifi, phone chargers etc. in line with the needs of the users of those space, differently the service point in the social housing in via Fiume, has a more relevant role as well as more functions and services provided. In fact, that space – inspired by WeMi and Microaree projects - will be the place were residents of the social housing can get in order to get bureaucratic, health and economic help or advise, as well as a place for everyone to meet. Regardless of their
location and specific functions, all the strategic points work towards inclusion and community building. Lastly, it is important to point out the important role that governance and cooperation between both public and private actors plays in this strategy. In fact, it would have been impossible to think about the implementation of such significant interventions, without the economic contribution, political support, and the knowledge and human assist of very different actors that all together do not only make the project feasible, but also contribute into making it widely shared and accepted. The specificities of the forms of governance, the economic support and the forms and ways of implementation of this and the other strategies will be tackled later only for some specific strategic spaces that will be better explained later
Within the strategies of services and retail, we can identify the different actions to be applied as well as the targeted users and the new activities to be developed as part of the services of the proposal. Among the actions we can see in the diagrams the main ones such as the enhancement of the commercial street, the creation of service points, the promotion of vitality in the areas that lack stores as well as the extension of the opening hours, the implementation of online services/ stores and the relocation of the open-air market, which aim to meet the needs of all users of Vimodrone, from the youngest to the elderly, thus generating a greater sense of community through the implementation of new activities that will create greater vitality and spatial appropriation by its inhabitants.
Users - Activities
On this page Retail/Services Actions diagrams Users - new activities
Mobility Mobility plays a central role in the definition and implementation of a 15MC. In particular, mobility has a crucial function in Vimodrone, since it deals with the sensitive relationship between living local and working outside the city that many resident and worker of Vimodrone experience everyday.
collective transport is able to move more people at the same time, thus reducing the space needed, for example, for parking. This can help transforming a lot of surfaces that now are used as parking lots into some new functions, at least in some part of the day or week.
The overall goal of this strategy is supporting and promoting sustainable mobility through intermodailty. Working in this direction, allows the city to get to multiple objectives that ultimately can bring to the strengthening and conservation of the local community.
In order to promote sustainable mobility, the project proposes some push actions, aimed at disincentivizing car mobility, together with some pull ones, to promote new forms of moving, like walking, cycling and collective transport. The main push action is the definition of a “flexible street system” that will give more space to pedestrians, this way increasing the travel time of cars in the city. As push actions, we can name many of them: first, the “flexible street system” will give more space and safety for people to move by feet of bike, then the new mobility systems (call-busses, bike and scooter sharing) can provide more opportunities for everybody and, lastly, the creation of a new intermodal station and an unique ticket system will make public transport more comfortable and attractive for many.
Firstly, we deeply believe that working towards sustainable mobility is mandatory in order to enhance and preserve environmental quality, both on a global and on a local scale. Promoting new ways of moving and thus reducing the car-dependency of the city, will free a good share of surfaces that can be transformed into new uses and contribute to a general better urban environmental quality and a better safety for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as creating new spaces for people to meet and gather. Secondly, the project aims at guaranteeing equal access to the main services and functions to everybody (nowadays, residents which live in peripherical areas and do not have a private vehicle might find it difficult to reach the city center, where most shops and public services are located), reducing inequalities. Thus, creating new transport services is not only a way to connect places, but most importantly to connect people and increase their opportunities and quality of life. Lastly, promoting intermodailty is a good way to promote optimization both of spaces and times. Reducing the number of vehicles circulating in the city and in the metropolitan area (working on the modal distribution of trips and moving some people from car to public transport) can definitely reduce the traffic, simultaneously reducing the travel time of commuters. On the other hand,
The specificities of the forms of governance, the economic support and the forms and ways of implementation of this and the other strategies will be tackled later only for some specific strategic spaces that will be better explained later.
Vimocard: to provide access the new mobility system in the area.
