Introduction As said before, the second part of the work will be focused on the in-depth analysis of the area of Vimodrone, particularly the center-south part. Before getting to the heart of the topic, we would like to spend few words on why did we choose it as study area. According to the general area analysis, there have been defined some criteria to determine whether or not an area was, or was suitable to become, a 15-minute city. The criteria set for each topic are the following ones: • for mobility and walkability: soft mobility, accessibility and perception.
because of the presence of cars. According to the set criteria, the area presents medium-strength local community that can rely on various public spaces and associations. The situation, according to socio-demographic profiles, is less positive: the age composition points out a general aging of the residents, the mixite is very limited and the streets lack of vitality because of the limited space dedicated to pedestrians. For what concerns commerce, the diversity of commerce and the proximity to residential areas are quite good, however the accessibility is very uneven and the street quality is not very good, even in the areas where the density of commerce is higher. The urban welfare seems quite good in Vimodrone, thanks to a good level of schools and health services provision, and the presence of many sport facilities and green area, however the cultural facilities and social spaces seem to be lacking. Lastly, the production and work topic seems to be the most critical: the area lacks of self-containment, economic activities mix and also of many every-day life services.
for local identity: presence of public space, presence of sport and cultural associations, density of the built-up system.
for socio-demographic profiles: the density of people and services, social mixite, age composition and street vitality.
for commerce: diversity of commerce, mixed-use, accessibility, street quality In order to better understand the context and and proximity to residential areas. how to intervene, we analyzed the environmental, socio-demographic, mobility and socio-political for urban welfare: school provision, health characteristics of the area. service provision, sport facilities and green and cultural facilities and social spaces.
for production and work: self-containment, every-day life services, economic activities mix and work places accessibility.
According to these criteria, the area of Vimodrone can be considered as a could be there place. Whit this expression we mean that, although this area is not at the moment a 15-minute city, it presents physical, social or economic features that are a good starting point for the implementation of strategies, policies and actions going in that direction. For what concerns mobility and walkability, although the area has an overall good supralocal accessibility, the area is not very suitable for slow mobility and the general perception is not so good