Requalification This part adopts two different levels of strategies, the whole part and the detail part, to improve the environmental quality and accessibility of public space. On the whole, it is coordinated with commercial service facilities and transportation to form a systematic development mode. According to the principle of economy and mixed development, the space quality environment is updated. Specific operations, such as adding some green space facilities inside the square, forming a complete green system with the surrounding green space environment, adding some urban furniture and some basic service facilities of public space, adding rest areas close to trees, shading and rest functions, can improve the quality of the surrounding environment. In this way, we can improve the mixing of peripheral functions and give multiple functions to the same space, which can not only improve the utilization rate of public space, but also make it more vivid and dynamic. In addition, we should reopen and use some green space with low utilization rate, and update some green space functions to make it used again. And consider the comfort of some surrounding facilities, so that the internal greening and street greening organic integration; We should build a green leisure belt with multiple functions, increase public facilities and accommodate various activities; Pay attention to the details, combined with the microclimate, build a harmonious and unified linear public space of planting height, color and plant collocation, and build a comfortable green space. In some places where there is a lack of sports facilities, different sports facilities should be added according to the needs of different groups of people, and some activities should be held regularly in some public places to improve the internal activity. In addition, various facilities should be placed intensively, and the width of motorway should be narrowed appropriately to release more walking space and increase public facilities. Around the river, make full use of the river and space environment resources to form the infiltration of the whole landscape. Make full use of the existing space base, build a more open and inclusive
waterfront slow greenway, form a circular waterfront space corridor, and tap the potential space resources, create waterfront space nodes, and enrich the waterfront slow travel experience. In terms of social housing, it can be divided into two parts to improve and strengthen the construction system. Outside, to strengthen the architectural space and external environment, we can add some path and landscape sketch to improve the connection with the overall space. And improve the utilization rate of green space around and expand the service radius of some green space. Some business and cultural activities will be held regularly in the surrounding areas to increase community activity. Internally, the company will update and utilize some idle space, increase some basic commercial service facilities, and meet the needs of business service radius. In the facade of the building, some flexible plates are added to connect some building space to form a larger open space. Because of the complexity of public space and the dynamic and flexibility of the renewal process, we should advocate the process and gradual updating mode, not pursue one step in place, adopt a number of strategies and adjust them in time as the situation changes. The long-term goals are divided into small goals that can be implemented in each stage and can achieve multi participation, and the implementation plan is formulated and space implementation is carried out in stages.
The four strategic spaces As previously discussed, the project aims at recovering and enhancing Vimodrone local community, working on three pillar themes (Services and Retail, Mobility and Requalification) and two operational dimensions (space and time). For each one of the pillars, the project defines some actions to implement in order to get to the final objective. However, delineating a “list” of possible good practices is not enough to structure and, most importantly, carry out a project. In fact, it is crucial to define priorities, scenarios and an overall governance framework for the project. In order to do this, and to develop a coherent and feasible strategy, we defined some areas that, for various reasons that we will explain in the next paragraphs, are strategic to trigger the change in the study area. In general terms, the reason why an area is defined as strategic space is because it is a place where a large number of different foreseen actions get together and influence each other. Thus, the result is not cumulative, but on the contrary the effect of the implementation of the project will give life to a exponential change and a continuous interaction between different actions, actors and users. Moreover, focusing on only some specific areas, gave us the possibility to go more in depth on the definition of the ways of implementation, taking into consideration the technical, economical feasibility as well as the forms of governance and the consensus-building among stakeholders. The first strategic space we defined is the Commercial System of via San Remigio and piazza dell’Accoglienza. That area is characterized by the presence of a high number of shops, cafes and restaurants, the main square and the church. On the other hand, via San Remigio is, although its very small section, a vehicular street and this
reduced the possibilities for people to move, meet and shopping safely (particularly during the weekends). Moreover, the square because of the lack of activities and places to stay and rest, is used way under its real potentiality. Thus, the goal of the actions on the first strategic space is to improve and make the area more livable, particularly because of its very important role in the collective imaginary of the city and its inhabitants. The second strategic space is Naviglio Martesana. As we said before, was very influential for the early development of the city and today it is still one of the most characteristic places of the city. However, today the area is missing of a real identity and function and it is almost only a barrier dividing the city in two parts. We deeply believe that a physical requalification of the place can bring many positive effect not only from an environmental, social or health point of view. In fact, the area presents also an important economic potentiality: it can become a place where people (from the whole metropolitan city) meet to drink or eat, especially in the summertime. Thus, the goal of the action is to recover the identity and function of the area to make it better from an economic, social and environmental point of view. The third strategic space we worked on is the Intermodal Station in via Dante, right next to the metro station. Mobility has a very relevant role in our project; one of the way we aim at promoting sustainable mobility is to create an intermodal station to ease the access to all the shared and collective transport systems in order to promote them. However, the intermodal station will work not only as a mobility hub, but it will host a wide range of functions and activities (shops, coworking areas, the open-air market, a new service point) in order to make it attractive for different users.
The goal of the action is to transform the parking area of the metro station from a just-passingthough space, into a place where people go to carry out a large number of activities as well as a place where people get together. The last strategic space is the Social Housing West Area, this one is, perhaps, the most delicate one. The area is characterized by the presence of two very big buildings, that are out of scale compared with the surrounding, and by being very isolated from the rest of the city. Working in this area is a priority since it is not possible to strengthen the local community and give life to a 15MC if the area present such spatial, social and economic inequalities. Thus, the goal of this action is to enhance not only the physical quality of the public housing (with particular attention to the public space), but to better the overall quality of life in the area to reduce stigma and isolation, promoting requalification of public space, together with the carrying out of activities to offer more opportunities to residents and ultimately empower them.
General Budget
The Four Strategic Spaces
Strategic space 1: Commercial system
Strategic space 1: Commercial system Regarding the commercial system, we have generated different strategies in order to create a commercial axis in Via San Remigio, which is the main vertical road connecting Vimodrone with the neighboring municipalities. In order to achieve this, we will implement service points (service desk - via XI Febbraio,11) where people will be able to access information about various services, such as babysitting, legal assistance, elderly care, etc. At the same time, we will manage policies to extend the opening hours of stores and services to fulfill the needs of current and potential new users of the area. Within this area we find the central square (Piazza dell’Accoglienza) and the collective space in front of the San Vittorio Church, where new activities will now be offered such as spaces for cultural events, contemplation, relaxation, and outdoor food consumption, taking into consideration the new biosecurity and distancing measures.
As part of the commercial system, we consider it important to create a flexible street system, to make the pedestrian the protagonist of the main streets, introducing a system of call buses to connect the different parking lots in order to reduce the use of private vehicles. All of this in order to increase pedestrian circulation, creating a greater flow and consumption in this commercial axis, where the strategy is to improve the storefronts, giving a new image to this axis of vital importance for Vimodrone.
On this page, top Intervention sketches On this page, bottom Commercial corridor section own elaboration
Budget and timeline This strategic space is characterized by a very relevant commercial identity and role. However, as it can be seen in the previous pages, it also presents some actions related to mobility and the physical requalification of public space. Since the actions are so many and so various, the governance of the implementation and the management of the project, as well as the financing of it, is a quite complex issue, requiring private and public actors to get together. The Municipality plays the most important role for all the actions, being the promoter and the coordinator of the interventions and the financer or co-financer of all of them. However, there are also many private actors involved, among them we must cite Regione Lombardia (which will provide the interventions on the shops facades), Cariplo Foundation (that will finance most of the service points action) and Ministry of Transport and Infrastructures, ATM and PoliMi (that will have a central role in the
implementation of the mobility-related actions). Apart from them, that are the most relevant and economically strong actors, the implementation and management of the project will also count on many local stakeholders, that will play a crucial role in the actual carrying out of the actions in the long-run. Moreover, the Municipality will take care of the involvement and participation of citizens and future users of the area dedicating the participatory budget to the design and implementation of the public space project of piazza dell’Accoglienza. The involvement of local actors as well as residents is in fact very important, not only because we expect them to be the final users of the areas. All the interventions have a cost that goes beyond the implementation cost, in fact it is necessary to evaluate the management and governance of the public and private spaces. Involving the citizenry and the associations in
the care of the places and administration of the services is a way for the Municipality to reduce the costs, as well as a way to create a continuous exchange between actors and with the administration. This interaction will play a crucial role in the strengthening of the local community and in the empowerment of residents. For what concerns the time of the implementation, most of the actions are short term; however, the physical actions on the square and shops will take a good amount of time. In order to reduce the discomfort of the constructions, there will be taken all the cautions to limit noises and other type of negative externalities to people, environment and commercial activities.
In order to evaluate the economic feasibility of the actions, we did a general analysis of the budget needed to implement the actions and, most importantly, we defined the providers of the funds and their importance. It can be observed that the resources come from both public and private actors: this is an element that helps developing a feasible strategy as well as strengthening the relations between stakeholders and promote longterm exchanges, not only on economic terms.
Moreover, the project is expected to generate some economic revenues in terms of attractivity of commercial activities and of earning coming from the activities provided in the service points (courses etc.)
Moreover, the implementation of an online shopping platform will be able to reduce the economic losses that will be generated by the implementation works if correctly implemented before the start of the constructions.
Strategic space 2: The Martesana
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Strategic space 2: The Martesana Naviglio Martesana is seen as an asset and resource of Vimodrone with excellent capacity to enhance local identity and , but now it is far from realizing its full potential since places along the canal are lack of connection, let alone interaction between people and the environment. We hope to activate the riverbank area with subtle interventions and form an inviting urban surface through different actions. For example, add a new footbridge, inviting city residents to watch the sunset and spend quality time together; add service points; add resting furniture; set up a number of temporary installations and etc. The prefabricated ‘kit of parts’ construction methodology can be adapted to ensure cost and maximise onsite construction efficiencies.
In addition, the actions alongside Martesana identifies opportunities for preserving the Canal’s character and ideas for continued collaborations with communities, partner organizations, and governmental agencies. The inclusive process can lead to a shared vision. In the long run, Martesana would be beloved as a peaceful retreat in Vimodrone—a place to enjoy public life both day and night.
EXTEND SHOPS’ OPENING TIME (in the sorrounding areas)
Municipality of Vimodrone
Municipality of Vimodrone
Promoter and coordinator of the action.
Promote and organize and partially finance (together with associations) promotional night events like white nights
Will issue permits (5 years duration) for trade on public space. The selection of retailers will give priority to whose sell quality and local food
StreetFood Association Will help finding interested food truck owners and organizing promotional events
Eatinero Association Will help finding interested food truck owners and organizing promotional events
Youth Center Vimodrone Organization of recreational activities and festivals (especially in the summertime) particularly for young people
Open the debate with retailers about the possibility of extending the opening time of shops in the city center (the action needed will depend on the risult of the discussion)
Unione Commercianti (Confcommercio) Mediate in the discussion between retailers and the Municipality about the possibility of extending the opening time of shops in the city center Participate in the organization of promotional events
Association Gruppo Amici per Vimodrone
Participate in the organization of events and festivals
(Municipal kidergarten Petrarca)
Pro Loco Vimodrone Participate in the organization of promotional events
Kindergarten Director
Organize the action and autorize the presence of garden and the access for users in unusual hours Will decide, together with the Municipality, who to give the space to (for 2 years)
(kiosks with wifi, water, phone chargers et.)
Municipality of Vimodrone Will finance and build the kiosks and take care of the management
Parco Martesana Will cover part of the cost of the kiosks and collaborate in the management
Advertisor Will pay for advertising space on the kiosk. (the gain will help bearing service expences)
Municipality of Vimodrone Owner of the kindergarten Will decide, together with the Director, who to give the space to (for 2 years) Will elaborate the call for tenders for the use of the space for two years and will take care of the administrative organization
TerraTerra Farm Will provide for equipment and courses for people (paid by the Municipality)
Entrusted people Will take care of the management of the school garden
Municipality of Vimodrone
Municipality of Vimodrone
Promoter and coordinator of the action
Promoter and coordinator of the action
Will design the path and will manage the project implementation
Will implement the action and finance the management
Will take care of long-term management
Parco Martesana
Regione Lombardia
Will finance the implementation
Will insert the project into Regional Cycling Mobility Plan
Vivai Cazzaniga
Will finance the project
A.S.D. VimoBici Will be involved into the design of the project
ADD A FOOTBRIDGE ON THE MARTESANA Municipality of Vimodrone Promoter and coordinator of the action Will finance part of the action Will design the path and will manage the project implementation Will take care of long-term management
Regione Lombardia Will finance part of the project
Parco Martesana Will cover part of the cost of the project and will collaborate in the management
The garden center, located in Vimodrone, will sponsor the action providingsome plants for free
G.I.S.A. consortium The consortium, located in Vimodrone, will take care of the extraordinary manteinance of the green areas (e.g. pruning)
Association Amici della Martesana Will take care of the ordinary manteinance of the green areas (getting an expense account by the Municipality)
ENHANCE PUBLIC SPACE (Naviglio Martesana)
Municipality of Vimodrone Promoter and coordinator of the action Will purchase the furniture and finance the implementation of the intervention Will secure the unused green areas and allow their use
Municipality of Vimodrone Promoter and coordinator of the action Will organize a call for ideas among citizens for the design of the activity area and will dedicate part of the city budget to the action
Budget and timeline The second strategic space, Naviglio Martesana, is particularly focused on actions regarding the regeneration of the spatial and environmental quality of the area. However, in order to recover the identity of the area and transform the Naviglio in a central place for the local community, requalifying the public space is not enough, it is necessary to make it more attractive for different users throughout the day and week. Differently from the previous strategic space, in this case the involved actors are generally all locally-based and with less supralocal importance and budget. In fact, since the main objective of the action is to transform the Martesana into a lively place where people can do a variety of actions and enjoy their time on the open air, it is important to give life to a project involving the higher number of different actors, each of them contributing with their point of view and their economic, human
and knowledge resource. Again, the Municipality will be the coordinator of all the actions and it will finance most of the physical actions on the area (purchase of furniture, creation of kiosks etc.). The other involved actors vary in their importance and sphere of interest, there are recreational local associations (like MoVi or Proloco), supralocal environmental bodies (like Parco Martesana), sport associations (like A.S.D VimoBici) and also local commercial activities (Vivai Cazzaniga and G.I.S.A. Consortium). Thus, the implementation of the actions will not only bring direct positive effects, but also indirect ones due to the creation or strengthening of relations of different realities that, for very different reasons, whether social, economic or environmental, are interested in investing and participating to the city life of Vimodrone.
Moreover, the action will not be limited only to the banks of the river, on the contrary the project will be the chance to work on some public areas that at the moment are working under their potential, as the parking areas (that can have different functions according to the actual need of the city) or the kindergarten Petrarca (which spaces can be also used for other purposes after the school closing time). The implementation time of the action will be short and medium-term. However, the definition of the intervention priorities will ensure that the area will be more attractive and livable way before the implementation of all the actions. Moreover, the incremental implementation of the project will also give the opportunity to the Municipality (which plays the role of coordinator) to evaluate the effective effects of the project and to change or correct it if needed.
In order to evaluate the economic feasibility of the actions, we did a general analysis of the budget needed to implement the actions and, most importantly, we defined the providers of the funds and their importance. The funding will come from different actors, both private and public. In particular this action will count on the economic revenues guaranteed by the advertising spaces that will be created in the kiosks and that, thanks to the new image of the area, can become very attractive for advertisers.
Strategic space 3: Intermodal Station
Strategic space 3: Intermodal Station Mobility has a very relevant role in the strengthening of the local community, particularly when, like in Vimodrone, the commuting phenomenon is relevant. The final goal is to transform this area, that at the moment is a surface parking lot, characterized by a poor quality and lack of functionality in a place where it is possible to find a variety of transport modalities as well as services, coworking areas, shops and restaurants and the open-air market. Since the creation of an underground parking is a quite expensive action, it will require the economic collaboration of different actors, both public and private, that can get in return a pay-back in terms of positive reputation (nowadays, the issue of sustainability and environmental protection is very popular), as well as in economic terms, thanks to the creation of new commercial areas.
The creation of the Intermodal Station does not end with physical intervention of the square, but also comprises the relocation of the open-air market (that is currently in a very poor quality space) that can bring new users to the area, and the creation of information campaigns to involve citizens in the project and built a new, positive image for the area. In the next pages, it will be shown the physical project for the area, as well as the actions needed to get to the results, the involved actors and their role and the times and costs of implementation.
On this page, top Intervention Sketches On this page, bottom Intermodal station section own elaboration
Budget and timeline The third strategic space, Intermodal Station, is obviously focused on the pillar of mobility. However, since it is not only a mobility hub, it is also relevant the role that services and commerce play as well as the attention given to the requalification of the public space (the square) thanks to the undergrounding of the parking lot. This strategic space is very important for the mobility pillar since it includes most of the pull actions defined by the project in order to reduce the use of car. Moreover, we believe that making the metro station a safe, lively and attractive space for different people during different times of the day, is a good way to promote collective transportation, as well as a measure to ease life for the high number of commuters that in the future will be able to carry out a wide range of daily-life activities right next to the station, optimizing their time.
Both the implementation and the management of the action will require the involvement of not much, but very economically relevant actors. In fact, the interventions will require many funding that will be provided mainly by Cariplo Foundations, ATM, MIT and the Municipality of Vimodrone. The possibility to bring together so many important supralocal actors is also a good opportunity for Vimodrone to gain recognition on the municipal and regional scale, promoting an image of a dynamic city, with an overall good quality of life and services, a good environment and a lively community. “Rebranding” the city thanks to an innovative and experimental approach to mobility is a good way to attract new residents.
Looking at the implementation time, most of the actions are middle or long term. In fact, this space presents a high number of very important infrastructural interventions that will require up to 10 years to be implemented as the undergrounding of the metro parking area and the creation of the building of the intermodal station. Nevertheless, the citizens of Vimodrone will experience the benefits of the action also in the short and middle term, thanks to the implementation of non-physical actions or services, like the creation of an unitary ticket and tariff system and the IT system for parking lots and mobility services, or the implementation of a call-bus and bike and scooter sharing system.
This action, although it might be the most expensive in the short term, is the one expecting to have the bigger payback, thanks to the creation of new commercial areas. Furthermore, the cost of the intervention on the parking lot could be partially balanced by the increased number of paid parking fees that will be generated because of the increased attractivity of the area. Again, the analysis of the source of funding points out that economic actors involved will be both public and private, this is an element that helps developing a feasible strategy as well as strengthening the relations between stakeholders and promote longterm exchanges, not only on economic terms.
Strategic space 4: Social Housing West Area
Strategic space 4: Social Housing West Area Social Housings located in the west of the base. There are some problems such as imperfect matching information and lack of contact with the surrounding environment. We try to use the following strategies to solve the problem Establish a perfect matching mechanism through mobile phones and other platforms Aiming at the problem that the internal information of social housing can not be matched in time, we can solve it by establishing and implementing mobile phone matching system. First of all, the information matching system is established, and relevant information is input according to the needs of their hobbies, such as (can raise a dog,
have a room with an independent toilet), and then matching is carried out. The matching system automatically matches the relevant information according to the needs of the residents. Realize the renewal of rental confidence. Some incentive mechanisms are set up in the matching system. According to the data information platform, we can help each other in daily life, and share and learn different life skills. And provide some real-time feedback mechanism services, for some positive feedback can be given some rent discount and other incentive mechanisms, for some negative feedback can be implemented some additional rent mechanism, to ensure the maintenance of affordable housing living space.
Enhancing accessibility with the surrounding space Improve the unused green space in front of social housing, and add some paths, urban furniture and some infrastructure inside. With the integration of the park in the middle, a larger opening space is formed to serve the surrounding land. And provide some social, commercial and service points in the east of social housing to meet the radiation of a certain service radius of social housing.
commercial activities, cultural activities here, and further improve the function of affordable housing. In the interior of the building, the building is updated to a small extent outside the building, and some flexible plates are formulated.Through the addition of different flexible modules on the facade of the building, the connection between the building space is strengthened
Demolish and update part of the building To make use of the unused garage space of social housing, some can be used as the connecting channel of front and rear housing, which improves the accessibility of the area. And to enrich the use of some space, we can develop some sports activities,
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Budget and timeline The generation of a 15MC and the strengthening of the local community, requires some actions working towards the reduction of spatial, economic and social inequalities. In the city of Vimodrone, the social housing neighborhood of via Fiume is an “incubator” of social marginalization and economic hardship. Solving all the social and economic problems of the area is an overly ambitious challenge for a 15MC project, however the project aims at overcoming some of the issues, working particularly to better the quality of the physical space, increasing the number of activities and opportunities for residents, bettering the connectivity with the city center and promoting shop vitality. Working in this direction is, in our opinion, a good starting point to change the image of the city and make the residents of the area, that right now seem to be quite cut out from the life of the city, fell included and a relevant resource for Vimodrone. In this area, the pillars of Services and Commerce and the one of Requalification plays both a central role.
The action foresees the involvement of many different actors, public, private and third sector ones. The last ones will be particularly relevant for the long-term management of the actions, in fact they will carryout activities and courses dedicated to social-housing residents. Since the housing neighborhood is of public property, the role of the public actors, the Municipality, ALER and Region, is very important: they will coordinate the action and finance it. However, it is necessary to involve the residents for two types of reasons: first of all to understand their actual needs and expectation from the project, and then to build together a bottom-up project that will not only be accepted, but also appreciated. This will also avoid the risk of conflicts or vandalism. Concerning the time, the actions that will take the most to be implemented are: the institution of a service point, the creation of small shops in the ground floor of the building and the building of some passages in the building. However, these action will generate very few negative externalities, with the exception of the last one
of them. Although the long times of implementation, the residents and users of the area will experience the benefits of the action also in the short and middle term, thanks to the requalification of the green public space surrounding the building, the extension of the time schedules of via Fiume school complex and the set up of the call-bus stop that will ease the access to the city center to whom do not own a car or do not want to use it.
In terms of costs, this action is quite expensive and do not generate direct revenues nor in the short and in the long term. However, the implementation of the project for the Strategic Space will generate many benefits, in social terms. In fact, if analyzed under the lenses of the Public Value approach, the project creates a very high public value and contributes to reducing the risk of future social issues.
Final Evaluation of the Project In the introduction of the second part, we mentioned why the study are of Vimodrone was considered to be a could be there 15-minute city, according to the criteria defined by each of the groups. We would like to go back to those criteria, to understand where, how and to which degree the project can be successful in transforming the context into a 15MC. First off, the issue of mobility and walkability. The area presented a mild-good scoring for accessibility (3,5/5), and bad evaluations in soft mobility and perception (both 2/5). In our opinion the project was able to better the scorings for all the three categories; in fact, the implementation of a flexible street system will work to promote soft mobility as well as the perception of the street that will be more lively and safe. Moreover, the creation of the Intermodal Station and new transportation services will increase the overall accessibility of the area.
The evaluations for local identity were quite positive, in fact Vimodrone had mild-good grade in presence of public space (3,5/5) and in density of built-up system (3/5), and a middle-low one for presence of sport and cultural associations (2/5), The project intervened in this issue mainly creating new quality public spaces (above all, we mention the Naviglio Martesana and the Intermodal Station square), and adding new functions to the existing ones, and also promoting the cooperation between existing associations.
For what concerns socio-demographic ocio-demographic profiles profiles, the evaluation for density of people and service was quite good (4/5), social mixite and age composition were average (2,5/5) and the street vitality was quite poor (2/5). Since socio-demographic profiles are generally very stable over the time, we cannot to no more than conjectures about the future trends. We can imagine that the renovate image of the city, together with the new services and leisure time opportunities will increase its attractivity, attracting new residents and so reducing the aging and increasing the social mixite. Lastly, the actions on mobility and commerce will increase the street vitality.
The commerce scoring were generally mild-good. While evaluation of proximity to residential areas was very positive (4,5/5), diversity of commerce, mixed-use and street quality presented an average scoring (2,5/5); moreover, the accessibility of the area collected a quite negative assessment (2/5). Our project works to increase the accessibility, as well as promoting mixed-use of the public space (adding new function to squares and streets to promote a 24-hours use of it), and the quality of the street thanks to the actions on mobility and requalification. Moreover, the diversity of commerce is promoted through the definition of a set of different actions incentivizing the coexistence of different types of activities. On this page, 15MC evaluation criteria own elaboration
According to urban welfare welfare, the situation in Vimodrone was as follows: school provision and cultural facilities and social spaces present an mildgood evaluation (3/5), health service provision has an average scoring (2,5/5), while the better ranked criteria is the one about sport facilities and green (3,5/5). Thanks to the action on the time extension of public services and the requalification and improvement of many public areas, the project is able to de facto ameliorate the provision of cultural facilities, social spaces, green and sport facilities. Moreover, the health service provision is improved thanks to the creation of a system of widespread social points providing social and health services to the inhabitants.
Lastly, production and work presented some general negative evaluations: self-containment was very low (1/5), every-day life services and work places accessibility had a medium scoring (2,5/5) and economic activities mix a mild-good one (3/5). Working to improve the self-containment of the area was pretty complex (although the project will be able to generate many work places), instead the project focused on the increasing of every-day services and economic activities mix to improve the quality of life of commuters, in particular the creation of an Intermodal Station is a way to make those services and activities easily accessible for everyone, particularly for those who work outside the Municipality.
On this page, 15MC evaluation criteria own elaboration
Conclusion The 15-min city is a concept in which daily urban necessities are within a 15-minute reach on foot or by bike. The 15-min city also means a kind of proximity, which calls for a return to a more local and somewhat slower way of life. It could provide a template for how to create stronger local communities and make residents happier. When the pandemic shuttered the city, it showed how important social links are. Through local identity enhancement, we will rediscover our way of living.
In Vimodrone, 15-min city is almost there where almost“everything” (services, retail, associations, good built environment, and canal) exists but does not work well together. Therefore, creating systems and synergies using pillars of commerce/services, mobility, and requalification is the key issue towards the target of 15-min city.
Commerce/service pillar aims at guaranteeing equal access to various kinds of commercial and public facilities to everyone. The mobility pillar focuses on improve walkability, accessibility and encourage people to travel in healthier ways. The requalification pillar promotes continuous use of the spaces. The process of projects themselves, using funding from various streams, can make local people more engaged inhabitants.
Apart from three-pillar themes, the actions and interventions are based on two operational dimensions: time and space. We defined 4 areas (Commercial system, Martesana, intermodal station and social housing west area) to be strategic spaces to trigger the change in Vimodrone. It is shown the physical project for the area, as well as the actions needed, the involved actors and their role, and the times and costs of implementation. The research of governance of the implementation and the management of the project, as well as the financing, is a quite complex issue and makes the feasibility clearer.
The sense of strengthened local community promoted by 15-minute cities may will rework the social fabric and could make people all happier. Through gradual changes, Vimodrone will become a more walkable, liveable, and vibrant neighborhood in the long run and fulfill dynamic social functions: living, working, supplying, caring, learning and enjoying.
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